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Technology 3 Portable Weapons LAW,JAVELIN,STINGER

    Comrades the role of main battle tanks or Main Battle Tanks as well as aircraft in armed conflict is growing very rapidly tanks are used to support advances Infantry is used in complex environments such as city centers to provide combat support For troops descending modern tanks can advise entire buildings and provide Ways for troops to advance with certain protection Likewise, helicopter fighter aircraft or logistics aircraft play a central role in escorting ground attacks in order to control the situation and the battle area against these two terrible monsters, it turns out that portable weapons that have high efficiency and are easy to operate play a very important role.
Technology 3 Portable Weapons LAW, JAVELIN Missiles, vs STINGER that crippled Russian Tanks & Aircraft

    In the battle of the Ukrainian war, Russia has become a showcase for the power of 3 portable missiles that are very efficient, effective and deadly. Ukraine with a military power that is very much smaller makes it difficult for Russia to achieve quick victory because tanks and their very expensive air power are easily disabled with much cheaper weapons.

    We will review the technology of these three weapons, namely and law jevelin and Stinger and low or Next Generation Lite anti tank weapon. Next generation light anti tank weapon easily destroys tanks. even the most sophisticated tanks have traditionally allowed their operators to hunt opponents with relative safety and the law turned the tables by changing the hunter to the hunted and law developed by subwoofer Dynamic and air defense tests in collaboration with the British and Swedish Ministry of Defense in 2002 can be launched at targets  with two patterns, namely ote and direct attack attack or Main Battle Tank, namely at the top of the target ote becomes a mainstay for recommending tanks because the average mbt has weak reinforcement at the top where the steel plate is thinner than the lower part.

    Another method is direct attack to engage study targets such as lighter combat vehicle categories such as trucks and Jeeps. The shooting process and low is quite easy. The shooter's right hand just opens the launcher button which is stored under the red button by sliding the lever block to activate the rocket and give a chance to the target. checker on the head of the rocket to calculate the launch algorithm for less than 3 seconds the rocket will launch slowly first because of the soft lunch feature Then 3 meters from the launch point the main motor of the rocket will take over and launch the rocket to the target and low carry a single setches warhead capable of breaking through layers  armor 50 cm thick tandem hi explosive anti tank on Holo the explosion can even tear the layer of era or reactive explosive Armor that shields the tank through magnetic and low sensor control can be operated Fire and forget and anti-gaming the minimum firing anchor distance is 20 meters  r while the maximum range reaches 600 to 1000 meters, the missile speed is 40 m/s and is capable of being operated in day and night conditions and the law can be combined with NFC or Google Night Vision devices in dimensions and low weighs 12.5 kg and is 16 mm long.

    Caliber 115 or 150 mm ammunition is insensitive so it can be stacked in various storage sheds and a shelf life of 20 years and free maintenance can attack from almost any position behind a tree gutter in a basement boarding room or from the second floor of a building out of reach of most tanks  one of the main challenges facing anti-tank weaponry is targeting when blocked by obstacles such as heat source vehicles or power lines however that is not a problem the operator only needs to track the target for a few seconds before firing and endlo will do the rest the principle is aim press the button And forget the manufacturer meny it will only take less than 1 hour to train soldiers to operate it because it is so easy to use the price is also quite cheap around 200 to 300 million for one launch but can destroy a tank that costs tens of billions of countries officially using and low is England Sweden and Indonesia next weapon is the Javelin Michel jevelin missile made by America to replace the m missile towards the dragon which is considered obsolete Dragon missile has become America's mainstay in the 80's when the main threat of the American Armed Forces was the Soviet Union Texas instruments and Martin Mareta now known as locked Martin won the contract and the first missile test occurred in 1991 the initial test was positive and the jeplin fgm 148 missile entered full production in 1994 the jevelin is a much better missile system than the Dragon in almost all respects the Jevin uses an infrared imaging system to detect  si and locks the tank at a distance of up to 4,750 m after the operator locks the tank and initiates a launch sequence the small rocket motor kicks the missile out of the launch tube into the air where the main motor fires and sends the missile down rangelin has two attack modes the first mode is direct attack where the missile  fly straight at enemy tanks this missile has Two Warheads the first triggers reactive armor neutralizing it and the second to redeem the tank's main armor belt the second mode sends the jevelin racing upwards of 500 feet then descending to the top of the tank where the armor is the thinnest jevelin is a missile with a firing system And forget once launched the missile processor takes over to aim it at the target a jeflin gunner can fire the missile and then escape backwards or move to an alternate firing position this system can be fired by one person but usually not  The im consists of two people, one carrying a launcher and the other carrying missile ammunition such as seawater.

