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Corporate Innovation and Startup Innovation

    Hello, I am the CEO of Innovation Asia and co-founder of Episode 2 Finale. I would like to continue what I said at the end of the first episode last time. This is the difference between cover ednovation and startup innovation. That is, our ability to create new and different things that have value and are ultimately bought or accepted by people. In fact, the difference between the two lies in the process, not the result. Well, if you know what they call startups, they're usually a group of young people. Or even older people like me, not so much. There are about 35 of them with specific skills, and some of them are good at business. Some people are good at technology, others are good at marketing and have no hierarchy.

Corporate Innovation and Startup Innovation

    Everyone is an originator. And when it comes time to make a decision, we just sit in the same room and watch it work. Ade can see people because she can decide everything on her own. He doesn't have to go through the bureaucracy, and he can be a little picky about government regulations at times. What is the essence of great ideas, that is what he wants to achieve. Co-ops remain different, the situation is perfect.

    The first event is that the employee has 5 and he only has 5000/6000. The second is overkill. The innovation process is ready because what's running is tax free and there are operating models that I can't compete with. Of course it is different. If you can think of tomorrow's sherry color, you can do it now. Because when I try to implement an idea, people scream first.

    The preliminary situation is while there's one this is new or unique, he's going to combat in opposition to me, so the call is innovation, yes, it should be a brand new plastic header, that's ultimately resisted via way of means of the environment, now no longer to say the political element in it, so among the cooperative and its staff, the woodland is unique, and yes, the animals in it also are unique.

    The policies of the sport also are unique ultimately And it's why I propose to my pals withinside the cooperative that while you research innovation from startapp, take the spirit, take the mindset, take the braveness to attempt some thing new, a few skillset associated with the method mp3.identityentification feel prototyping and so forth however do n't take it with no consideration take complete gain of the start-up innovation fashion in the corporation due to the fact later there could be many enemies due to the fact later the human beings you assign to innovate with the stata fashion will pressure themselves, he's going to crash into many human beings and departments and components and ultimately he's going to wither earlier than he develops and er die so vtg unit in case you are brighter populations trying to innovated.

    Life begins and that's when I usually take on the role. Then build the infrastructure, set the framework conditions, have the innovators in the company, do some process, create the environment, and keep the project alive. The main thing is a lot of homework before it grows. Yes, but most importantly, it doesn't mean you can't breathe like it's just a checkbox that needs to be a few seconds first to run properly. Six of his sub-districts later came here. In turn, discuss what's holding you back and how to make supportive friends. Finally surpassing all of that, you can finally come up with an innovation you're proud of

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