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    Hello, good afternoon friends,

    in 2019, Alone Mask, the Tesla elector, bought one of the leading supercapacitor companies, namely Maxwell Technological, but a year later Ellen Mas sold the Technological Maxwell to Uqab Power but there is something quite interesting because Ellen Mas still maintains cell technology. dry not to be sold to Oka power but still used by Tesla to improve the quality and capacity of this supercapacitor battery, the material or component is quite interesting, even the elements themselves take PSD about supercapacitors because this component is very promising for energy storage in the future but until now there is hope for supercapacitors  to replace lithium batteries as energy storage for vehicles, keep or energy stored, it still can't take over completely, but there is potential in the future that this supercapacitor will improve the quality and storage power of its energy, there are several things What we have to note is that this supercapacitor with this lithium battery is something very different both the components in it and the way it works.

Supercapacitors, Really Have Super Ability Above Lithium Batteries

    The lithium-ion battery stores energy using chemical reactions, meaning that there is an anode and cathode plate that contains an electrolyte that will flow positive ions. Or negative depending on the charging process or Dedes worms during the charging process or this discussion this ion transfer occurs which causes the lithium-ion battery to heat up quickly over time it will also swell, often used and also its age or degradation and its ability will decrease over the years until this battery  completely damaged and unusable this is very different from the supercapacitor supercapacitor he uses a dielectric plate to separate the positive and negative electrons he receives during the charging process so this supercapacitor because it does not involve chemical reactions in the storage  The energy and energy expenditure of this supercapacitor can be charged very quickly, almost seconds to minutes, which is a feature of supercapacitors, but this is also a weakness.

    Because the energy released is also very high and fast, so this capacitor is very fast to run out when used, some other basic differences  supercapacitors and lithium batteries are lithium-ion batteries that have a charging time or team charge of between 20-20000 depending on the battery capacity, while the supercapacitor is only a matter of seconds, the longest is minutes, which means that within 10 seconds, 10 forget the like, the businessman has filled it with full capacity then the life cycle of this lithium-ion battery has a fairly short cycle between 500-2000 usage cycles while supercapacitor Dia has a very high cycle life even hundreds of thousands of times to millions of times for technology  the most up to date Hi Then for eh cells or the voltage of this supercapacitor it has a relatively low voltage between 2.3 volts to 2.8 volts.

    Why does this supercapacitor have a fairly low voltage because if the voltage is high, it will shorten the life of the supercapacitor in contrast to the capacitor?  if the capacitor is maybe this small the voltage can be 400 volts but if the supercapacitor because the stored power is very high then it is limited to a low enough voltage to increase the voltage , Riyadi can share it if you want the voltage to be 12 volts stay in series 6 but there must be a balance so that it doesn't exist  which is overcharged or makes it too high, if the lithium-ion battery has an average voltage of 3.6 to 4.20, then more specifically, this lithium-ion battery has a fairly high specific energy, namely 150-300 What our per kg compares to  supercapacitors that have a fairly low energy density  Its specific energy is quite low, only 5-10 What our per kilogram means that it is only one tenth to like 50 of the energy density of a lithium-ion battery while the specific power of this lithium-ion battery has a specific power of 1000-3000 watts per kg while for the specific power of this supercapacitor it reaches 10000watt per kg Therefore,this supercapacitor can emit very high power because it is actually lower in end but has a much higher power specification compared to lithium-ion batteries.

    Then for service life or the use of supercapacitors, it can be used for 10 years 15  This year and even 25 years is different from lithium-ion batteries if it is a lithium-ion battery.

    It has a lifespan of between 3-10 years depending on the technology of the battery. This charging temperature is very important, especially for areas with four seasons where there is a supercapacitor winter.

    Hi a  can be charged at minus 40-65 degrees Celsius compared to lithium-ion batteries which can only be charged at temperatures from 0° to 45 degrees Celsius while solid temperatures in the worm or the use of this supercapacitor can be used to produce an optimal constant force at a temperature of minus 40° Celsius  up to 65° Celsius while the lithium-ion battery is minus 20-60 degrees Celsius then the cost or cost per KWH is very much more expensive than a supercapacitor compared to a supercapacitor lithium-ion battery, the cost per KWH reaches 10,000 US Dollars, a typical yes yes type  -industrial type,yes, for lithium-ion batteries, the cost of marriage varies from 200 dollars to 1000 dollars depending on what technology is used, that is the difference between supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries, then what application of supercapacitors is currently used for electric vehicles.

    This supercapacitor has been used for public transportation in  i Europe, especially city buses or Bisma City Why supercapacitors are used for city buses because this supercapacitor has a very large energy storage , high power, so it can be quickly charged and can also be used quickly, meaning that the best that uses this supercapacitor has a relatively long distance  shorter, it's only 10 kilos or 15 kilos then he stops at the bus stop while charging.

    But the charging time is very special because in just seconds and minutes the incident occurred while this city bus was dropping passengers or picking up passengers, it was charging until it was full then this BC started again.  10 kilos 20 kilos he will stop at the bus stop to drop off passengers while charging this is a different thing compared to a car for our car it is impossible to charge every 10 minutes So if for a car because of its relatively individual use,energy storage is needed that can last a long time  For the lithium-ion battery in the car battery, once charged it can last up to 600 KM compared to the city bus in which it must be charged every 12 Km or 15 KM, why is the Hi Nasi list vehicle using lithium-ion batteries and not using supercapacitors in electric and hybrid vehicles.

    This supercapacitor is also very important because in Hybrid vehicles it is used to store energy during the regenerative braking process so when the car dries up this delivery process will issue a very high power or power. This power is directly stored by the capacitor not to the battery from this capacitor when the car accelerates.

    Again requires high power he takes first from this supercapacitor so the NIP supercapacitor is very important in the event that when braking occurs he saves and when there is a fast sudden acceleration he provides power with a high bus, well this is why this supercapacitor is widely used in  Japanese Hybrid cars and in public transportation are still not on electric or energy stored vehicles, even if they are used in energy stored supercapacitors, this will help this battery last longer, so for now, supercapacitors and lithium batteries are complementary between character batteries.

    Lithium battery and also the character of this supercapacitor knutson So a little review about supercapacitors


Thank you

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