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    Hello Actually I want to reveal developer secrets so developers can do it without developer capital. So let's be developers first. Secondly, you can become a contractor or a wholesaler; thirdly, you can become a marketing agent instead of being a marketing agency; fourthly, you can become a seller or a supplier. is strange, so Lina, I would like to decide which element to choose. Many of these laundry companies need their own focus when talking about the riskiest real estate deals I see from these 5 factors.


    Basically just investors, contractors and marketers, right? When you start, learn how to do a physical business, namely the simplest chest world first. So you only learn from the intermediate level or fill up first, right? Big win.

    If we want to do real estate business and understand the process, there are two things we have to do. The first lesson is to become an investor. The second is to be marketing. Well, that's good marketing. Make sure the products sold by these developers sell good products later on. Consumer marketers will be asking how smart this product is. Don't create a product without the co-capitalization of the sales developer. Hi I have grown both offline and online or social media but if you need a little more capital you can promote this number on Facebook Instagram or even Google. I used net early on whatsapp groups and it works without free capital. It's a sale of a property belonging to the second most trusted developer.

    It can now be an investor. If there is a surplus, there is a surplus of Rp 1,200. There is now a lot of his Vintex income offering investment. I think they are sorted and categorized by their risk profile. It starts at Rp 100 so you can go straight to the form. I have selected the following projects and credited the property. The project is a trusted developer. Vendors are trusted. Make sure your contractor is confidently restored. A killer developer investor is looking for a great reputation, good reputation and trustworthiness. This is not a broken promise. For example, if marketing is not yet capitalized, could you start with the first g?

    But if you need capital, yes. Ma'am, of course. Advertise on e-commerce, perhaps buying and selling a home, or on mainstream social media where you pay for advertising, but it's possible at first. Yes, Tabak is a contractor and this developer is verified.

    Actually, I want to break the developer's secret and let the developer do it without capital. That's a lot of money. If you are in your current position, my friends understand that there are many people, so now there are very few developers.

    We have a Lembeng Lembeng of land that has been controlled for decades or a few years back because it is not worth it if we buy land, we only live for five years, the Young Sultan, 50 years later, we fast, but the developers of Smarter Dash or Land Lord owners who criticizing him is qualified, right, for example, he's already good, we're good defenders The cooperation of beggars has a name, because we make it big like Ciputra, now we have changed the pattern into land collaboration with the lerners, we can do that, Brother Medi Hai or the lower middle class, in collaboration with land owners who may not be as big as big developers like Silk maybe starting from 1000-2000 3000-5000 maybe up to one hectare and so there is cooperation then my money is the Store which he for example offers investment in property as this is very helpful for hot land ants.

    Said that with capital not only kefir but skill capital as well as knowledge, we should be able to cultivate land assets whose value is tens of billions, it's appropriate, so for us the skill room is not easy, so many who count on paper, interesting numbers must be hard, so I think the level is getting higher we have high skills That's right, the more skilled we are after that You're good, Bro, I'm sure the Export is getting more and more sought after.

    That's because from there, people are getting tougher with us, both putting the funds in the processing of the land and the vendor supplier contractor providing the best materials at an affordable price. So if you want, I will take an example, take for example abcdefgh sands, so if we have a good one, the best price, the best quality.

    So those who believe it, try the iron, there are various kinds of iron, size 6 8 12 10, right, if we don't know, we will be lied to for the foundation of the house Technical things like that, I'm 5 elements above, you have to be able to sign property if you can say without capital.

    Start by marketing or being a small investor. No Capital Maybe yes, the more money the better. Hello, it's important to let us feel. Miss, these spices would make a quality project. Good answer. Customers are satisfied. This his PO site describes his five element developer path of investor, subcontractor, vendor, and his agent marketing Tomato.

    I never said how that boredom shines through when I say we have to control this ecosystem when we are in the real estate business. This is required. Otherwise this is rice. For example, everything is good, it sells in a pot, it sells, I don't know If you want to know, read how to sell, sales are good, the building has never been of poor quality, believe it is a developer or legal, operate is wrong and there are still complaints, so there are good developers, providers. This contractor is not illegal. My new ones are easy to learn in everyday life.

    What does having a mentor mean without direct practice? I have met mentors, people who understand me, accumulated knowledge, met investors, and have knowledge, so the developer aristocrats are both sellers and contractors. How to fertilize goods and services, whether in civil science or not, now Tebet is a mass agent with such knowledge. Therefore, the more books we have, the more we will be able to understand what Ciputra developers can do without capital. Get our skills now that our skills are improving Our network is growing more and more.

    How to start a real estate business without my wife taking risks Yes, surplus money is fast, so when we hope that the investment will go well, for example, by having the investor work for us, take it back to The principle is to hold back today's needs in order to get something more in the future. Calm down today, save and invest in the right places. “Buying money for land that is in a good location and quality of building, we pay attention to that and we care about all consumers. You can see how to invest etc. Security is fine and still a must