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Two basic functions that determine business success

    Hello in Asia and welcome to businesshack one. This is a series aimed at trusted friends, entrepreneurs or corporate investors to build business units in their respective companies, and this is a series of articles.We hope there will be 20 articles in total. I'm here. We hope you can help all good friends start their business.Then we need to build this. We will introduce the operation and Nugrohono until the business was developed. I am the CEO and co-founder of cias completer and also the executive steward of his cabin. He is also the founder of the purwokerto business. I am accompanied by my best friend sainaful islam. I am Banyan He is TreeBond.com and a loyal friend of UKM. Luckily, Bondan and his friend, one of the main contributors to Tropical Tapioca, to be precise.

Two basic functions that determine business success

    Journey through Hell works well, and what's the big goal your friend learns later in the series. In this article, we'll actually get down to the material, first covering the basics in the previous article. Peter Drucker said that essentially a named business actually consists of his two elements or he only two components: innovation and marketing.

    If we do great work together, we will do great things later. That's also why me and Mas his Cynaful are here with various gimmons, especially inbound his marketing. I hope Mas Woody and I have a chance to discuss hacking and his business.

    All friends are like that, mass, yes, yes, let's go straight, let's go to a deeper review of what peter drucker mentioned earlier, yes, innovation multiplied by business marketing is Grow up. If you can do these two, forgive me. Yes ok, what do you mean by innovation? There are actually a lot when talking about the definition of innovation. And I talk about it a lot. But this time, I will talk about innovation in the context of business, and from the perspective of SI Peter Drucker.

    The bottom line is that two innovations and marketing what exactly does it mean when he says he has an innovation. Simple things like this, the ability of all friends to create value for customers, the ability to create value, Tower's focus is innovation. Innovation must be advanced high tank technology. It doesn't have to be that way. Innovation, yes. Yes, but it doesn't have to be. Ino is an eloquent example as far as friends create value with something of high value to their customers and actually want to buy it. Think about what kind of backpack would be of high value to someone. I thought it would be good, so I chose a material that is hard to tear. your seams. it's neat. Then I gave you a lot of bags.

    Nahu group chat, for those who want to climb mountains and travel a lot, everything is worth it. Others quit a lot because they don't talk about food. why do we buy food There are many crackers, so there are many side dishes, but another scanner is an example. How about the bell you gave your guests, including the restaurant, it's delicious too, Dahlia, the atmosphere is cozy and of great value to him too Hello, we want comfort and music. For the service, thanks another trainer. My need is a trainer. Well, I can develop it and have a training institute. For example, build a training institution.

    The product returned a training module. Training design, that is, if it can be done in Beijing, it is interesting. You will never get bored with the content. The content is meat. We all deserve it too, so people hope to eventually attend training with Cubic or his DCSD. Interesting This is what Chevelle has to offer to customers on the planet who happen to be looking to buy. So how smart we are and how much value we can create depends on how innovative we are, right? Yes, that's the innovative side of Peter Drakel's formula.

    That's marketing. Feel free to explain what you mean there. Yes, marketing means normal communication with customers. So we already have value. We already believe that the products we make are of value to our customers. The problem is our ability to communicate that value. For customers, that is PR in itself. Because it really matters. Not only is it beneficial to us, it is not beneficial to our customers. It's actually useful, but it's not very useful because it's not properly communicated, so it's not communicated correctly. The author said that history is the most epic and the most amazing, so he created a device that does not require definitive conclusions, even if he says the clock is impossible now.

    Who desires to ship it himself at home, however unusually sufficient, this creator made it round 1912 So he made some thing referred to as a bread reducing machine, of course, it is a device that simply has exceptional cost for clients due to the fact silence sees it as a completely huge capacity package, however due to the fact he can not speak the cost of Adharia nicely to the market, the end result is that it has handiest been offered for 12 years. Then a completely new Epic wait, particularly why is that, is it due to the fact the discovery isn't always state-of-the-art sufficient or the humans are simply now no longer equipped or what? reduce d ulu like that But manually, Ruwaida clearly desires to assist buddies due to the fact he does not speak nicely the cost of the device, so that is the cause why our hectare commercial enterprise, the Disney businesshack curriculum, can not be separated, certainly innovation and advertising and marketing are like minded with every different.

