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Rare Earth Metals. Why Are Rare Earth Minerals So Special?

    Hi friends, rare earth element or metal retreats have been quite popular in recent years because they are considered a treasure trove that can affect the acceleration of the technological economy and even the political barge of a country, according to the geological page, elemental retreat or RI are 17 chemical elements contained in the periodic table, precisely in the middle periodic table atomic numbers 21 3957 and 71 This group consists of yttrium and 15 lanthanide elements including lanthanum serum presdium neodium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium and lutetium citing from the Shine history page Hi these metals have fluorescent conductive and magnetic properties  What is unusual is that it makes it very useful when mixed in small amounts of the more common metals such as iron.

Indonesia's Rare Earth Metals, Treasure Or Curse Why Rare Earth Minerals Are So Special

    Its use as an auxiliary component in many technologies we are familiar with including smartphones, LED lighting and hybrid cars. his rarely used in oil refining, stealth aircraft technology and nuclear technology, its use is more specifically in the medical and manufacturing fields, besides that the element is also used in significant defense efforts, for example for electronic displays, laser bomb guidance systems, radar systems and also sonar systems for rare elements.

    Contained in a product is very diverse, some are few and some are large based on geological survey data from the United States or also China's geological survey ranks first as the world's largest producer with production reaching 168,000 metric tons in 2021, rare earth metal reserves or REE in the world. 

    Bamboo curtain country is also the largest in the world reaching 44444444, rarely in America, it is recorded as the second largest in the world with 43,000 metric tons, followed by Myanmar which produces around 26000 metric tons of rare earth metals and Australia with 22,000 Metric tons China's dominance over the rapid development of LPG in the country cannot be separated from their long experience in mineral management.

    This step Hi because the development of rare earth metals in China itself has been started since 1986 with the development of very advanced research and technology  components that use heavy rare earth metals in the world such as dysprosium comes from Chinese rare earth sources such as the polymetallic bayanu Budi Mongol deposit in Australia there is also a mine browse Range located 160 KM Southeast holds great in the north of Western Australia currently under development and positioned to become a producer 

    The first significant dysprosium outside China The increasing demand for LPG has depressed global supply and there are growing concerns that the world will soon face a rare earths shortage within a few years of 2009 worldwide demand  he for the rare earth elements is expected to exceed the supply of Mt.tons per year unless large new sources are developed in 2013 it is stated that the demand for retreat will increase due to the EU's dependence on these elements moreover the rare earth elements cannot be replaced by other elements and  ltj has a low recycling rate, the Chinese government had limited the number of Chinese and foreign joint venture companies that could export rare earth metals from China in order to secure domestic supplies. As a result, on 29 August 2014 the WTO ruled that China had violated the free trade agreement due to restrictions on metal exports.

    Rare earths China made the technology chain of Europe and America suffer greatly, finally on Jan 5, 2015 China lifted all barriers to export of rare earths but export permits are still very strict, rare earth elements are widely available in China, Australia, Africa BRazil and America in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar, are estimated to have reserves of 5% of the world. Unfortunately, Indonesia does not yet have complete data regarding the total resources of rare earth metals due to the lack of research related to LTJ in the country, but based on the book on the potential of rare earth metals in Indonesia by the center  Coal and geothermal mineral resources, the geological agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in 2019 the rare earth metal resources that were successfully investigated in several areas were recorded at at least seventy 2579 tons.

    Derived from placer deposits and lateritic deposits, the Souqy resource center, the geological agency in 2014 conducted a study to find out Ltjj resource potential in tailings deposits on the island of Bangka using the remote sensing interpretation method, the results of the study show that the thickness of the tailings deposit is four meters to 6 m, the total area of Thailand's deposits is 500,000 hectares so that the volume is obtained.5.5 billion M3 with a total LPG content of 9.5 grams per M3 indeed the levels are still quite small because from the raw material 1 m3 or if you measure one meter long, 1 m high, 1 meter wide, we will only get less than 10 grams of rare earth metals.

    Ltj resources from lateritic deposits studied from several areas contain 20,500 79 tonnes er of LTJ containing minerals such as monazite zircon and xenotime are associated minerals from main minerals such as tin, gold, bauxite and nickel laterite.

    First, placer-type resources as tin- associated minerals, rare earth deplacers, are often found in tin resource locations because they are both in alluvial tin deposits both onshore and offshore, the greater the potential for tin, the greater the potential for LPJ.

    Theoretically, the LPJ content in monazite minerals  about 91 percent to 94 percent of the following an area rich in LPG with a flasher type, namely the Riau Islands, its hypocritical resources 2268 tons to Bangka Belitung, its hypocritical resources of 170 7211 tons, South West Kalimantan, its hypocritical resources of 1176 tons, the second type of resource is dual prescription or lateritic deposits, this type is a type of deposit that has begun to be developed in several producing countries.

    Rare earth metal potential for lateritic LPG to Indonesia is quite large. If viewed from the geological and climatic conditions that allow lateritic deposits to occur in Indonesia, the following is a list of areas containing rare earth metals with residual or lateritic deposit types.

    Ore 4.4 three million tons, Ketapang, West Kalimantan, potential LPJ 219 tons and seeds 1 limp 93 million tons, Takan, West Sulawesi, potential ltj 1416 tons, ore 7.3 02 million tons Banggai, Central Sulawesi, potential 443 tons and ore 1.50 2 million tons third areas with weathering type or ion adsorption potential of ltdj resources, the type of ion adsorption, especially in kaolin deposits, is found in the Belitung island area.

    Unfortunately, it still cannot be calculated because of the limited data obtained, even though the results of chemical analysis have shown the presence of LTjj content. However, this potential is still an indication of the fourth LTjj LTD type in coal, although research on this type is still limited, based on geological conditions and the magnitude of coal potential in Indonesia, it is estimated that the LTD potential in coal to Indonesia is quite significant.

    Coal requires complex technology for extraction so that research is still very limited, although data and maps of the distribution of rare earth metals in Indonesia are still very minimal in fast motion to be able to extract rare earth metals, especially those that are abundant in coal.  Attaching to other mineral metals must be done immediately, China will likely find it very difficult to share this extraction technology considering that China dominates the market dominantly, Indonesia can cooperate with America or the closest is Australia, collaborating with countries outside China, is also quite important to maintain supply chains and price stability globally.  If this extraction technology is not implemented immediately, we will lose the momentum as well as the opportunity to increase the bargaining value in the world technology market with friends.

    That's a glimpse of the potential of rare earth metals in Indonesia,


Thank you

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