During a crisis, how great or not we are will be seen
Crisis is not good for everyone, but it is an honest mirror, an undeniable moment of self-confidence, of who we are, how good we are as business leaders, as professionals. Can we really see the crisis? It's really a place of testing that finally guarantees to show us who we really are. Was it our achievement, maybe it's because he happens to be already in a good organization, right?
During a crisis, how great or not we are will be seen
If we don't rise to the top, we are true champions. We have some really unique and unique talents who have contributed so much to the company. With more troubles gone and the industry likely to go down again, it will eventually recover
There's a risk of making a mistake there, but at the same time, unfortunately for Mickey of Music, it's going over or over the gx700vo. Or loss is more typical, so that the impact of our decisions on our behavior looks so dramatic under a microscope that we can avoid it again. The effect becomes more pronounced.
Can you really win in recovery, or can you even bring change into more difficult situations later? Research shows that companies are different in times of turbulence and what are the conditions like in different times in stable times? 47% become climbers during turbulent and stable diets. Yeah, 2 is 9%, but the company actually sinks my ship during turbulence. is not?
Really nice people, that's really good. It looks really correct, so the question is, are you ready to pass this test? do we want to fight for it? Ultimately, the company can actually prove that we are not only lucky, we look good, but we can make the biggest contribution to NDC's company details.Now is the time. It's time to prove it. I hope you can prove you're a rising star in this time of crisis
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