    Complements similar to if as an example there are those who are desirable at speaking cost to clients so ah the supply is direct like Wow that is simply cool, it really is simply desirable shopping for water however it seems to be so belijong like that as an example as an example the gear in advance it seems it is real it can not motor quite a few software program warmth there are quite a few bugs, like the instance above, it seems that the promise is strong, however it seems that Wulan simply broke, so the meals looks as if the packaging is desirable, the conversation is desirable, however after ingesting it, it does not flavor desirable, it makes my belly hurt, as an example, withinside the end, it additionally does not change into a commercial enterprise that does not work, so I do not devour it, ouch factors of every different are absolutely eliminated, so certainly we, as entrepreneurs, can't allow cross of our focus.

    First, we create a product or service in high file. It's not really a lie, but at the same time, the buffet must be able to convey a high "like" to customers, because they don't know what they can buy. I don't. The Bread Slicer just turns off Fanny. This forms the basis for the next 18 hours of discussion. Ahmad Sehr talks about values. We know that values ​​are not just functional. There is a lot of discussion these days. This is an emotional act. Because it can turn ordinary things into high value, and people are willing and willing to pay for it. I gave you examples of innovation earlier, Qantas, training meals, and the example I gave earlier, right?

    All purposeful, right, strong, plenty of water-proof pockets, purposeful, the meals is delicious, plenty of chips hehehe, there is music, it is all purposeful, the arrival of the education is likewise excessive, Jing, the content material of meat is purposeful, so for now, if we really need to provide a excessive value, do not simply have a purposeful value Please upload a dive value, which all at once human beings will need to shop for at a better charge due to the fact this document also can be greater purposeful, this system may be an example, for example, if it suits again, for example, for example, while the bag seems to be right, we continually partner it with celebrities.

    Like that, for example, folks that use that bag everywhere, celebrities use that actual aspect so that once human beings make it suit they experience they're celebrities stringing that sentence, why do they experience like celebrities experience like celebrities or different human beings see him like a celebrity, it is so emotional aleven though it is able to be due to that the charge may be doubled we are able to shape trainings as nicely if it seems that folks that fill withinside the education are folks who are already regarded folks who are already network leaders human beings can launch themselves with the trainer's aspect then in the long run it is the identical character the subject matter is like this or different, speak approximately the identical cloth withinside the identical way, however human beings are different, so it is able to be that you could deliver a charge of fifty million.

    Isn't it just highly functional for humans? Lily has emotions when she gets it, so she wants to pay more like that. Food samples in the future? Please give me an example of food. Also, as coffee brewers like Starbucks are talking about blends famous for making lots of chocolate. Photos of Apple on social media, but just like iPhone users, the green logo is flawed, and one of Apple's products really stands out for its tail logo. If there are too many seconds the photo looks fb don't look fb humble.

    Can you imagine a friend's business following the Peter Drucker formula? Friends focus on these two methods. How you innovate is a lot of marketing and also really creating products and services whose files are very limited by cash flow, right? Yes it's not just functional stuff, It is also an emotional one. Hi customer is ketone and very savvy in communication and was finally able to assess that the value was actually equal to or better than the price starbucks had to pay before Yes, you have the same coffee beans, Dad, we are in Medan, only 5,000 silver, and that's enough for Sumatra, right? However, due to the high added value, the combination of function and emotion is conveyed very well, and the fiancée people feel the height of the villain, and the size is large in the wallet.

    If so, I'd like to buy it for that price, so my friend's theme business will grow in the future, but when I get to those two, I'll go to Wassalam. That will be the basis for what we are going to discuss in this series. That's right, we'll go over these two things with him in 20 articles. So, if you have any questions, write them directly in the comments section below later. If I can't answer, I will try to answer. For example, you can ask for more help just by taking a picture. Ok bro marketing is dead but i will answer innovation but i will chat again till i see you in the next article. Choose the right product and the right market.

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