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About car insurance

    Hello, thank you for reading my article. In this article, we will discuss the types of insurance, especially car insurance, four wheeler. So, later in this article, we will discuss insurance as a type of insurance and what it is. So don't let Winda choose the wrong insurance for Elken. Kind of Russell car, your her 4 wheeler is insurance as we know it. As this is a Western proverb, it means to have an umbrella ready before it rains. At least have your pack insured so you can at least settle in for whatever the odds are next year. Claim or experience your loss of added value or added value that we receive.

About car insurance

    Alright, let's start by detailing his first club insurance and cycle, let's cover his car with this auto policy. Or simply what is casualty insurance, tlo insurance or casualty insurance, what is meant here is that if this insurance, as the name suggests, means only losses, then only losses are covered. Yes, it is not covered as it covers only the loss or apart from that terror loss it can also cover more than 75% damage. Therefore, apart from vehicle losses in the event of an accident, workshop estimates indicate repair sevesa r of 75% or more, which can be confused with theoretical assumptions. Used with telo was a fully comprehensive insurance. That is, loss and damage of 75 mages and above, and minor loss and damage from accidents. For example, I gave an example. Or another vehicle crashed so our car has scratches and bumpers and doors are on other parts of the vehicle and can be charged, can be charged with insurance if repaired, hello my car is an example: There was a dent, the cause was also reported there.

    Brother, the hood is dented, now it's the dented part, but the branches fell into the tree, so why are there so many? What if you didn't change when the tree fell? First, oh yeah, a tree fell, which coincided with the incident. For example, there was a hurricane at that time, so there was a rainstorm, the parents fell in the afternoon, the branches fell down, what is the main cause

    Hi hello what happened to part of our car dented. In other words, the main cause is not an accident like the President's normal accident, but a natural disaster, a natural disaster like here, Yamin Typhoon, which was not reported as a natural disaster, and other figures that are not covered by comprehensive insurance.

    This Henshib, and his third, also has an insurance policy in the name of Horist, which covers all risks of all events, including those in which his Telo is lost or damaged in excess of 75%, of the original meaning. Means everything is covered. Also, numbers 1 and 2 are covered, for example many very minor accidents such as major accidents, leaks, crashes, etc., and here is the theoretical extension.

    We've had vehicles that have actually hit trees on the road before, which could be the main cause of trees falling down, or hurricanes and tornadoes, so if you have comprehensive insurance, you'll automatically will occur. Whatever it is, it still doesn't contain all incidents. From all of this, you should know that there are things that insurance does not cover.

    If you are not married, get insurance first. For example, the first is hypnosis. Let me give you an example. We drive to Jalan Raya. The car and keys of the person who hypnotized us. This is currently not covered by insurance. Hi, this hypothesis is very difficult to prove legally and criminally as it is not possible to prove if this is a rubber upgrade notice. I had no keys, no car. It could have been someone who could have lied that actually existed, but if it was used for hypnosis, for example, it wouldn't be covered, and then someone who wasn't notified would be charged for embezzlement. Been here, embezzlement, I'll give an example, for example, hello drag, my car was rented, I rented it to Sehat late in the afternoon, I thought it was my car It's been stolen, ma'am, I had my car stolen for months and when I made the claim it didn't come back.

    STNK surrendered car keys proved to be surrendered vehicle was surrendered to suspect yes no no it can't be covered yes it can't be covered Webb Hello, firstly damage to certain parts such as wheels and tires. Rims and tires are the only exceptions, for example, if a part is damaged, unless the damage actually happened 1:1 to the bumper, or if a door or other part caused the rim or shaving tire. Are they damaged too? It can still be mixed up, but if it's just damage, it's just the rim and tire parts, which is the exclusion part of the insurance.

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