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    E-Business Low Pass FM with Dr. Ricardo Simanjuntak SH LLM Associates likes to say that good intentions rule business, but insurance thrives on proving your reputation, even when you're sleeping . For example, let's say shipping. Yes there is another version. For example, yes. The carrying name is the name of the adjuster, called the assessor, who also conducts an ER assessment, so this is a professional who belongs to an insurance company, and this insurance company is independent and does a katana assessment of the event. An entrepreneur insures his factory.


    A construction bag containing machinery and inventory in buildings to carry out production activities by banging and screaming will stop when you want to flash the insured fish. Part is the building It doesn't matter how much the insured building is worth. All machines are then reinsured.

    What is the value of the insured machine? All office equipment is then reinsured and then all fixtures are reinsured. Because there is a causal relationship, for example, it is like this. So it's an area that is part of insurance. If it's a building, yes, it's not complicated. In fact, it just calculates the square footage of the building and its market value.

    Of course it's subject to depreciation, so what was the value of the machine at the time of insurance? New machines are still different. If so, it's not the new price, right? It's a nice activity, so the style is a bit tricky. Well, that means explaining something about the song stock, and it means there has to be a management mechanism.

    What about procurement methods, rights, production processes, and sales methods? All the parts that need to be evaluated and then converted into units are the losses from this fire. This is why Asus YouTube says yes or no. And even if he says yes, he forms the basis for how much the premium will be purchased. , the building is also the basis for ensuring that its engine is insured.It is destroyed, equipment is insured, inventories are insured, overseas operations are created, and the results are also witnessed. , was even witnessed by a third person.

    Now that it's over, insurance companies really need to look at it professionally.Was it really a great value back then, or that's it. Surprisingly, at this point you need a building expert appraisal to avoid overinsurance. The same is true for machines and all sorts of things. This kind of thing often happens because we also check the production and procurement processes on site.

    This profession is a profession in the insurance industry and a well-known profession. That's right, an insurance broker. That is why this broker is often hired by the insured, who, having examined the potential risks, provides it to the insurance company. , yes, insurance is not allowed to do it or it is not something that can be taken for granted.Exams, it's so hard when you don't take exams, there are problems and processes.

    Proving it's hard for us is hard to say. Well, as it often happens, if the insurer is fully checking the possibilities given by the insurance, then all the underlying mechanisms for the insured to claim are easier to implement and As he is also an insured himself, he needs to be able to be sure that the terms of the contract correctly emphasize his rights.

    Sure, there was a rule back then that if a fatality from a coffee shop accident occurred by a certain date, but if there was one or a certain possibility about six months after signing, it would be Uninsured illness, right? Everything is delicate. The main thing is that there are people who die just like that. That is the insured person. The question is, why is there a difference between dying in an accident on the moon and dying from an illness? This typically occurs with real estate or premium life insurance contracts.

    A small saving grace is that people don't have to provide medical records. Eat. They die without issue. They are signed, but mentally they are not all afflicted with the same disease. It's more or less very insane, but in practice it doesn't happen if you read the police well from the beginning, for example. Business partners, that's what we're talking about in today's session. I'm Ricardo Simanjuntak from Business lo Pas FM.