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Have you studied making an investment yet? The simplest and maximum worthwhile investment

    So 6 million will be invested in rdpu. His 10 million investment in himself allows him to improve his skills. So income is not only 4 million to 6 million, income he can be 10 million, 15 million, 20 million, hello hello what is his name ok lama what are you now How old are you?My name is 21 now.

Have you studied making an investment yet? The simplest and maximum worthwhile investment

    There are part-time jobs and part-time jobs like internships. Well, I happened to have some savings in the bank, so I had time to actually play with stocks. Right now I wonder if the market is running out or it doesn't smell good so yes I actually put a lot in the case. OK I live in Bandung Already doing an internship like Ann I am still studying OK I have an income of around 4 to 6 million OK 6 million from my internship Yes Income from 4 to 6 million, cost What Like you've been known to your parents for a long time, now you have a deal.It means you can invest.

    Ok, yesterday I tried to play Indian stocks. Okay, that's my suggestion, Rama, do you still have emergency funds? Cash, I think. What if it was about 40-40 million in cash? It's like you can save 2 million a month in your year. 40 million, or 20 months, and two years have passed. I got this 40 million in cash. Okay, it went down first, so I bet 2 million, 6 million, yeah, 6 million on Rp. 6 million.

    Then there are installments, so I'm just starting to think about investing. When renting a number, expect nothing more than a car or motorcycle. Most cars have the same electricity and water bills, so there are no installments. Step 2 is fine. That means no debt. Once you've raised your emergency funds, it's time to think about investing.

    4 million out of 40 million cash he recommends setting aside about 10 million for investment, not for investment, not for investment in financial products, but in any industry Okay, brothers in technology. Among the 10 million speeds, we recommend looking for courses overseas, for example. For example, look for books that can improve you or look for seminars on software. h, no, I'm not an IT expert, but as long as you're developing a website application for example, you can program it.

    For example, in case you are a internet site developer, as an example, you may enhance your abilities to be like a smartcane engineer or block changer. Your revenue may be immediately IDR 50 million, so I used 10 million to spend money on myself that is according together along with your industry, now I use the relaxation to spend money on economic instruments, so 6 million in IDR 10 million spend money on myself that can enhance abilities in order that your earnings isn't always best four to six million, however your earnings may be 10 million, it could be 15 million, it could be 20 million. Now the relaxation you make investments due to the fact you're younger in index mutual budget or character shares, as an example, exact ones, which include BCA BRI, do not run to three layers, however search for shares which have exact nice and basics, first you divide it into among index mutual budget s and additionally character shares due to the fact you're younger and the scope continues to be long, so do not be too defensive.

    Like as an example, conserving forty million coins, so expecting the coins marketplace may not happen, as an example, so do not time the marketplace, however time withinside the marketplace is higher in comparison to you timing indomarket, so preserve making an investment frequently frequently, it does not matter, due to the fact pace in capital allocation is essential out of your cash, you may positioned it into the marketplace, permit the cash work, do not simply seat Idol expecting marketplace crashes that do not always happen, so preserve making an investment frequently habitual isn't always a hassle due to the fact in index mutual budget, yes, in case you need to play the stock, yes, timing, as an example, you proportion us, perhaps you're extra superior than folks who name me, as an example us, do not search for bizarre things, however attempt to locate Sam us, who sincerely is The product you use, as an example, Apple, as an example, Google, that is truely now no longer a hassle h yes, you need character stocks in Indo, you need character stocks in us, it does not matter, however gradual or now no longer, the agency is exact, the control is ready and the basics are exact.

    Index Fun or Resident Index, if you understand Sam's foreign version, you can also get foreign indexes such as Finger Total Stock Market Index S20 Hundred, but in Indonesia Adcert 45 Heart Iron, basically Fun Newton I can do it. Passive, he saves you from having to pay expensive fees, because when Indian equity funds get expensive, they become expensive to manage and erode later, 4% 5% when they get expensive, they get cheap Find 2 is an index fund and you can invest in individual stocks with the rest of your money and invest in kediri.Remember you are working in an industry where you can improve your skills.More For making money, there is another question.It means concentration.As for investing in skills, remember land funds first. Than market timing. Yes, it is.

    So our index has been 15% including dividends over the last 20 years, similar to Apple Apple. We've been at 30% over the last 15 years, so we don't need to be that smart. In stock packing, buy just the index or buy the correct stock already. I will teach you how to beat them. 23% Yes, for example events are difficult if you have the skills Have the information you have Hard to market as usual BCA is 20% I don't think the chargers need to be confused.

    Yes, you don't have to be solid, you don't have to be smart, that's for sure, that's for sure.Many people don't know that, so be careful. Are you ready to beat it? Therefore, the invitation to invest is more important. Rule number 1 is Downlass Money. You don't lose money, so save capital first. Capital pressure Fashion is more important than doubling wealth, so don't lose money first.

    How do you invest? How is it
Thank you

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