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100$ bank savings vs 100 grams of gold, which one would you choose?

    Which do you think is more profitable to save a $100 million deposit, 100 grams of gold, or both? Let's discuss the facts.

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100$ bank savings vs 100 grams of gold, which one would you choose?

    The question is whether interest rates on savings and deposits have also risen. Is it true that cash is still king or is it better to save money, my finance friends who have subscribed to offinanceku.com since the first video, you know for sure, right?

    When I suggest gold deposits and money market fund savings, it's an emergency fund. That's the feature. Yes, reserves are set aside separately for sudden or urgent needs. That amount is between 6 and 12 times your monthly spending, so if your emergency fund isn't ideal, especially now with the global recession and inflation issues, it's a good idea to top up your emergency fund first. please give me. You can read the land fund description in the ebook and download it for free near you.

    Is cash still king? This statement is true, but not 100% correct. Did you know that when inflation goes up, it becomes the value of the currency? Before inflation, the price of a meatball was 12,500, but when inflation hits, especially when inflation is very high, it becomes the value of our money. value goes down.

    I used to be able to buy meatballs for 10,000, but now I can't. If you already understand bol, how does my friend understand the concept? Finally, how do you save enough money in a savings or custody account as an emergency fund to pay 6 to 12 times your monthly expenses? What's left, the rest can be used for investment, but despite the inflation of the global recession, there are still many investment opportunities. If money works, I see why you're sleeping. Savings and deposits, I brought it from a site called LPS, deposit insurance company, friends, your friends, check the rate guaranteed by LPS, it's 3.75% of commercial banks.Commercial banks are BRI BCA Mandiri It's like BNI.

    This is guaranteed by LPS 3.75 and 6.25% of Rural Bank, People's Credit Bank. Oh yeah, People's Credit Banking Unlike the traditional activities of commercial and local credit banking, there are no payment services. The guarantee is that banking is narrower than commercial banks. BPR Bank is still safe as the guarantee is from a deposit insurance institution and is registered and monitored by the Financial Services Authority or OJK. If you want to save now with BPR Bank, we already have a first market application.

    The unique name for BPR Bank's deposit products is BPR-Deposits, both of which are municipal, making saving with BPR Bank more convenient, profitable and secure. Why this is more convenient, more convenient is, firstly, if you want to open a deposit, you can start from 300,000 and both conditions or one time is flexible, you can start from the third month, and once for your application Because just registering is enough, you can get funds directly from hundreds of selected PPR banks all over Indonesia.The fourth is the product I deposit.

    And the pragmatic people depositing or delegating depositors will receive the Aphis Deposit System and help them automatically renew their deposit capital only according to the term or maturity set at the beginning of deposit placement. Free shipping means you don't have to worry about billiards as a depositor. This is because the entire delivery process is done by her PPR deposit team from the municipality and no fees are charged. Higher than commercial bank deposit interest rate or higher than commercial bank savings deposit interest rate, second is high interest rate up to 6.25% per annum, third is omo offer, fourth is h cashback bonus program.

    Another is safer. Why, all these deposits were guaranteed by deposit guarantee institutions or LPS of up to Rp2 billion per customer account and his PPR of municipal deposits were recorded and monitored by Financial Services Authority. For those who want to save their deposit, it's time for him to PPR his PPR deposit per commune. Just download it in the Google Play Store application or his Appstore. Now let's look at the data again.

    Rest assured, this is what commercial banks look like as of October 6, 2022. Trying to rank in his 4 largest banks in Indonesia. Here is the interest rate. Look, we're sorting alphabetically. Good friend, let's meet another general, shall we? For example, we often hear the same thing. I still follow the alphabet on a daily basis. Finally, there is the digital bank. We are currently collecting this data from each bank's website.

    Let's see, it's pretty good, it's pretty big. Apart from interest rates, some banks also offer cashback promotions. I admit that the offer is really interesting, especially when it comes to money. It's an emergency. Now, why not compare that to saving money. I would like to show you a long-term chart of the gold price about 15 years ago. Here is the chart. Looking at it, the price of gold was around 200,000 in 2008, right? Prices up to 800k means they have quadrupled in the last 15 years. Ok, I've tried compound interest and wall group lite or weighted average growth rate or interest rate, so this is the excel result of 10.41% per annum. Narrow down period Yes Around 2020 Gold price reached Rp 1 million per gram Now gold price has fallen to Rp 800,000 per gram in 2022, what do you think? use your senses ok ok how is the price of gold in 4 years if the price of gold is trending up will it go back to normal is it good to save gold now or pay it back in gold installments It's time What does it mean Tin I myself tried to get my money back with this digital pawn shop app but this is not supported.

    This is my personal experience. Let's say you bought 100 gold. Grams are currently priced at 800,000 per gram and are locked, so you're only using about 20 million DP, with the rest in installments over several years. In this example, it is an installment payment over the next three years. Do you think the price of gold will go higher or lower than 800,000 per gram or will it stay the same? If the price of gold is high you will get a lot thanks to gold installments yes The original price will be 1 million rupiah per gram, but the price is 800,000 per gram Yes, vice versa Gold is hard or down, you are out of luck. Interestingly, please share this information with friends whose hobby is saving money. So if you think it's better to save or buy gold what is the reason, write your opinion in the comments ok again saving or deposit and gold is better as emergency capital.

    At this point, if you're still confused about how to financial plan or need help reviewing your investments, contact my financial planner as you can reach out to my finance team via WhatsApp number or the link below Please. See you next Wednesday at Financial Literacy. Plan and make your financial dreams come true

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