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Can senior employees innovate (Business)

    Hi someone asked me this. Innovation is usually always associated with millennial employees. At 40, leaders like me can still innovate within the company. My answer is yes. It turns out that the answer can actually be used. Because research proves that the people out there today are so innovative that they managed to build a revolutionary company that changed the unicorns of the world. Average 40 is really your age.

Can senior employees innovate (Business)

    Who asked me that question rapping What makes this senior aged 40 special units even more special than the millennials because yes we know that those who are seniors have wisdom because they have experienced so much in their lives that they can see everything something in a broader perspective that is are different and that is very important for an innovation, they must also have high expertise.

    Yes, competency skills have accumulated over the years. He worked, not to mention the network. To create something truly revolutionary, you need support. I need a friend to help me with that. Finally, older people usually hold specific positions in the company, so they have the authority to use them to make decisions. Procrastination, that's when we talk about innovation, not for innovation. Detox the power of the friends of authority when you are 40, as it is mujtahid to be performed not in excess. , why are there so many people over 40 of him, because it turns out that they have another side, such as older friends and signal-heavy friends who try to maintain people's opinions? they are innovating. I am already a manager. People come to me to learn. Surviving the future until I make sense, well, it comes from that status, our long experience, our age.

    Doing something new with the risk of failure is called The Girls of Null's Curve of Knowledge. This is also something that often haunts older friends. My experience says it's not possible. I already know it is. Finally, Yap in the same box who thinks God can't box God can't really explore wildly, let alone take a chance.

    His past experience says that matter doesn't work, and in the end, yes, that's how it works. , trying new things, experimenting, and achieving something that even most people say is impossible or only possible to achieve. In fact, it is the prison in which we stop. So who are my friends who are already in their 40s? You can even make your own unicorn.

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