Neural computer, the processor is derived from neurons in the human brain, faster and more power-saving than supercomputers
Folks, Melbourne-based Chord Digital Labs grows clusters of neurons or brain cells and bonds them into the resulting hybrid-functional computer chips. Because the brain's silicon processors and neurons speak the same language: silicon computer electricity, electrical signals. Along the metal wires that connect the various components, dota neurons communicate with each other using electrical signals through the outlines or connections between nerve cells. This system is called this brand. Cortical Labs neurons grow on silicon chips. These neurons act as cables in the system that connect the components.
Neural computer, the processor is derived from neurons in the human brain, faster and more power-saving than supercomputers
A major advantage of this approach is that onion neurons can reshape, grow and replicate. The brand is able to learn how to play in the gaming market Ping-pong faster than traditional AI systems Existence A fusion of silicon and cortical brain neurons Labs believes that cheat hybrids are key to complex types of arguments that computers cannot generate Now, several other startups are also embarrassing computers made from artificial neurons in the Con-Iku lab, and the technology could be used in agriculture, medicine, military tech, airport security. We believe that we can revolutionize multiple industries.
It's a type of organic computer currently under development, but silicon computer processors are very sophisticated, but still inferior to most animal brains. For example, a cat's brain holds 1,000 times more data than an average keyboard does, and hundreds more than a human brain with trillions of neural connections that allows him to perform 15 trillion operations per second. You can use information a million times faster. This can only be achieved with very large computers. The human brain consumes a lot of energy.
Consuming only about 20 watts of energy, about the same amount of energy as it takes to power a light bulb, supercomputers store the same amount of data as the human brain contains to create these hybrids. requires 34 coal-fired power plants producing 500 megawatts per hour. The company doesn't require a sample of brain tissue from a donor, it just grows the neurons it needs from normal skin cells in the lab, and using stem cell technology, scientists can modify the cells from a blood sample. It is possible to convert a skin biopsy into a type of stem cell that can be transformed into any cell in the human body, but this raises questions about donor consent.
If the people who provided tissue samples for research really knew the technology that could be used to create a neural computer, they would be much more willing to provide skin cells for research than brain tissue. prize. One of the obstacles to brain donation is that the brain is seen as related to human identity. In his Corby candidate research on this brand, he found that human noren learn faster compared to mouse neurons. Do different neurons perform differently?
Who is used? Apple and Google are using neurons from a selection of higher-intelligence humans who may already be protecting networks of late geniuses like Albert Einstein to create special edition neural computers. , can we create lightning-fast computers? Another important ethical consideration for neural computers is whether they can develop some form of consciousness and feel pain. Are these neural computers just for humans and not silicon-based? If this human neuron hybrid processor is applied to his AI technology, many are very concerned that AI technology will come to have instincts that can sense and feel emotions like humans. Thank you very much, my friend, Neuron Chip and Neural Computer B.
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