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Benefits of investing through insurance

    Hello, hello, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, love and hate, greetings to my Smart Indonesia. Let's meet again on this occasion. For those of you who haven't subscribed to my channel, please subscribe to my channel. Get notified every time a video is uploaded. all right. This time, I tried to shoot videos at different angles and angles than usual. This is just an experiment with variations of this recording.

Benefits of investing through insurance

    It's not wrong, it's not true, we can invest through insurance tools instead of insurance, it's actually for example getting into an accident, getting sick, getting car insurance It's a tool to protect us in case we do, when our car hits or hits someone. While insurance has been commonly known as such a product, there is actually an investment element behind it. But, of course, not all types of insurance.

    It doesn't matter if you insure your car or insure yourself. Hey, insure your home. No investment component. Okay, but when you get health insurance or life insurance, there is an investment component to it. Why are car insurance rates different? Car insurance is basically renewed every year, but if you have household contents insurance for fires, earthquakes, etc., the home insurance will also be renewed every year, and there will be no benefits unless you have car insurance. For example, if someone hits or punches you, if you have home insurance, just like you have home insurance, if your house catches fire or is hit by an earthquake, for example, you will have protection if something unpleasant happens. For example, you can simply make up for it and it will last year after year. you have to pay for it.

    Actual investment component. So if you have purchased health or life insurance or are currently actively paying for it, you may already be familiar with this investment component. For example, when buying health insurance or mental currency, it's easy because many people have two factors. Simply put, there is a component, cost of insurance + investment in insurance called unit link.

    What is a simple shared link, just a shared link? For example, the ri mutual fund is something you can buy on the open market, so that's it. So why are there these two components? It's okay to stop paying after your insurance, such as car insurance or home insurance, becomes traditional insurance. Traditional insurance, such as health insurance and welfare insurance, is now superior.

    What exists now is a form of insurance with an insurance component that you actually have to pay and a unit-linked component or what I call that investment. The average policy requires payments over the next 10 years on average, but some can speed things up. For example, it's only 8 years, but keep in mind that you have to pay more each month. Pay Monthly Yes, you can also pay quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

    So why am I getting promoted? If I had life insurance here, my health would be about the same. There is one called Koso Vincent and a component called Unit Link. You pay monthly. Now, this unit link works like a mutual fund that can generate income, right? In line with the returns of the mutual fund itself.

    The unit-linked component, which I refer to as the investment, will be redeemed each month as you pay.The unit-linked portion will be invested in stocks on a monthly basis. What percentage does a linked or mutual fund generate? But simply put, since the unit-linked component is invested every month and then again the next month, what good does it pay off every month, every year, 10 years? Link component can pay coffin slen as long as you call it 30 years in the future so this unit link component is for you and extend it for 15 years just pay 10 years or 8 years or whatever you choose You can also stop paying, you don't have to keep paying year after month. That's it. I hope the Unit-Link component can insure you until you die. Of course, you need an insurance agent that can mix well, assuming it's not too expensive. So we usually use reasonable assumptions like this, whether it's too low or too high. I'm too optimistic and afraid I won't have enough until I die later. It's easy.

    You have enough money to invest and you will be insured until you die. Ok, the question isn't a question, in fact, let's call it a point, let's say you pay coffin mail until you die, let's say it has such benefits as well. For example, let's say you want to stop here and pay premiums for up to 10 years. For example, if something bad happens and he dies in the 12th year, that is, after the payments are finished, he will have to pay the premiums for 2 years. Paid in your unit link, that's a 10-year investment, right?

    So, if you die, you have something like life insurance. Except for life insurance, usually unless you have health insurance, if you don't have it, yes, usually people get very confused when you include life insurance. Insure yourself with minute insurance so that one millet will remain for the family left behind when you die. Next, add the investment portion that Andy pays each month next to the insurance coverage. This will pay off the term benvite for your heirs and the investment you have raised and continue to multiply and pay your heirs. What are the advantages of investing in an investment vehicle? Insurance tools for young people. So if you invest, we take equal. Yes, if you passed away, you have shares linked to stocks and mutual funds. Otherwise, he will write a will for your heirs. It will be difficult for heirs later on.

    Can you inherit, can your wife have children? You can argue later, so you can argue, there is still a will, which is usually made at a notary public. is very difficult to arrange. No problem from the broker, it's a little tricky, but if you've invested through an insurance product, including stock bonds before, when you first open it, you'll know if it's dead or not.

    Someone inherits a component or k What is the percentage of the component? For example wife is 50%, tallest child is 25 years old, youngest child is 25 years old total 100, so the insurance will be claimed as soon as he dies and then divide the insurance money according to the given insurance policy or insurance policy, first issued by the insurance company and when withdrawn tax-free, if you are looking for a partner, a mutual fund or Stocks, as far as I know, will still be tax deductible unless regulations change, but there is no kefir tax deductible if it comes from an insurance company. If you invest in an insurance product where your heirs are already in, it's your profit, right? All right, you'll be safe after that. Buying stocks and mutual funds like this would make Ali's legacy different, even now. When buying a mutual fund, there is such a form, which must be filled out by the heirs. Who is this? Still, the time has come for Mr. Sanya, you must be able to show your will.

    I am an heir and need to be able to present a previously executed will through a notary. It's a bit complicated, but if you have insurance, you don't need to make a will, right? The benefits of investing in Gresik through an investment vehicle, as the world is automatically divided among heirs and tax-free Interestingly, while you're insuring yourself and investing, you can do anything in the insurance world when it comes to refills. For example, you are obligated to pay an insurance premium that is part of the cost of a unit connection accident. For example, 1 million per month. For example, you can do a so-called top-up.

    For example, you didn't pay $1 million this month. For example, 500,000 invested in unit links or investments for the next month is m aka. We only have $250,000 left to add to the topapp unity link. Ok here you invest through the insurance products you have consistently month after month you don't add anything if you have more money so your policy doesn't turn off Your insurance period is fine as long as you pay a million Please share my video with friends and acquaintances who may find it helpful and as always thanks for my discussion this time.

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