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What is a Startup Creative Marketer?

    Hello Yunus Tinkle Devmarketer, I hope you are not familiar with the name Startup. There is nothing new in the term as Indonesia itself already has startups created by successful children of the country who were born in Skylab. a startup Hello, this is Dina from Creative and his Marketing. Welcome to new insights on business and marketing. The term startup is often used for companies synonymous with internet technology applications and websites. In fact, many startups have been born and grown in this space (quoted from Wikipedia).

What is a Startup Creative Marketer?

    A startup is a term that refers to a business that hasn't existed for a long time. These cheap companies are mostly start-ups and are in the development and research stage to find a suitable market, so their business models at this stage have not been validated by the market, but they can grow and develop greater capabilities. There are opportunities to develop and develop new markets.More broadly, this company is a retailer of ideas and concepts that are believed to have potential opportunities and great impact.

    From here, we already know a little bit about the start, but starting with a concept idea and a strong vision of our founders, the skills needed to build a solid, well-connected team to bring this idea to life. Start-up companies are still in their infancy, so starting with limited capital, product research and income, there are many ups and downs, no income, you can also say that there is no income.

    The target market of the business model has not yet been fully developed and a large amount of capital is required to launch this business. So they need to find a source of funding. Funding can come from the respective founders or from external sources such as friends, family, investors and venture capital.

    This section describes startups with pictures and explains the difference between a scale-up startup and a small business. Friends who are just listening to the podcast, check out his marketing for the explainer article Creative. I'm talking, how did it go? Hello, the following happened in this photo.

    It has four segments. I have point a, point B and point c. where eh is divided by 2, i.e. vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical is Hi Cruise's ambition, a highly scalable business model. Lookout's ambitions are below. Then expand your business horizontally to the left and examine your business model and market horizontally to the right. Failed capital and point 5 start-ups. Nadia has two characteristics. I mean, it's an unverified business, but she's got the ability to grow tall, and she's got the ability to grow very, very much, and it's very scalable with a business that's going to grow later, and he's It also has the first two characteristics verified by the market. Validated by the market, but very low when it comes to growth and development, it can be a company that is not exactly the same as it is not scalable.

    So, there are six potential startup ratings, 1st is market opportunity, 2nd is bright ambition, 3rd is scalability, 4th is structured team and 5th is committed team. , the sixth is market timing. So the market opportunity he divides into two. That is, lesser and greater sibling missions, and high and low scalability.

    Hi then the structure team is also a balanced skill and owner sip and solo engagement team. Market opportunities have great market opportunities for group ambitions High glutamine ambitions for scalability Good team structure scalability Have band skills and dedicated team ownership High on market timing I want to put a commitment to have a good amen market fish Again, if you are going to be a startup, 1st is big market opportunity, 2nd is willingness to grow, type is high, 3rd is scalability or expansion 4th is a balanced team structure with qualified skills 5th is high team commitment and 6th four time stamps are not too early and not too late to raise funds too late for How can Tata be planted? Currently, this is the main obstacle for start-ups.

    If you really need to find a source of funding so that your employees don't die, the first source of funding can come from the founder's personal pocket. Before, start from the beginning. The second is to find investors and venture capital for him to do this.

    A founder should give a presentation and demonstrate a strong vision and mission for the company. And how can this be achieved with the following steps? What measures will be taken in the future? Please show how it is given to Yes they don't know the market. When it comes to future market opportunities, there's no way you can dance the dance capital with a company that has no business track record or isn't homegrown at all. You really know how, have an approach that is beneficial to them, and see the potential as the staff will be surprised that your lane is not an elegant fellow. Elegant. You put capital into a business, but once you start it, you have a safe future, right? From the downside of having opportunities and still having income, we can conclude the importance of the staff that a startup is a company.

    Also, it cannot be set up by one or two people. It requires many resources and sources of funding, both internal and external. The internals come from the strength of the core team and funding from the founders, while the external comes from mentor investors and expert support in other areas. I hope this explanation works for you. Creative help is OK. Let me understand a little how a company is called a startup. Below, we discuss the names of his three startup companies, Yunikon Dek Account and Acre Accord. If you have an article or podcast you like and would like to share, please subscribe to continue supporting creative his marketers and follow us on Instagram until you see our next content. steve bye

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