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Equity investment VS gold is more profitable

    Hello, one of the most popular investment vehicles from the time of our parents, or even from the time of our grandparents, is gold, almost certainly worth it, almost gold.

    Well, they only invest in gold, so their message is, if you have more money, don't forget to buy gold, if you have more money, don't forget to buy stocks, there There is nothing in,Yes, your claim is correct. You have nothing to lose by buying gold, so it is wrong to buy gold when you have more money. Gold prices in Indonesia continue to rise. If you bought gold 10 years ago, the price was only 572118. 1 gram of paper isn't 572 g, but it became 975000 per gram on August 18, 2012. 20 7450 Ascent Can be easily purchased separately from the Gold Up. Just go to the market dealer. There should be a gold shop.

Equity investment VS gold is more profitable

    Also, gold has a shape. Hello, you can rub. Once at home, gold melts easily in quotes. So you can melt it quickly when you need it. Kana was sold to pay for daily necessities at the time, so there is no problem buying mass 10 years ago. I know the investments are really in the form of gold, real estate, or mutual funds. Oh, that was also a very complicated process back then, but now it's easy Yes, I got the information about stock investing. Two people asked the same question as the title of this article. Which is more profitable, gold or stock investment? I will answer in this article. My short answer is that stocks are much more profitable than deep gold in the long run. We are generally taught that the risk is high and gold is low risk and should be, but in the short term both are term high risk and even very high. Hi, but in the long run, stocks have little risk and gold has no risk at all.

    So why would a stock want a company's stock to do better or worse in the short term at a price that no one can guess? So I can't guess, but someone probably bought it for 8200 and had it in stock for 4-5 months. You may wonder why prices keep dropping. Hello, in July it dropped to 7000 per hand. Perhaps he's given up on stock purchases for those who bought the 8200. They say BCA Bank is doing well and the stock is fine. What's the evidence I've lost? I've only been on the job for 4 months and it's still negative Where did I say stocks are very risky in the short term no matter how good the company is Long term In 5 years, the risk changes from very high risk to low risk to very low risk.

    Take a look at the price growth chart of the Halo BCA Stock over the past 5 years. BCA stock is up 109% and going higher. Based on the gold price rise over the past decade, it's actually clear which stocks are more profitable compared to gold, and the answer is stocks. Must be a brand of a good company.

    It's really low, but buying gold without the intention of selling it is risky. Why has he heard that the price of gold has broken through 1 million rupiah per gram?This is in the news everywhere. We found that while gold is less risky, it could still fall in the short term.

    Unless stocks and gold have relatively long maturities, say 3, 5 or 10 years. Even with gold there is no risk at all, or rather no risk since the age of the prophet, gold is likely to rise as it is. Prices are ok. Return to investing in stocks rather than gold, which is more profitable.

    Let's say 10 years ago. In 2012 she was idle with Rp 13 million. Oh, why 13 million. Because $13 million in cash can buy her the latest Honda Beat bike. At the time, the amount was really small, hehehe, basically there were 13 million unemployed people who could buy bikes, they could buy gold, they could buy stocks. Assuming you know, buying a motorcycle is clearly not an investment from an investment point of view, as the price of motorcycles is sure to drop each year. Being a consumer good, having a motorcycle allows you to get from one place to another faster, for example going to the market office. Also, you have nothing to lose, but you already have a vehicle, for example, on a motorcycle. A car and its amount is enough for a person at home. For example, the decision to buy another bike will be very unfavorable in the long run. I'm sorry. Buy too much or yes or no to decide to buy gold. For example, the price of gold at this time is 572118000000 rupiah and she can get 22.7 grams of gold. to keep it short. Ten years later, this 22.7 G of gold, worth nearly 13 million so far, instead of 13 million he has become a program of 22.13646633 thousand. So if you sell 975000 gold per gram, you will get a profit of about 1 million. In good standing, you can definitely make a profit of 9.1 million. Let's say this a gold keygen buys his 10 year vaulted gold. You can get a net profit of 7450, right? If the average profit is 5.48% every year, that's still well above inflation. A third scenario is when you buy a stock.

    Buy a beat bike in 2012 or buy gold. The support is that there are 450 company stocks available for purchase. big question. The problem is which stock to choose from among 450 companies. I personally like bank stocks. Banking and Bank BRI are also often covered on this channel. again for this article. Again, we'll use the example of a bank stock, specifically BCA Bank. The reason is simple, the financial sector is one of his most resilient. For example, what does it mean that every time there is an economic crisis like yesterday, the article on the pandemic covers all stocks. Banking stocks were no exception, but financial stocks rallied after provoking the economic crisis, becoming one of the fastest recovering sectors.

    The 2008 economic crisis also dropped the BCA 34 prescription as it would only take a year for stocks to return to their pre-pandemic positions if it doesn't take time, so why is it now up over 1500n in 2008? I wrote an article yesterday explaining why it's good for beginners to save on BCA stock, as it has increased 15-16x since its crisis-time low. Yes, economic crises have ended many times. This company has also revived it, but still, if you want to buy or invest, don't be quick to believe what others say on the internet.Your business must analyze it yourself first. not. You have to buy when you are sure, and be smart if you don't know what to buy. Your money is your responsibility.