    Javelin also uses a soft launch system or soft launch where the missile is removed from the launcher to reach a safe distance before the rocket is activated.

    Jevelin is designed to be able to defeat MBT or Main Battle Tanks even  which is equipped with the latest generation era coating even though jefflen's ability to glide smartly is thanks to the smart guidance system stored in the clo module or command lens unit that can be removed from the CLU launcher tube, which is a passive infrared side which has three types of thermal view activities 4 times Nero field  of view  9x and finally the siker feel of view 9 times One thing that is the advantage of jfelin is the CLU which has a contrast and brightness setting feature so it's comfortable to use.

    It's still coupled with a cooling unit that cools the sensor so that thermal recognition of the target object Ran can do CLU better than the monocular optical node, which is the standard for American troops, many personnel remove CLU and use it as observation binoculars, so you could say this CLU is the best Infantry night binoculars owned by the United States. This missile is capable of providing multiple firepower.

    Which delivered a decisive victory For smaller forces the jeveline was primarily used by the US Army marine corps but has also been sold to 18 countries including Ukraine France Qatar Turkey and United Arab Emirates in February 2018 Ukraine purchased 210 degree Line and 37 launchers from America The United States with a value of 666 billion during the battle with Russia, Ukraine received jeplin grants from various countries and According to Intel's observations, the Jannato Jefflin used in Ukraine had an effectiveness of 94%, meaning that out of 100 Jeveline attacks, only 6 times missed.

    The last light that is very lethal is the Stinger fam 92 Stinger is a man portable and defense system or mainpad developed by the United States in the late 70s designed by General Dynamics and manufactured by Raiton Missile System This system operates from 1981 the second generation until now fourth generation Stinger is designed to attack aircraft.

    Low level ground attack is fast as well as highly lethal against helicopters as well as transport aircraft. Stinger is an improvement over the first generation Red E missile which was previously used against aerial targets compared to its predecessor.

    Stinger has increased speed and range, increased resistance to  preventive measure can identify aerial vehicles by using infrared Humming with operational range of 8 KM the front of the missile is equipped with a two-color Rosette scanner with infrared detector and UltraViolet detector Ir for  detects hot exhaust gases while the UltraViolet director is used to track radiation.

    The Stinger missile has a length of 1.5 meters, a diameter of 7.62 cm and a fin range of 10.16 cm. This system weighs about 10 kg while the total weight including grip stock is 15.87 kg.

    This battle-proven missile is equipped with 4 tail fins dual thrust flying motor battery it cooling unit or computer based full up simulation BCU and friend or foe identification transver Stinger missile system equipped with conventional high-explosive warhead projectiles capable of penetrating modern materials The one supplied by American Ortments consists of a single high explosive encased in a cylinder.

    Titanium pyrovorite lethal explosive charge weighs 3 kg. Stinger missile is propelled by a two-stage solid propylene booster which provides a speed of over mahto a proportion system ensures the missile operates at maximum altitude. about 10,000 feet and provide a maximum range of up to 5 miles Stinger rmp and block one variants feature state-of-the-art microprocessors with new software reprogramming capabilities Stinger weapon models also vary widely from fim-92a to fam 92j these weapons are as if they were put to the test  In the war between Ukraine and Russia, although military capabilities are very unbalanced, some analysts estimate that Russia will have a lot of trouble conquering Ukraine quickly.

    Its economy is busy which will be difficult to recover in a short time then its military power is sucked up to fight in Ukraine in the long term which drains all Russian resources Russia's military capabilities are also exposed in real so that America and Nato get intel material a very valuable ijen Okay guys.

    That's a glimpse of the three very lethal portable weapons that Ukraine used to defend against Russia, That's a glimpse of construction robots whose innovation and development is still quite slow compared to other sectors.

Thank you


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