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Construction Robots

    Hi friends, construction is one of the largest sectors in the global economy, an average of 13 percent of world GDP or about 10 trillion dollars is spent on construction and infrastructure development, but the productivity growth of this sector has only increased by one percent over the last 20 years, a study also illustrates that productivity  has decreased by 50% since the 1950s not because of the skill problem of workers but rather the level of complexity of the construction process which is increasing day by day while human or worker capabilities are quite limited, especially during the current pandemic, the Global construction sector is experiencing a significant shortage of manpower up to millions of people.

Construction Robots, Why Is It Slow To Develop In Innovation & Field Applications

    This made the construction sector start to think of a strategy to use various kinds of autonomous machines in the year sales of construction robots have reached around 70 million Yes dollars are expected to increase significantly more than 225000000 US Dollars  r in 2025 but the adoption of robot technology in the construction industry is significantly lower than other traditional manual sectors, for example in the automotive or agro-industry sectors which have massively adopted robot technology.the first is a construction robot that produces or works at the project site this is a type of construction robot that is mobilized and carries out activities or work at the project site and in recent years we have seen prototypes and testing for example carried out by the FBR company from Australia they produce heart robots  X, which can install bricks with precision, both straight and curved or curved, there are also several construction trade printing robots that can build houses by continuously printing through concrete, the second is robot.

    Phrase construction Bekasi prefabricated is the process of making part or all of the building at the factory site in bulk and then sent to various project sites robotic arms and machines have long been used in technology like this and in recent times there have been many instant houses or prefabricated houses one of the construction companies that uses this machine is the Katerra company from California , the third type is the type of autonomous vehicle, excavator bulldozer compactor, currently there are already equipped with self-driving features so that they can carry out their own work independently by using a lidar sensor.

     This autonomous weight can do work repeatedly to minimize work accidents so as to enable construction and site cleaning work to be carried out 24 hours non-stop. Locations require time and energy so inspection robots are being developed that can help speed up work. Spot Boston Dynamic robots were recently piloted on construction sites to conduct surveys and also carry out project inspections. Autonomous drones with multiple sensors can also be used for this fifth job.

    Is Robert exoskeleton working on a construction site is physically and physically demanding so lifting heavy loads is a common cause of injury on a construction site and this is where the function of the exoskeleton can help the exoskeleton is a G Hai or part of a kit worn by workers that provides robotic features an exoskeleton can help the wearer to lifting heavier loads while reducing fatigue the five types of construction robots are very promising, but the adoption of technology and innovation is still very slow compared to other fields.

    There are several factors. Why technologists  i robots and machines Hi very slow in the construction sector the first is the complexity of the construction site robots are most successfully adopted in Mass manufacturing lines where they operate on-site and perform the same tasks over and over again this situation is very different from outdoor construction in very unfavorable weather unexpected unique conditions in the field, both in the form of roads, buildings and bridges.

    The second is that the investment costs in robotics involve very high initial costs, including in the case of RND, many companies operating with very thin margins, investment is still overvalued for now so they are more  cheap and easier to hire and train humans than invest in robots third is technology is still less flexible and quite expensive there are many promising innovations around robots and construction but few are using them widely and few companies are  who actively use robots at project sites, this technology does need to be improved to be simpler, more complex and has a fairly low cost of use before it can be widely and massively used, although there are obstacles in the use of robotics in construction.

    However, the potential benefits are also worth considering, especially for processes  future manufacturing and long term advantages of this automation include several points the first is less waste 3D printed construction robots and pre we only use a certain amount of material according to what is needed in the field thereby reducing the amount of jungle significantly saving money and not harming the environment  The second is the solution to the current shortage of manpower, the shortage of manpower has become a global issue after the pandemic, especially in some developed countries where the construction workforce shortage is up to millions of people. The third is fewer local injuries.

    Project ation can be a very dangerous place so tools such as exoskeletons or autonomous inspection robots can helpin various ways to reduce risks to humans Fourth is the work being faster efficient and low cost one of the big advantages of automation with robots is the potential for cost savings and speed  the time it takes for project stages to be completed significantly faster at a much lower cost than usual the adoption of robots does make it easy in some ways but it can also be an issue for some developing countries with very high populations that require labor absorption for their economic growth robots eliminating aspects of human operations this change can be a problem However collaborative robots can be a needed solution for industry they are designed to work in tandem with human colleagues rather than to replace them OK, friends.


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