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Best Investment For Employee Salary

    Now, what is the best investment for a UMR salary? How do you convert 10,000 to 1M? Yes, I'm not lying. Starts at 10,000, but as your income grows with compound interest, you can add more and more and you can reach a million. Before watching this video, watch an older video on how to manage money from UMR to billions of dollars, which you can watch here.

Best Investment For Employee Salary

Now, what is the best investment for a UMR salary?

    This video focuses on investments. where is the money First, step 1 and step 2, the one that failed cash flow and protection, was the first.

    The reason is clear, so don't skip it. You can find it in the cave video I mentioned earlier or in my Instagram stories. Only the third step is investment.

    The money we set aside when applying the 50%, 30%, 20%, 20% rule every month, the money we set aside is for that investment.

    What is the best investment for UMR's salary? First, you should learn that there are two types of investments. As we walk through later, we'll practice the Magic application because I think he's one of the easiest applications.

    If you want to practice while doing so, first download Magic from below. Use my magic code so I can get the stock price. So, it's easy, but first, what is active investment and passive investment? Also, I happen to open the homepage of the Magic app and register, and by the way, I register first, but it's very easy and takes less than 5 minutes. don't forget to use my code. When opened in the Magic application there are two tabs. stocks and mutual funds. For example, when we think of investing, most of us think of stocks. For example, just buy them individually - you don't know what you want them to look like - but stocks like BBCA, BBNI, BBRI are "to allow you to invest the most for minimum wage. , which one should I buy?"

    If you want to buy stocks, you have to learn first. For example, the analogy is in our minds, we keep observing, we look at the charts and analyze which one is better. This is called active investing.

    The same applies to other investments such as cryptocurrencies. This gives you more time for monitoring and analysis. that's it. How much time do you need to decide which way to go?

    Now for number two. For example, in the Magic application, you can go to Tab 2, Mutual Funds. Mutual funds are classified as passive investments. So what is passive investing? Passive investing is for friends who don't have or don't have. B. You have limited time for analysis, so leave it to more natural investment vehicles. Mutual funds therefore fall into this category. So your money is actually entrusted to someone who has a license to manage your money.

    I'll get back to you. Do you have a lot of time to be active? Or do you have a little time to get into the passive? I myself recommend choosing passive investing for UMR salaries. Because if we are UMR, for example, we need to focus on generating income.

    Increase your income by increasing your skills and knowledge. But when you're looking for more income, you need more time to focus on it. So for the 90% of people watching, I would actually recommend passive investing.

    In the previous video he explained UMR, 20% was allocated for investment. So, let's say you have a salary of $500,000 and you can immediately put $100,000 into your investment vehicle every month. Hmm, the topic title here is perfect for UMR content.

    The caveat here is that everyone has a different life experience, everyone has a different risk profile, everyone has an appetite, a kayak, and a better understanding of different means. So what is best for A, not necessarily the best? But why are we talking about mutual funds? In my personal opinion, mutual funds are among the most versatile investment products. One.

    What is versatility? This means it might suit everyone, whether they have a low or high risk profile, and it might suit you too. I have. So actually after this step. Identify your risk profile. Then you need to know your investment objectives or financial goals.

    When we invest, do we need to know where it ends up? I want to buy a house at 30, the price is 1.5 million. rich, for example. Well, you can use a calculator for that. How long will it take to reach $150,000? How much do you deposit each month? what kind of return? It is the time frame of its return that determines whether or not to participate in a mutual fund as an investment product.

    If you see stocks or mutual funds in Magic, they're almost done. But the analogy here is that we have a mutual fund name and a stock name. Well, after setting financial goals such as how old you want to be, what you want to buy and how much money you need.

    I'll connect the calculator later, like this. You should understand the concept of compound interest. Earlier in this video I explained how to get 1M. So, if you already understand the concept, decide which investments to buy from it. Should I buy A shares? B shares? Investment trust? So here you can research.

    For example, we know that a product with a 12% return and a 20-year life expectancy requires an investment of $1 million per month. Probably the best mutual fund for you.

    That's the beauty of compound interest. The best investments are those that can be made early. Why did you say 10,000? This is one of my ___(?) investments. Most of my friends don't start investing. You can also invest from 10 silver, for example if you are in Agive. An analogy is 10,000 money for meals. My personal advice is, first he invests $10,000 every month consistently for 2-3 months.

    I would like to know more, what exactly are you investing in? Here is also a spreadsheet calculator if you grow for example 10K initially, 20K, 50K long, 1M max, 2M monthly. This is because the career is growing properly. Finally, he invests in mutual funds with a yield of 10-12%. It can reach 1M value much faster than it can be stored in a bank. Now that we've reached this stage, what are the best investments for UMR salaries?

    Actual: Science. Just because I've explained the whole concept of active/passive investing, examples of good investments, and why I would recommend passive investing to a friend who still earns minimum wage, the rest is really a question of which mutual fund is right for you. A study to see if it's suitable.

    Or, for example, if you want to try investing in stocks, which stocks are right for you? But how do we know what is best for us? Study and research. That's actually one of the reasons I started Livestock Money. Because when I started, I didn't know where to start. In my opinion, practice now instead of using it for a long time. The list is very fast, 5 minutes, so download the Magic application right away.

Quickly open the Magic application to try it out. Let's see what stocks you can buy. And card information? and ? information. Finally, when analyzing and buying, it's as easy as click, click, click, goodbye. For mutual funds, there is no difference. Just open the application.

    Choose the investment fund that's right for you. There is also an overview. 6 months return, 3 months return, 1 year, etc. Is this suitable for you? Please research again. All that's left is to buy, deposit, pay and send money. what's next? Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is a method for maintaining consistency. You don't need to watch the price rise or fall.

    You can restock monthly as long as you know the product meets your needs. If you are sure, please continue to add. Because, again, investing is a game of mindset and consistency. Unbeknownst to him, he knows that in 10-15 years, his money, which should be only 100 million, could be 500 million. That's the beauty of compound interest. OK, conclusion. What is the best investment for UMR? Generate income. But how much is your income? Income will be put into products, which, according to my proposal, are passive investments.

    We actually recommend mutual funds because they are the most versatile product. Which investment fund is right for you? According to your risk profile, your goals. For low risk, try money market funds first. If you're high risk, try stock mutual funds. Just download Magic from 10,000. Use the RAM800(?) Cave promo code to win stock prizes.

    Hopefully we can stay consistent. Improve your income and skills and your money will work for you. Well, here is some content. In the future, start talking about money. But if you start from scratch, your audience may not understand. We'll cover the more complicated stuff, like which stocks to invest in, in a moment. Or what stocks did you invest in that ended up being a multi-beagle? A multi-beagle? For those of you who don't know, our inventory has doubled.

    Okay, it's getting dark. I am late. Hope to see you in the next video. Please feel free to leave comments and likes.

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