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Thorium Reactor! The Most Effective Electrical Energy

    Good afternoon, friends , nuclear power plants with thorium-water fusion today are being discussed a lot, especially when.

    Bridges has funded a terrapower company assisted by Geh Itachi to develop modern reactors or fourth-generation reactors in addition to several private companies in several countries that are very  Intense research for this thorium technology, namely India because it has the largest reserves in the world and also China. However, there is one thing that is quite interesting, namely Indonesia with a company from America, namely Thorcon Power.

Thorium Reactor!, Will Be the Most Effective and Cheapest Source of Electrical Energy

    World credit So so far, although research and research have been carried out for decades by various countries and by various laboratories and campuses, there has not been a single thorium power plant operating commercially yet.

    We will discuss what the technology from Thorcon Power is and we will also discuss why America is reluctant to massively develop nuclear power plant technology with Ussy Thorium.

    First, we will first understand what thorium is, so thorium is one of the 15  This radioactive element and element is taken from the name of the god of thunder, Thor and thorium. This has been found since 1828 so it has been a long time.

    Hi then the identification code for this thorium is th 232, this is the most stable element of thorium and this isotope of thorium can be extracted from thorium  story and it and most of it is from monazite then this thorium waste is still radioactive for up to 500 years but that is much lower than uranium waste which can remain radioactive for hundreds of years and even millions of years there are many reactors that can use this thorium because of this thorium  quite flexible  Tu Happy water reactor Hi, the temperature of the gas reactor is a pressurized water reactor, then the fast neutron reactor and the nuclear energy driver accelerator are still reactor types.

    Yes, it's another dirty, but if we draw a straight line, there are only two types that are currently being used, namely the water reactor and the molten salt reactor.  This Holden Rector is the latest generation or fourth generation reactor which was also developed by terrapower developed by China developed by India and massively reset by various universities in the United States and this molten salt reactor is considered the safest and safest nuclear reactor to date.

    However, this setting is still on a laboratory test scale and a prototype test means that there is no thorium power plant technology operating commercially at this time, so what is the workings of these 10 tensort reactors?

    As a breeder of three-molten u-23 uranium, this actor has a chemical reaction that functions to convert thorium to be later developed or destroyed into uranium and it is this uranium that will function as fuel in a fusion reactor.

    Dissolves thorium into molten Florida salt and then sends it to the reactor chamber which is at a temperature above 600 degrees Celsius Hi then this liquid Florida containing thorium is bombarded with high-speed high-energy neutrons and this thorium atom is then transformed into uranium u-23 three an isotope of uranium that then capable of splitting, releasing energy and triggering a chain reaction called nuclear vision.

    This molten salt reactor is considered the safest nuclear reactor because it has a fairly low pressure compared to conventional uranium reactors and this lower pressure is able to withstand system failures so that it does not explode and spread out then this molten salt reactor is also free from an officer who can be very explosive has a multiple reactor extinguishing system that can be carried out actively and passively so when a reactor system failure occurs without intervention from the operator he can secure himself in Indonesia itself.

    This research is very expensive and the cost is quite high even Batan on his website states that to research this thorium from an early stage until it can be used in an applicative way he needs funds, not on the practice of PLTN applications or domestic workers in the field and he also needs funds. N costs around 3-4 billion per year for mapping this storium potential, so for mapping alone it costs 3-4 billion per year and for the recipe itself it costs around 4006381333641 technology for this thorium power plant in Indonesia in Indonesia itself  currently thorcon has entered since a few years ago even Air has collaborated and collaborated with various universities in Indonesia to develop a mold valve actor laboratory that is used to further research this thorium at the application and design level of this molten salt reactor or the thorium reactor offered  by thorcon this is the same or has the same design as the one that was tested in America several decades ago to be precise in the 60s by the national laboratory of great so this is a proven system, this ethercon just uses the same or similar design so he doesn't need to issue rise cost Therefore, ethercon is very optimistic that this PLTD or nuclear power plant in Indonesia has bright prospects and can reduce electricity costs, which are currently increasingly expensive and damaging to the environment.

   With something very revolutionary, namely He built a PLTG on a ship so this PLT is a PLT or floating thorium power plant that can be moved to various locations including rivers and offshore even in the middle of the sea so ethercon says that this PLTD designed for Indonesia is  PLTD which is revolutionary enough, flexible and very safe, there will be no events like Chernobyl or Pusima and this technology has been proven to have worked for many years in America, although then in Suudzon for more than thirty years, the question then is Why America  As a country that is very advanced in atomic technology, it does not carry out very massive research institutionally, namely that carried out by the atomic institution or the American national nuclear agency.

    Why does he continue to use uranium-based nuclear power plants with conventional designs or we have known for a long time that nuclear engineering  America was first designed to support its military, so when the cold war occurred, America also needed a fairly high supply of plutonium and this plutonium could be produced from by-products or waste products produced by nuclear power plants powered by uranium.

    Therefore, nuclear power plants in America it has been designed to support military equipment and military weapons Hi and because this roadmap is long enough and already established America will not be easy to change the existing nuclear power plant maybe America will wait until this nuclear power plant is actually finished next period  it's just that he made the latest model of nuclear power plants using storium fuel, this is different from India and China, India and China, he doesn't have nuclear reactors that use uranium massively like America.

    Therefore, China and India can switch quickly with the latest technology, namely molten salt.  reactors and uses less dangerous radioactive raw materials such as thorium. Therefore, China and India continue to speed up this thorium technology for several reasons. First, India has thorium reserves.

    For the industry for the people it is growing very rapidly and he needs technology that is quite revolutionary China also promises that after the molten salt reactor prototype is completed he will share it with the countries involved in the Chinese version of the torch project or one belt One Road Ha  I'm a devil friend, maybe that's a glimpse of the technology for nuclear power plants, thorium fusion or PLT,


Thank you

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