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Branding Sell without mentioning specs, quantity or product quality

    Hello everyone, see you again Luna. Welcome to our article on money. In this video, I would like to talk a little bit about the world of economics and business. If you pay attention to people whose business is specialized in selling goods. Usually most of them give potential buyers different reasons to try to sell their products. For example, clothes made of the best materials, the most delicious food, the most comfortable shoes, the most effective medicines containing various nutrients, and so on. Are the best-selling products on the market effective or the most convenient?

Branding Sell without mentioning specs, quantity or product quality

    So I would like to hear his marketing advice from Apple founder Steve Jobs, who is now one of the biggest companies in the world. If you think about it, Nike, in the words of Steve Jobs, is the footwear and athletic company that dominates his apparel market with his $36.8 billion brand value. But why does Nike seldom say their shoes are the most comfortable, softest, and most durable materials?Nike is famous for branding his campaigns like Just Do It and Find Your Greatness.

    Needless to say, Nike understands that most consumers don't buy products based on rational thinking, but on emotional decisions driven by our associations and perceptions of them. We know that our products are of the highest quality, materials or specific specifications that we sell. Most people who buy Nike shoes because the Nike brand has such a strong connection to what they love is a particular character or a favorite like LeBron his James, Ronaldo, Serena his Williams. You may be an athlete.

    Now let's look at another example. Like Coca-Cola, which has dominated the cola market for over 100 years with a brand value of $59.2 billion. Perhaps it's not uncommon to hear other drinks advertised with their properties or ingredients, such as containing natural ingredients or vitamins. What Coca-Cola commercial says it's the most delicious and refreshing drink?

    Well, to answer that, there is an interesting story in the history of Coca-Cola's competition against Pepsi. In 1975, Pepsi held a blind test campaign by asking people to drink 2 colas without a brand and choose which one is tastier. Pepsi compared to Coca-Cola Looking at these results, Coca-Cola's management is trying hard to make a new formula that is better than Pepsi. Original taste, and also better than Pepsi The new product is called 'The New Coke' What's the result?

    After all, it wasn't because the product sold well, on the contrary, many Coca-Cola consumers loudly protested and demanded that Coca-Cola revert to the original Coca-Cola flavor.・I protested that Coke immediately stopped producing the new Coke and reverted to the old flavor.Why did blind tests prove that the new Coke tastes better than the original Coca-Cola? Well, a neuromarketing researcher named Dr. Terry Wu once said that consumers don't buy Coca-Cola for the taste, but for the brand's emotional connection with the consumer. Told.

    It includes not only the taste on the tongue, but also the emotional experience that has accumulated in many people's memories over the decades. Here, associations such as togetherness, joy and freshness are associated with the Coca-Cola brand. So some of these stories may have inspired Steve Jobs to push Apple as one of the biggest companies in the world today.

    By the way, this is why Apple, a technology company, rarely displayed advertisements focused on technical superiority or quality comparison with competitors during the Steve Jobs era. Instead, Apple focuses on branding. Today, Apple is more commonly associated with sophisticated, stylish lifestyles and the latest in innovative technology.

    Branding expert Marty Neumeier once said: Consumers digest all the information given and draw conclusions from it. You create and formulate it (brand). Therefore, when creating a brand, you should not just create one brand, but "millions" (many) of brands, depending on how many consumers or each audience (consumers) have different perceptions of you. will be created.

    When you think of the KFC brand, you think of the crispy crust of fried chicken. When I think of the Indomie brand, I imagine the flavor and warmth of egg noodle soup. That's what Marty Neumeier means by "intuition" or emotional experience. If you're starting a business, building a business, or building an MSME product, "This is for big companies only." and the most important thing for a small business is to focus on sales.”

    In fact, products and brands have to start in childhood. Many people may not know that outdoor bag brands such as Eiger are local brands of I ASIA, which started as a small cottage industry with only two sewing machines in Bandung in 1979 by Mr. Roniña Rumanito. So are his eccentric Joger clothing line for Bali J.Co Multiflavored Donuts and his local Indonesian brands like Chips Spicy Maicih, which popularized 0-10 levels of spiciness.

    If you're just building your brand, create a strong connection with your product. That's it, design, text, color swatches, text formats, communication methods, packaging, etc. until everything is set. I hope this video is helpful to you, especially those of you who have your own business.By the way, What do you think of when you hear the word “money”? Why don't you write it in the comment section? See you in the next video The money story never ends, so let's stay with the money story article!

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