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CATL's Sodium Ion Batteries Will Threaten the Collapse of Indonesia's Nickel & Cobalt Mines?

    Hi, good morning friends, this time we will discuss something very interesting, namely the development of battery technology for Ify or electric cars or batteries for energy storage, so there are interesting things because Seattle or the largest battery producer in the world is also known as the contemporary amperex technology.

    Is a battery company that is one of the market leaders with a Market Share of around 30% and has several large clients such as Desla game double you Tyler VW and others and interestingly at this time he announced a new type of battery technology that has been produced for the first generation so  This first generation has been produced by Seattle but has not yet been launched in the market which is quite interesting.

CATL's Sodium Ion Batteries Will Threaten the Collapse of Indonesia's Nickel & Cobalt Mines?

    This Seattle very rarely announces or makes events about the technology it has both for batteries and for other products with certain events and events that are quite large and Yesterday around almost one  weekly he announced it with many press releases and this is certainly interesting and makes many other lithium producers as well as users and users wonder and this can be a game changer or change the game of the lithium battery roadmap both on the scale of mining owners of countries that have been  rich in lithium as well as factories that have been producing lithium, this new type of battery introduced by Seattle is still similar to the lithium-ion family, namely John's sodium sodium battery but inside this battery does not contain any lithium so this is a new generation of this type of battery.

    lithium-ion uses sodium sodium technology, which means that this sodium technology can be extracted from materials that are widely spread on the earth's surface and also extracted from the sea like that means that this battery technology will be very environmentally friendly, low-cost and also the used batteries are allegedly not  to damage the environment or pollute the environment and this battery technology why will it be a game changer because the technology is very cheap Then the second is fast charging so it has a technology that can be fast according to research that has been done by Seattle this battery can be charged in fifteen minutes  and reaching 80% capacity means that it is quite fast compared to what has been circulating in the market then the third technology will definitely be quite cheap and this will make the dominance of certain countries the owners of lithium mines can no longer control or dominate the battery market and no country the country that will dominate the battery unless it masters the technology like that then the weakness of this sodium sodium battery is Hi its energy density is still inferior to today's lithium-ion in the world of Ify and the world of battery storage there are two types of batteries that are very popular  k is used, namely lithium-ion batteries, then 4ed lipo batteries. These two types of batteries are the most widely used because first Tesla and several car manufacturers still use lithium-ion batteries because their energy density is the highest. Quite high and relatively safe Lippo 4 is used by BYD manufacturers and several European car manufacturers while Toyota has been planning to use Trelco's lto-6 unba battery.

    Lithium-ion or lto curses are hardly heard these days and interestingly for this sodium sodium battery it has relatively no high thermal runaway compared to Islamic lithium-ion batteries.

    Refrigeration and PMS  The battery management system used must be able to really squeeze the thermal escape from this battery so that the battery does not heat up quickly and does not experience fire and sodium sodium is said to have a very small thermal runaway so it is relatively safe but it loses in power density or energy density.

    If this sodium sodium battery is it and the setting is only 180w Tower per kg while the lithium-ion battery can reach 204 hours per kilogram even the newest Tesla battery, the lithium ion type is also only bigger in size 4680 it is claimed he reaches 300w Tower per kg and Lippo  4 he estimates the figure is 190-200 whatever per kilogram for ke and energy so the energy density of this sodium sodium battery is still below lithium but when things say that this is still the first generation he has high enough prospects for its density to reach 302t over kg.

    Seattle because this is just a rise  t early and indeed for that battery technology when it has good prospects and should indeed be produced to reach higher tabs and scale capabilities like lithium-ion batteries were produced in the 90s but experienced massive energy density and the latest technology it  in the 2000s it was like that so Seattle is still very optimistic about the prospect of this new battery even the event is also quite large yes for healthy classmates Elda rarely announces in this way and this will change the game meaning Yes both producer players and state mine owners  Countries that have been benefiting from lithium may think again to sell mines and others on a large scale to producers, it is possible that when this battery has been produced Massively, the price of lithium will also experience.

    To this new technology by Seattle moreover the technology is environmentally friendly then fast charging then the most important thing is cheap Now with the price of the battery getting cheaper the technology is getting easier then the effort to make renewable energy will be easier because indeed the largest storage or nominal value of this battery is from this energy  is the price of such a battery.

    Hi, That's the brief information about the new technology of the sodium sodium battery and we will see how the prospects of this battery are in the future 

    That's a glimpse of construction robots whose innovation and development is still quite slow compared to other sectors.


Thank you

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