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Geothermal Power Plants

    Hi friends, Indonesia is very lucky because it has very abundant geothermal potential, even 40% of the world's geothermal potential is in our country.

    According to the geological records, the geothermal potential in Indonesia is 23.9 gigawatts, but from the total potential it is only 8.9 percent or 2136 megawatts if managed properly can produce enough electricity to illuminate 21 million households and even more the word geothermal or geothermal comes from the Greek word Geo which means earth and term which means heat geothermal energy refers to the energy produced by geothermal energy.

Geothermal Power Plants, How Geothermal Power Works and Potential in Indonesia

    The heat stored in the earth's core, the earth's structure is divided into three main parts, namely the earth's core, the earth's mantle and also the earth's crust, the earth's core is the Islamic layer consisting of solid and liquid materials containing extraordinary heat energy, the earth's core is covered by a mantle consisting of various  high pressure solid and liquid materials and rock The porous and porous Earth's mantle has a lower temperature than the Earth's core.

    The last is the Earth's crust with a fairly cold temperature. We all including plants and animals live in this layer. Convection in the Earth's mantle brings enough heat and kinetic energy to the Earth's crust to cause activity.  tectonic or plate shifts resulting in fissures In the earth's mantle layer in the earth groundwater trapped in reservoirs located above the magma chamber or hot rock due to direct contact with magma will heat the groundwater above it to a high enough temperature between 100-300 degrees Celsius, hot ground water will evaporate and will come out through the cracks in the earth's crust as an energy source that comes directly from nature and its renewable nature does not have a negative impact on the environment and humans.

    The use of geothermal energy to be converted into electrical energy is the first is that the temperature of the geothermal fluid must be high above 150-250 degrees Celsius then has a potential reserve of resources for the next 25-30 years.

    If the man is very low the corrosion rate of the material will be faster then there is a depth of well and the chemical content usually should not be too deep or not more than three kilometers and the last is the possibility of a hydrothermal eruption relatively low production of hot fluid from the bowels of the earth can increase the risk of occurrence hydrothermal eruption geological characteristics of geothermal areas that have the potential for geothermal electricity must go through several studies,the first is a magma heat source or magma chamber having a temperature of around 700° Celsius, the second must have bedrock or bedrock layers that form a magma chamber. form the bottom layer of hard rock then the third one must be I File or Yeon permeable layer, which is a layer that is able to be flowed by water This layer is a reservoir then the fourth there must be a proclamation of San hard rock as a layer of rock cover, the fifth must have a water level cement as a substitute adding water then the sixth has Surface manifestation, which is having symptoms that appear on the earth's surface, for example there is a water crater typical of a volcanic chaser and others.

    The process of generating geothermal electricity begins with the drilling process of wells in locations that have sufficient geothermal areas with a depth of 700-200 500 meters until it touches the ground water surface this drilling area is called a reservoir filter mall which serves to accommodate and remove hot water vapor from the earth, hot water and steam will rise automatically due to air pressure from the steam and water flowing through the pip a to the separator well and the pressure will decrease during this process, some of the water will turn into high pressure steam and the water that does not become steam will be flowed to the standard pressure catalyst to produce standard pressure steam, the remaining water will flow to the lower presser crystalliser to produce steam At low pressure, all the steam formed by Mbok is flowed into the turbine to drive the electricity generator that is produced and then flowed to step-up transformers so that the electric voltage rises to be flowed to the public electricity network or PLN, cold water that does not change will be flowed back into the ground to be heated naturally.

    Natural and will be reused at this time there are three technologies that are widely used in geothermal power plants, namely dry steam technology, flash steam technology and binary system power plant technology, the first is dry steam technology which is the most widely used generator.  the current use of geothermal steam is directly flowed into a turbine to generate electrical energy, the second is a flash powerplant technology that utilizes hot water from deep in the earth which is channeled to a tank on the surface to experience cooling after which the liquid will quickly become steam and drive a generator.

    Binary cycle plan technology which has the most complex technology hot water from the earth is flowed through a heat exchanger to heat a second liquid which has a lower boiling point than the first liquid this second liquid is called a heat transfer fluid after the heat of the second liquid will produce steam which will drive Geothermal turbines and generators are arguably the hidden treasures owned by the Indonesian state which are surrounded by a ring of fire. However, the construction of this geothermal power plant is very slow compared to other energy sources. Umi Indonesia said there are a number of problems that have not been resolved until now so that the use of geothermal energy in Indonesia is quite hampered. 

    First, the developer bears the cost of infrastructure which is actually a lot of responsibility, then the second is Apron rice or the need for a very large initial investment and a high risk.

    Several locations of geothermal potential are located in conservation forest areas, then fourthly, the price of electricity produced tends to be more expensive than coal industry and settlements. In addition, several other obstacles are the uncertainty of the condition of geothermal resources during the exploration process.

    One example of the risk of this resource is the absence of productive geothermal wells with limited capacity. This is due to the success rate of drilling exploration wells is only around 50% there is also a risk of community resistance and social issues that can result in delays in project completion which will ultimately have an impact on the economy and project and what often happens is changes in policies and regulations due to  the emergence of new regulations that were previously not taken into account by developers, overlapping laws and also sometimes there is no synchronization of regional policies with the center This is often an obstacle to the development of geothermal energy exploration Okay friends So at a glance about geothermal power technology Thank you.


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