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What is INVESTMENT Stock (For Beginners)

Hi guys.

    This video explores a very popular topic with our audience: What are stocks? Learn how stocks work, what IPOs and dividends are, what JCI is, why stocks rise and fall, why stocks benefit people and how to buy them.

What is INVESTMENT Stock (For Beginners)

    Of course, the stocks mentioned here are those of publicly traded companies. on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. I will definitely make videos on hands-on things like buying stocks, registering stocks and brokers, checking stocks, buying IPO stocks, etc., but this video will only focus on explaining stocks for beginners.

    What are stocks? Stocks are securities that prove ownership of a company. A unit consists of lots and sheets. 1 lot is equivalent to 100 shares. Of course the form is not a piece of paper, but lots and sheets are digitally recorded. Shares are issued when a company wishes to raise funds from the public.The initial issuance of shares is known as an IPO or “initial public offering.” Buy the money people raise and use that money to run your business.

    Campina In 2017 Campina conducted an IPO The goal was because Campina wanted to pay off a debt of 260 billion So at that time Campina issued 885 million public shares and that was 15% of Campina's total shares At that time when the IPO shares were sold at a price of 330 rupiah per share means Campina can get capital from the community 885 million lemb ar shares multiplied by 330 rupiah per share to around 292 billion rupiah At the time of the IPO, money moved from the public to Campina So, the people who hold the shares can be said to own a small part of the Campina company, and furthermore, these shares can be traded by the public in the capital market Transactions What happens next is that the money no longer goes to Campina, but will go to whoever makes the transaction of buying and selling shares.

    When buying and selling between communities is carried out, the price of Campina's shares even rises to over one thousand rupiah per share. And when this video was made, the stock price of Campina was made around 380 rupiahs per share So why do stock prices go up and down like that? This is because everyone values ​​a stock differently.

    Imagine, for Campina shares alone, there could be more than 800 thousand Indonesians who play stocks, and at the same second they can have different thoughts about the price. There are people who look at the performance of the company, the price and volume of buying and selling stocks.

    There may be some people who evaluate it based on rumors and speculation. Some may already be buying cheap. Some people either don't know how to do it or just imitate it. And there are still many factors that can affect an investor's buying and selling price, and it's probably impossible to know all the reasons. Some people want to buy stocks.

    Sell stock Some are short term, such as a day, and some are long term, such as yearly. From here, people can benefit from stocks. That is, buy a stock and sell it at a higher price. How to calculate it is another simple example for Campina strains.

    For example, we had 1 million rupiah and we didn't get the IPO price, but we bought it at the price of 500 rupiah per share. In other words, dividing 1 million by 500 rupiah per share is the same as getting 2,000 shares. Two days later, the price rose to Rp850 per share and he quickly sold everything. The formula is Rp 1,000,000 multiplied by Rp 850 to his previously held 2,000 shares. The profit you get is 1.7 million minus 1 million capital = 700 thousand This profit or loss is called capital gain.

    The next question is how do you know which stocks to buy? future? Generally, his two types of analysis are used: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Of course, I'm not going to cover these two topics in depth in this video. I will make a separate video specifically to discuss it in more depth and provide practical examples. Basically, we are looking for the real value of current and future companies.

    This is known from the analysis of the company's financial statements and the calculation of other external factors. After knowing the true value of a company and predicting its future performance, we compare that company's value with its current stock price and look for companies with low stock prices that can be described as "wrongly priced." This erroneous price may occur, for example, because the company's stock price may fall temporarily.

    For example, from 2013 to 2015, the price of coal fell and the company's coal stocks fell, but the decline in commodity prices was temporary, meaning that the company's stock price at that time was not affected by the physical condition of the company. There were many companies that did not reflect assets or capital.

    Good performance makes other people realize that the company's stock shouldn't be so cheap, so the value appreciation increases and the stock price goes up. Fundamental analysis is typically used when buying stocks for investment purposes. B. 3 months to over 5 years. The second is technical analysis. Technical analysis allows you to look at stock price movements and stock trading volumes, rather than company performance.

    Use charts to look for patterns and trends in stock prices. This is possible because short-term stock prices fluctuate according to supply and demand. If many people buy and no one wants to sell, it means those who want to buy have to bid higher. For example, support and resistance are often seen in technical analysis.

    For example, resistance is simply said to be the psychological high at which people are willing to buy stocks. And when the price crosses the resistance, the price will move up to look for the resistance. So in technical analysis, the hope is that we can buy this stock before the stock is widely targeted by other investors.

    This is done by buying the stock at the right time, if it was with the example of resistance, it means we have to buy when the stock price breaks through resistance. Technical analysis is generally used. to buy shares for trading purposes, so u for the short term, it can be daily, weekly, or monthly To summarize technical and fundamental analysis, maybe it can be further simplified like this: in fundamental analysis we look for good items that are on discount, so we buy when they are discounted and then later we will profit if we sell them again with the actual price.

    While technical analysis, we buy things that we know will be sought after by many people, we don't need to see if the goods are good or not, the important thing is that we buy them first, later if the goods have started to be bought a lot, it will be increasingly rare and because it is rare the price will go up, and we can profit by selling at a higher price Apart from the difference between buying and selling, we can also benefit from dividends in shares.

    Company Amounts are determined by the company's board of directors and approved by shareholders' rights at the shareholders' meeting. Take the example of his Hexindo company, which at its 2018 annual shareholder meeting decided to distribute his 80% of profits to shareholders.

    So the money to be distributed is about $18 million, 840 million shares. $18 million divided by his 840 million shares equates to $0.02148 or Rp320.67 per share. For example, if you hold 3100 shares, 3100 times 320.67 is equivalent to Rp 994.077. This dividend will be deducted with 10% tax and will be sent directly to us. Therefore, in order to buy shares, you must first register in the name of the securities company. This security acts as an intermediary when the Company buys and sells shares.

    Create an investor fund account to save money to buy stocks. when you sell shares or receive dividends; The money is automatically sent to the investor's fund account. Investment firms also offer websites and mobile apps that allow you to buy and sell stocks.Fees are also deducted for each transaction. The total commission for buying and selling is about 0.3% to 0.7%. Therefore, when choosing a security, you should pay attention to the app or website's accessible amounts and fees.

    Please do not worry. In the future, of course, I will also make a video about registration and a review of the investment company and its app. Finally, a few words about JCI. This is how each stock is listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Each company is assigned his four letter code. For example, in the company featured in this video, Campina's code is CAMP, Hexindo's code is HEXA, and Indofood's code is INDF. There are currently over 600 publicly traded stocks, and all changes in these stocks are aggregated into a JCI number or Composite Stock Index.

    Each stock has a different weight depending on its share price and total shares outstanding. The higher this so-called “market capitalization” is, the more the stock can influence his JCI movements.

    Stocks and public opinion go up or down. The conclusion is:First, shares are proof of ownership in a company. Secondly, the stock price can fluctuate because everyone values ​​the stock at different prices. From the buy/sell difference and the dividend. Fourth, there are fundamental analysis and technical analysis to predict stock prices. Fifth, to buy shares, you must first open an account with an investment company.

    And sixth, JCI is an index that captures all stocks traded in Indonesia. After that, there are lots of topics from opening an account to an investment company to making follow-up videos.Practices like buying and selling stocks, buying IPO stocks, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, etc. Suggest a topic you'd like to discuss first in the comments section. Thank you for watching till the end. Please like and share this video. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss the next article.

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