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Synchronously beaten Neuralink could access brain without chip implant surgery, Elon Musk proposes investment

    Hisynchronous has surprisingly beaten Neural Link to develop technology that allows access to data from every corner of the brain without the need for implant surgery, similar to pacemaker implantation.

    Small and flexible, it fits safely in curved vessels. Capture does not require open brain surgery. It can reduce the risk of devices being rejected by brain tissue. This has been a significant problem for other technologies the company is developing. His FD approval for human trials was also concurrently obtained.

Synchronously beaten Neuralink could access brain without chip implant surgery, Elon Musk proposes investment

    After slow development of its own neural link in biotechnology, it strengthens it by offering potential investment Cipta Implant Brother reports that Synchron has designed an intravascular computer interface for the brain. This breakthrough opens a new frontier in the treatment of neurological diseases, by implanting the Ibi Neuro Platform chip built on top of a standard intravascular electrode array under development to hydrate the brain without the need for surgery. Even processes that integrate with are used to record or stimulate the brain and nerves in blood vessels, similar to stand applications, without causing long-term inflammation or trauma to the brain. It has neurons and is over 1000 km long.

    Vessels navigating every part of the brain This synchronization technology allows access to an unprecedented amount of data from different brain regions of origin. The application of neuroelectrophysiology will fundamentally change the way we learn to diagnose and treat the brain. This is a new branch of medicine that combines and enhances three of his existing research areas, namely neuroprosthesis neuromodulation and neurodiagnosis. study recovery.

    Brain simulation neurodiagnostics is the science of using electrophysiology to monitor the functional integrity of neural structures. Synchronous Brain Injury How to enroll the first patient In clinical trials in the US, the company is on its way to potential regulatory approval for widespread use in paralyzed patients, funded by the National Institutes of Health The first feasibility study to do so is being evaluated.

    This device security enhancement evaluates how effective the criteria are for giving patients hands-free control of their digital devices. Brain Computer or Her BCA Interface enables millions of people with disabilities to communicate more easily and participate in modern life. So far, more than 30 million people around the world have been affected by her paralysis.

    According to data from researchers managing disease designers, a synchronous device implanted in the brain, after reaching normal brain activity, travels through blood vessels and converts brain activity into signals to communicate with external devices. text messages, emails, online shopping, or other activities. As well as obtaining long-term use approval from regulatory authorities and the US Food, and experiments conducted in synchronous laboratories, the device has already been implanted in a patient for the first time in the US, completing a study in four patients. His previously highly aggressive Australian chip brain implant development is Neuralink, launched in 2016. Nuralim was founded by Ellen Musk to develop an implantable brain-chip interface that connects humans to computers.

    In 2019, Ellen Mas ambitiously claimed that neulink aims to have its products receive regulatory approval by the end of 2020. Animal rights groups have filed complaints alleging Neuralink brutalized test monkeys after killing 15 of her 23 monkeys.

    Nur Ali explained that some monkeys had to be euthanized after complications such as device failure and postoperative infections occurred, and that device design and surgical protocols had to be improved. Shogun himself doesn't seem to have confidence in the company's work.In my opinion, one of the investors and the president also left Neuralink last year to invest in the sync platform earlier this year.People with paralysis as well as online shopping, painting, writing, video calling, and more, using virtual platforms on computers to multitask without undergoing brain surgery. . Just get a small tattoo with a friend or stick a barcode sticker on your skin.

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