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Spinlaunch Launches Rocket Into Orbit Without Fuel

    Hi friends, since space technology hasdeveloped, the use of rockets that are environmentally friendly and low-cost continues to be pursued, scientists continue to question Is there a better way to go to space than using rockets?

Spinlaunch launches rocket into orbit without fuel, stirs space industry

    50 years ago that rockets didn't need fuel to reach orbit HRV successfully fired ballistic missiles using giant gun tubes another alternative to reach space was to use very large balloons But in fact fuel-powered rockets have dominated space exploration since the dawn of a breakthrough made by a startup called Spin launch speedflow puts Corbid rockets using zero fuel aka no fuel at all the way the spindles use centrifuges that spin at 5000 miles per hour and then releases the nm rocket just the rocket  the new nis was launched at supersonic speed last october 22nd in american sports all that could be heard was a loud sonic boom no burst of fuel then the rocket could disappear and reach earth orbit the start spindles said that was the day their accelerator bital subtors came alive and made The new breakthrough Strator-style superbite is a 1000 ton steel vacuum centrifuge that spins at up to 5000 miles per hour before releasing and launching a hypersonic spacecraft this innovative tool larger than the Statue of Liberty contains a long vacuum chamber where an arm rotates Hey this arm uses force  of the kinetic energy to spin the rocket later when the desired speed is reached the rocket will be released and fired rapidly into the air so that it can reach earth orbit very quickly This is a very different way of accelerating projectiles and  launches vehicles at hypersonic speeds using ground-based systems, said Specflow CEO Jonathan Yeni as quoted from cnbc.

    The latest launch of spins launch is not just a technology demonstration the company is developing an even bigger orbital accelerator engine they have also researched and developed the satellite technology needed to sustain the spin.  The high speed and GSX Stream generated by their launch engine, speechless, will eventually be able to orbit satellites up to the 200 kg class, well at a very low cost. Spin Stone began development in early 2015 less than two years later.hundreds of launches in the laboratory in October 2021, the first launch of the guitar support system facilitated the technology and marked this important milestone.

    Spin Stone's success, of course , shocked the space world.  a space launch is very expensive and can range from 100000000 US Dollars to 700000000 US Dollars for a single delivery but speechless can get the job done for only half a million US Dollars This is a fundamentally new way to reach space not only reducing costs but being able to launch multiple times in a  every day Currently the design of artificial sub-orbital accelerators, besides continuing to upgrade in the future, they will continue to carry out a series of tests with different vehicles throughout 2022 with 30 speedflow earth orbit flight trials targeting the rocket launcher to fly satellites and other space vehicles in 2025  With industry plans to launch 10 times the number of satellites over the next decade, it is imperative to develop environmentally friendly and pollution-free space access technologies because kinetic-launched satellites are very efficient, ar from the atmosphere without speedflow rockets enabling a future in which constellations of satellites and cargo payloads of space can be launched with zero emissions.

    Travel in space the structure of equipment and supplies needed to support civilization in outer space must also be launched There is a possibility that tens of thousands of people will someday work and live in outer space millions of tons of infrastructure and supplies must be launched Spin Stone ensures that it can be done with environmental impact  as minimal as possible to friends. 

    That's a glimpse of the startup Spin Stone, which is capable of launching rockets without using fuel and combustion engines, 


Thank you

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