    If you buy BCA shares for Rp 13 million, you will get 7500 BCA shares. Hello by the way. We have adjusted this to bank BCA's stock price before the stock split and to stock exchange regulations at the time, when the sea was 500 in 2012. to be is also an example of a BCA bank. Hi, basically he allows 13 million people to buy his 7500 bca stock. This is because the cost of 1610 moisturizers will change this year. 12062018 he is 60 million rupiah. Yes, 60 million rupiah. Bank BCA's shares do not cost 1610 per share, so why Rp 60 million. Hey, 8000 per share. 7500 pc multiplied by Rp 8,000, the result is 12072018 million to he Rp 60 million. In other words, selling 7500 BCA shares would give you a net profit margin of 47.1 where gold was 22.7G the previous sale. Please note that all Bank BCA shares purchased by the second option in the same timeframe will result in a net profit of Rp 47.19 million, which will also determine the sale of all Bank BCA shares owned.

    Stocks, especially those with good corporate performance, are now proving to be more profitable in the long run, currently yielding 9 million gains from gold and 470.9 million gains from bank BCA shares. . This only happens when you sell items, otherwise you don't get any profit or gold. 7G You can't make money unless you sell. So, while you won't get a profit unless you sell your BCA Bank shares, you have to remember that the shares will benefit you in two ways.

    One is the difference between the purchase price and the sale price, or we call it by the term capital gains, and the other is from dividends, known as the portion of net income that is distributed to the company's shareholders.

    Yes it's okay Gold 22.7G bought in 2012 won't be 23G in 2022. I want a ton of gold in my house, no kids, it's gold, it's not like buying stocks. This means buying property from a company while you own it. The Company is entitled to a share of the net income generated by the Company, known as the Bank BCA Dividend (now BCA Annually) from 2012 to 2025. This results in a net win, also known as a big net win.

    For example, when it comes to dividends, Bank BCA's 2012 net profit was his Rp 11.7 trillion and the company decided to distribute his 24% of its 2012 net profit to its shareholders. This means about Rp 2.8 trillion. 123 billion shares, or 1 share, distributed fairly and evenly.

    Bank BCA's shares are entitled to receive a dividend of Rp.23. You have 7500 shares, which means you are entitled to share profits of Rp 170 1750 Hey, it's fair. Dividends Rs 171,000 ah 2014 Rs 180 2015 Rs 222,000 See for yourself by 2022 Entitled to a total of 1080039 dividends from 2012 to 2025 From the dividends he received Rs 4.4 million rice field. This is not calculated from the price Die BCA's shares are also up to Rp 60 million, so how can it beat gold? Dividends keep rising.

    We only have 7500 shares, but as of 2012 the answer is simple. We close gold from here because the bank's BCA net income keeps increasing year by year, so the dividends we receive keep increasing year by year. Stocks are a productive asset, but they are also non-productive assets. Remember stocks in companies that are doing well after all. Even with KBBI, gold is not an investment for me.

    From the meaning of the word share, it's clear that it's an investment, but if you don't invest in gold, it's more of a security tool. What is the meaning of the gold he bought for 13 million rupiah in 2012? Ten years later he is worth Rp 22 million. Gold is both 22.7G, but the value is different. It was 13 million and is now worth 22000000. For example, if you accidentally saved $13 million in your closet in 2012 and remembered it in 2022, that money would still be $13 million, right? If you're looking to buy beats, the question is: Can money buy a motorcycle? 13 million is not the answer today.

    No more 13 million bikes. Honda Beat Bike, the cheapest price on Astra's website is 17-18 million instead of 13 million. Gold is not an investment, but inflation depreciates it, but gold tends to appreciate after inflation. Hi. But personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with buying gold while we're learning about real investment vehicles. Astra Internatio was HM Sampoerna in the second final and BCA Bank in third.

    Buying an Astra 2012 tends to go down 3% at today's prices. The answer is no. Because it always pays an abstract dividend from 2012 to 2025. The reason stocks don't go up and down can be as simple as net income. It's not always growing, there's even a trend. To stay that way year after year.

    Therefore, if you buy Sampoerna shares in 2012, your investment will be reduced by 50%. Isn't it necessarily the stock price that is losing? Despite the significant drop, the dividends paid out between 2012 and 2025 are very high. Almost 100% of the company's net profit is distributed to shareholders each year. Add in the ever-increasing tobacco tax, Marin is good at my gofit, people are aware of the importance of good health, and fufufu, especially half of Sampoerna at its current price, coupled with the growing numbers, is a very I think it would be interesting for icos users who claim that the risk is much lower than traditional cigarettes may write their own article next time so in the long run gold has no risk at all i.e. no risk , but stocks are less risky in the long run, there is still risk.

    We can not be stupid, virtually stupid, we ought to analyze a bit bit, at the least we can, whether or not the business enterprise's internet earnings is each year, optimistically the inventory from No can facilitate you mastering approximately the inventory. The end from this newsletter is that making an investment in shares as opposed to gold is better. The solution is that each are worthwhile in the end with their respective risks, however the inventory of a business enterprise that plays nicely will substantially outperform the returns on gold in the end, that's a loss, that's a loss if we nevertheless love coins and we flip a blind eye to it.

    There's inflation Okay, ultimately for individuals who need to shop for their personal gold I suppose it is virtually clean nowadays, there is no want to visit the marketplace anymore due to the fact now thru the metalmulia.com website, you could additionally purchase gold and the gold may be despatched once more the use of a transport service. begin shopping for stocks you've got got to shop for thru a securities business enterprise one of the securities agencies that I regularly go to Mansion is a securities magic how do you first ought to down load the securities magic software in your mobile phone then sign up your self and whilst you sign up you could use the inventory magic code from 0 so that you get a present one lot of stocks of magic securities After making your first funding Hey, magic, the securities are secure due to the fact they're registered and supervised with the aid of using the Financial Services Authority

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