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Wireless Power Network, Emrod StartUp Starts Utility Test

    Hi friends, since the days of Nikola Tesla with his famous coil Engineers have dreamed of being able to transmit large amounts of electricity over long distances and all wirelessly.

    More than 100 years ago Nikola Tesla considered wireless energy when working on his Tesla coil transformer circuit. generating alternating current electricity Tesla's first real experiment with wireless electricity occurred in 1899 in the Colorado spring He built a powerful oscillator in a structure like a barn-like wooden tower driven by a metal 40 meters high with a copper bulb on it Nikola Tesla demonstrated that he could light a light bulb from a distance of more than three KM his Tesla coil worked perfectly but the experiment burned the dynamo of the Colorado Springs power company and extinguished the entire city electricity grid after that many innovations were made to realize Nikola Tesla's idea in 1975 Nasa GPL goldstone successfully delivered 34 kilowatts of electricity over a distance of 1.5 KM in 2015 Japanese prosecutors succeeded in transmitting 1.8 kilowatts of electricity over a distance of 55 m today The development of wireless electricity has been widely applied to high-end smartphones but at a very short distance  and very low power but over the next few months new zealand startup emmrod which is backed by the government and a major power company will scale up wireless power transmission on a commercial scale the technology behind emmrod's wireless system is very different from what Tesla proposed emmrod can keep.

Wireless Electric Network Will Be Realized Soon, Emrod StartUp Starts Utility Test

    The beam remains tight and focused with the first two Ki technologies the first is a transmission technology consisting of a small Rado element and a single wave island to create a collimated beam parallel to the second technology associated with a metamaterial that effectively interacts with the waves. The basic idea is that energy is converted into electromagnetic radiation by the transmitting antenna, captured by the receiving antenna, then distributed locally, Tesla's system transmits energy in an omnidirectional manner, meaning that it radiates power in all directions.

    The root system uses a directional and focused beam of direct power from one antenna to another another emmrod implemented the idea of optical radar and used metamaterials to focus the transmitted radiation more tightly than previous microwave-based wireless power systems, the optical delivery system formed electromagnetic pulses into cylindrical beams thus making it completely different from how cell phone towers and radio antennas work, the doctor said. raison skin ship science officer at emmrod metamaterial antenna design and the willing technology used is very important because it allows achieving a certain level of performance, namely the level of efficiency, reliability and also the safety consideration distance built into the transmission is also necessary so that the system can be used for commercial purposes especially minimizing the radiation impact that may arise with emmrod technology the wireless transmission distance can reach up to 40 km As long as there is a line of sight between the antenna and the sender and receiver the distance can also be extended using passive relay currently available semiconductor technology unifier places an upper limit on the antenna power density of about 10 km M2 Emmrod's laboratory prototype currently operates indoors at a distance of only two meters work is underway to build a demonstration system of 40 m this also remains indoors to make conditions easier to control next year emmrod is planning field tests at a power grid facility operated by powerco.

    New Zealand's second largest power company in an email powerco said it was funding  i testing with the aim of learning how much power the system can transmit and how far away it is powerful also provides technical assistance to help emmrod connect the system to its distribution network but before testing the system must meet a number of performance and environmental safety requirements one of the safety features is a laser array which is placed along the edge of a flat panel receiver which is designed to capture and then pass the beam into focused energy.

    This laser is directed to the sensor in the transmitter array so that when a bird in flight interrupts one of the lasers the transmitter will stop some of the energy beams so that the bird can fly to fly.  through it Emerald electromagnetic rays operate at frequencies classified as industrial scientific and medical company founder Greg schmidt says that the power density is about one kilowatt per m2 emrat  at the opportunity to deploy its technology to provide electricity service to remote areas and locations with difficult terrain the company is considering the feasibility of crossing the 30 km Strait between the southern tip of New Zealand and you stewards estimate that a 40 M2 transmitter is capable of doing the job increasingly said that the system could cost about 60% of the cost of a regular submarine cable if this test is successful and implemented on a commercial scale maybe in 10/20 years we will be able to always be connected to the electricity grid meaning there will be a massive technological evolution.

    Just imagine we have electric cars and various electronic equipment that are always charged with electricity wherever we are, friends. That's a glimpse of the wireless electricity network that is being designed by emmrod,


Thank you

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