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Ambri Liquid Metal Battery, Lasts 20 Years

    Hi, last month Reliance Energi together with Bill Gates added new funding to Henry, a liquid metal battery developer with a value of US$ 144,000,000 or more than two three billion rupiah.

    The entry of Reliance Energi adds to the list of investors who have joined previously, namely the total energy bridges kos l'aventure KLB interpres  and the unique thing is that there are two oil giants who have joined in this liquid metal battery investment, the combined funding has reached more than three trillion rupiah in total,imagine a company that is just starting or a startup company gets funding of three three billion rupiah and most of it is for research and development Hi  what makes this MB liquid metal battery interesting? The embry liquid metal battery investors were born at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where Professor Donald Shadow worked with his doctoral student David Broadwell to develop the liquid metal battery.
Ambri Liquid Metal Battery, Lasts 20 Years at Very Low Cost and Environmentally Friendly

    Donald one i  this is a Professor of materials science who has worked for over 40 years at Mit and has been developing liquid metal batteries for over 10 years Donald Shadow mad David heavy well this became the founder of a liquid metal battery company named embry after the Cambridge word taken from the words  only the middle part of the embry got seed funding from Bill Gates and from total energy How does this liquid metal battery work this Liquid Metal battery What is the three layers of molten metal packed in a stainless steel case the top layer is the lowest density liquid metal made of a liquid metal alloy of calcium Aloy which becomes the negative electrode or anode then underneath there is a liquid salt that functions as an insulating electrolyte the bottom is liquid metal with the highest density made of solid antimony particles which will be the positive electrodes of the two liquid metals of different densities being separated o with molten salt electrolyte so that these three elements cannot combine or mix into one when we carry out the charging process or the process of connecting this battery to a load or electrical equipment, the current generated from the top electrode wants to blend with the bottom electrode, but the liquid metal is liquid  the top and bottom liquid metal cannot join because it is blocked by the molten electrolyte salt the only way to join is to form these ions which move through the liquid electrolyte so that there is a displacement that produces an electric current this process can be reversed when we carry out the process  This charging or charging is what makes the liquid metal battery have a very high cycle without losing its capacity because the electrolyte is in a liquid form so it doesn't get damaged over time.

    Operating the Camry battery system can heat up on its own inside without causing heat to the surrounding area because there is thermal insulation in the casing.

    This MB battery case also functions as a positive pole while the negative terminal is in the middle during the process of sending cells sent at room temperature and temperature. around and is not activated so that it provides an advantage in terms of safety during the shipping process as well as during the assembly process after arriving at the location of the heater in the system raising the operating temperature of Amri's commercial system packaged in containers that have a high voltage of 500-1500 volts DC with a capacity of one Mega watt  power capacity can be increased by an unlimited amount by parallel connection of this liquid metal battery using very cheap and easily available materials, namely calcium, antimony and salt so that the source of the components is abundantly sourced ethically in the sense that it is not damage to the environment and its safe supply chain of raw materials the advantages of this MB liquid metal battery are firstly very low production costs much lower 50% to 70 percent compared to lithium-ion batteries second very long battery life can reach more than 20 years with significant power loss  very minimal test results after 5000 cycles this MB liquid metal battery still has a capacity of 99.9% safe third there is no gas produced no thermal runaway and does not require BMS on the fourth rack system very high tolerance for over charging and over the searching Hi  the fifth team response is very fast less than 500 MS the sixth does not require a fire suppression system and the seventh Zero maintenance without the need for battery maintenance is designed not to receive any repairs after installation Amri batteries are relatively easy to work with on a large scale compared to lithium batteries  lithium ion ion for the megawatt storets scale has challenges that must be solved, namely requiring a casing that is quite expensive, overheating due to thermal runaway must be tightly controlled with many BMS, the service life is quite short and the price is still relatively high, the price of lithium batteries has tended to fall in the last five years.

    This is up to 70% but this price is still relatively high if used for energy storage research results from the international renewable energy agency reveal that 80% of the world's electricity will come from renewable energy by 2050 and solar and wind power will receive the highest share for that Expect continuous battery innovation and development with low cost and technical excellence and current installation embry portfolio of more than 50 patents issued in the United States and worldwide this broad patent covers compound cell chemistry  n cell construction cell interconnection between cells system design battery management system design and manufacturing process MB also has Thailand to immediately launch its products to the market and carry out on-site tests in 2021 currently MB's closest project is after a scale which is preparing an energy grid for  Data Center in the Nevada desert Reno embryo will supply a 250 megawatt liquid metal battery Starting this year we will see a lot of innovations in the coming years and whether embryo will be one of the solutions for future clean energy storage we will see in the future What it looks like

Thank you

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