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Hydrogen - Fueled Car

    Hi friends, hydrogen cars and you as futuristic cars because they are environmentally friendly fuel Zero emission traces of the development of hydrogen cars actually started hundreds of years ago Since 1807 when Francois Ishak from Fast from Switzerland designed the first internal combustion engine that uses hydrogen and oxygen fuel  Next, there are many vehicles that use hydrogen fuel, including General Motors which launched electric fans.

Hydrogen - fueled car, the vehicle of the future is an innovation that has stopped

    In 1966 after more than 100 years we saw hydrogen cars. Currently, there are only five brands in circulation, namely Toyota Mirae, Honda Clarity, Mercedes Benz glc, BMW Next and also Hyundai Nexo.

    Sales of hydrogen cars during 2021 are expected to reach 12000 units while battery electric cars are estimated to sell six million units What makes this hydrogen so slow to develop even though its energy density is much higher than batteries what's wrong with hydrogen is  the largest element in the universe as well as the most important element for solar life made mostly of hydrogen on earth Pure hydrogen is very rare but there is water which is a bond between hydrogen and oxygen this abundant amount of water can be converted into hydrogen a very efficient fuel  To drive a vehicle engine or drive an industrial engine unfortunately To take advantage of this energy we have to make hydrogen from something first we can use methane through a process called steam reforming or in a second way that is using electrical energy by electrolysis of water after it becomes hydrogen we can  use it directly or through a process lately called a facial, namely mixing it with oxygen into the fuel cell and the reaction in the chiellini will produce electricity and heat and waste in the form of pure water that we can drink  in the 60s Nasa was already using hydrogen to power space capsules.

    Currently, its development is increasingly widespread, it can be used to fuel planes, trains, rockets and also cars. The way this car works is almost similar to an electric car because the cell file produces electrical energy to be used to drive the engine. or motor Vehicle there are three main components at the stage of how a hydrogen car works, namely a hydrogen fuel tube full of electric motor cells and also sometimes there is a battery to store the electricity generated when performing degenerative braking.

    The movement of electrons that generate electricity to drive the engine of an electric vehicle in a hydrogen car equipped with a battery when braking occurs will produce a large amount of electricity. This electricity will be stored in the battery and can be used for  To help drive the engine, Hyundai and Toyota are successful automotive companies with hydrogen fuel and have quite impressive vehicle performance, several manufacturers have also stated that they are ready to develop hydrogen engines if government regulations favor this technology by providing price subsidies or an extensive hydrogen charging network.

    Released by snri Z, sales of hydrogen cars during 2021 to August reached 11200 units, an increase of 90% compared to the previous year which only sold.

    We compare it with electric vehicles which until August 2021 alone have sold nearly 4.3 million units and are expected to be sold.  six million more units by the end of 2021 there are several things that make hydrogen electric cars less popular than the first battery electric cars if we compare from the hydrogen charging method very fast to be charged in under three minutes almost the same  with us filling gasoline cars while for battery electric cars today using a fast charging supercharger can charge 80% in 30 minutes to an hour to cover a distance of 300-400 km in terms of charging speed, hydrogen is much faster than batteries but batteries  experienced tremendous research progress three years ago it took 7-12 hours to charge a car battery to cover a distance of 180 KM we don't know 2-5 years It may be faster to charge and have a much higher energy density secondly efficiency issue  hydrogen requires a process from electricity to convert water into hydrogen then hydrogen gas needs to be compressed to be sent through a tanker or pipeline and then to a refueling station to be stored in a geogenic tank then converted into electricity to drive a car dynamo so according to a report by spear Star from the university  aberd  een written in the conversation, from 100 watts of electricity used to make hydrogen, only 38 What or 38 percent is finally used to drive this car called in Factor transitions, while for cars the battery of 100 watts used to charge the battery 5% is lost when power transmission 5  % is lost during the charging process and is wormed so that the efficiency is around 80 webs or about 80%.

    The third is the infrastructure for hydrogen filling which is still very expensive. The need to build a pipeline or cryogenic tube to store hydrogen is estimated to need billions of rupiah to build this hydrogen filling station. more labor is needed for maintenance and service in Europe alone there are only less than 60 hydrogen charging units while for battery-powered electric cars only require a high-power charger to be installed in sidewalk parking lots or charging stations no need to carry  By building a new electricity grid, electricity networks are available in almost all areas, plus the question of the price of hydrogen sold per kg with energy conversion which, if calculated, is much more expensive per kilometer compared to hydrogen electric vehicles.

    Is how to minimize the supply chain delivery efficiently or find a cost-effective storage system recently discovered a method of hydrogen storage in solid form or called solid-state hydrogen that can cut storage space and also the cost of production simultaneously start-up plus magnetic found a method that would make hydrogen less expensive than batteries the method by absorbing hydrogen from the air onto a nanoscale graphite film activated by laser light the device was able to extract God kg of hydrogen per day directly from the chimney  and the flow of gas into solid-state hydrogen that is easy to store, cheap and easy to distribute, hydrogen should have to find new innovations so that together with battery-powered cars, it becomes a solution for improving the climate and the survival of the planet.

    Okay friends, so a little review about cars  hydrogen


Thank you

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