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What is the difference between creativity, invention and innovation

    Hello, I am Indrawan Nugroho. CEO and co-founder of Cias. With Covered Innovation Asia in mind, he wants to start from scratch in this first episode. So we're talking about the definition of innovation itself, more specifically business innovation. Some people equate creativity with innovation, or invention with invention, but these are three different things, and if you can pinpoint which of them are actually new innovations, you can tell the difference between the three. You can actually innovate. Creativity What is Creativity? Creativity comes from the word create, create.

What is the difference between creativity, invention and innovation?

    You are a creative person if you can create something different and different. you are creative. Is it a new invention or a new invention? Why are impressions conditional, what are the conditions of value? There is value that we successfully give to others and value that is created.

Hello, creativity is not always worth it for textiles. New or different examples matter. For example, one day you decide to be different, look new at work, go to work, put on your pajamas, put on your pajamas. Maybe dots, a certain color, a certain style, that's all. Anyway, it's just different, right? Are you creative in the media as long as you are doing something new He is Stefan 81 Yes you are actually creative. Also, if someone admits to being a creative person, they have the right to admit that your girlfriend's Ostgen update is new and different, but that's not always the case when there's an incentive. We create all kinds of value.

    Is it possible that getting dressed won't make you more productive? It won't make your staff really happy that day.It won't make your staff more productive or make them feel better. This doesn't affect the customer either.Yes, the model's unique style makes money out of it, makes you feel more creative, makes your work more productive, makes you happier all day, and spreads it to your friends. increase.

    Ultimately, the people who see it will also feel that they are getting value, so they will feel rewarded in their work, their productivity will increase, they will meet customers, they will be happy as a result, and you will be seen in this way. So everyone wins. It every day from the changes and updates you made. You don't have to be innovative Doesn't necessarily mean your pajamas are innovative What it takes to be innovative Hiring someone different or new. and had to be used by others, bought by others, or copied by others when their peers eventually became friends.

    I put on a get dressed fashion such as you and sooner or later tomorrow your co-people flock to put on your fashion and it is a fashion withinside the workplace and in love Happy with it even needs you to put on that outfit each day whilst serving them Endan you've got got and improvements properly frequently humans declare to have innovation however have not visible it but Masigit have a take a observe this primary is it exceptional or now no longer or is it genuinely similar to the others 2d that lifestyles or renewal has no fee to your clients for the humans round you if for instance it isn't always ices creativity if Hi slices invention however now no longer sold or now no longer via way of means of a person else via way of means of Asm fig is utilized by your colleague if he solutions Bro shark has an Innovation in quick Innovation is the introduction of some thing new or exceptional this is utilized by different humans and every body worried withinside the technique of the usage of it makes use of it to get fee this is Innovation so whilst we communicate approximately cowl it is Robinson we communicate is the introduction of fee from a business enterprise or personnel running in a business enterprise this is new or exceptional from earlier than and sooner or later followed via way of means of many humans you create a brand new enterprise technique in which you figure and it seems that with the brand new one their paintings is simpler the consequences are extra paintings higher first-class has fee and water your co people are competing to undertake Hi your new enterprise technique or do you've got got a brand new product that creates brought fee for Kasmaran and sooner or later Kasmaran and buys the product in droves you've got got a company improvements later some other possibility we can speak the distinction with social Innovation and additionally later there could be startup improvements for now it's inquisitive about now see you withinside the subsequent episode bye

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