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Investment vs Insurance which is more profitable

    Investment isn't always coverage however in case you purchase coverage coverage is an funding hello my buddies Tom MC Ifle founding father of Top Coach Indonesia, buddies these days I need to provide you a approach concept and additionally on the premise of a query approximately the distinction among funding and coverage, why make investments and coverage is likewise a hassle due to the fact I assume many humans are misguided, let's examine the distinction, you need to make investments or purchase coverage, buddies, funding isn't always coverage, however coverage is an funding, now no longer coverage, however in case you purchase coverage, coverage is an funding, why is that? due to the fact there's a essential distinction among coverage and funding if we damage it down into five things, we damage it down into five things, 

Investment vs Insurance which is more profitable?

    Five large factors that distinguish coverage and funding, the primary is the aim, what's the distinction among funding objectives, what's the cause of coverage, funding desires are in order that you you may acquire some thing with a selected target, for example, you could have distinct desires for what's referred to as an funding, you may make investments with the aid of using saving with the aid of using shopping for gold, with the aid of using shopping for shares in which while it's far ripe or while the cash has been accrued what do you need to purchase? motorbikes , you may purchase a house, you may cross for a walk, perhaps an funding does not restrict you having a selected aim, however in case you purchase coverage the aim is certain, for example, the aim is in case you are unwell a person can pay for it,

    But if you get sick and run out of money, the money goes directly to the hospital, so you can't buy a motorcycle. Another example is schooling. Usually, you can't suddenly spend money after it comes out. Money is used for other purposes. Yes, not suitable for that purpose or for example life insurance. So the soul's name is already covered for the heir. Before you make any insurance or investment decisions, you need to know what your goals are. 

    Do 2 is that the return on investment is different from insurance results. See the difference when buying a home or paying for an investment. The results you get are called assets, when you buy stocks you get assets called assets, when you buy gold you get assets called stocks. When you buy insurance, what are the consequences of actually having it? The protection that is generated is that you are protected from certain risks. Eat out, don't play sports, don't worry about your health The problem is you're still young Go to the doctor and your blood is good No problem Is there any risk in our lifestyle High Blood Pressure Why Stroke Cancer We know more and more people suffer from high blood pressure year by year In Indonesia, 10 million out of 10 million people may die from cancer. But there are other very serious diseases, including heart disease. called Ungu.

    These sicknesses may be non-communicable however in case you get fatal, the query is in case you get most cancers and then you definitely cannot work, you cannot pay for the clinic, who has to undergo for certain the spouse or infant in order that the family's kids and better halves can pursue their respective desires you pay coverage rates what's the cause in order that in case you are ill you may get safety so protective your self from a chance does now no longer suggest you may in no way have a coronary heart sickness however if that chance occurs, you need to cowl the clinic costs, commonly what's protected with the aid of using coverage for vital illnesses, you have to ask your coverage agent, it may be that those are the maximum not unusualplace sicknesses in Indonesia, coronary heart, hypertension, continual liver stroke, right? harm due to being dumped with the aid of using a girl or being reduce off in girlfriend, lupus then there may be some other issue referred to as lung sickness, properly there are numerous continual lungs, all of those kidneys are continual sicknesses and what is exciting is that in case you get diagnosed, as an example level 1, level 2, level 3, level four then the coverage pays a positive sum of money in line with your top rate, in line with the top rate so in line with the sum insured you pay the precise amount, now the funding isn't always an funding, you make investments these days now no longer certain day after today gold will pass up, do not get me wrong, you purchase these days gold, the previous day I sold gold for 7 hundred 10 thousand these days 690 thousand, now it went down due to the fact we idea gold went up however it went down, so I sold gold and the purpose is different, the consequences are different, so your coverage buys A, the end result is that the consequences are surprisingly positive in line with your settlement continues to be below coverage, the 1/3 is the chance in case you make investments properly the chance is the ups and downs of the enterprise nobody ensures the bet Well, there may be no assure that the fee of your funding will pass up or down, it is able to pass up, it is able to pass down, it is able to grow, it would not grow.

    What's interesting is insurance insurance. If you are not exposed to risk, you can't enjoy it. If you are at risk, you can enjoy it.

    So it's different if you invest, we produce not produce we can still sell our assets or can still produce according to the amount we want to enjoy okay but insurance can't, you pay every month 1 million, 1 million, 1 million 1 million never been hospitalized, money 1 million you can't get out after for example you are 70 years old, it turns out that you don't die, the money can't come out, it can only happen when you experience a new risk, that's the difference, then someone says, wow, it's a loss when we have insurance, it's a loss if you don't get sick, the question is you want sick or not? if I want to be healthy but if there is an illness I have to bear it, the 4th is the value of the funds you invest, if you invest the value of the funds is free, today there is no money, don't invest tomorrow, you have money, you invest today, you can save, tomorrow you don't want to save, it's okay but the insurance has a contract every month you have to pay the contract value if you have to pay every year every year I buy education insurance so in the next 10 years I have to spend money but after 10 years I don't have to go out no money at all, in the 20th year there is a cash value and the cash value is my goal for my children, what's the assumption? I lived 10 years and paid my premiums for 10 years I can't pay my premiums now I can't pay my premiums and I can't keep going insurance, I have a lot of insurance and what does that mean, it comes to me every year Yes, they must be happy for insurance agents with clients like me. Why does it increase from 5 million to 10 million every month? My income will increase, if something happens, my income will increase, my children are still small, my school days are long, and if something happens to me, the fifth child Do you have to do something? do you have both? I also invested and purchased protection. I bought investment and protection on an account called Unit Link

    Unit links are split, eg 50% for a 50% investment in insurance. So in case of illness you are covered and not sick and your investment funds are liquid. The question is whether it is recommended or not. All decisions from yourself, I do not recommend, why not? Because it is better to choose the soul. It is so when the soul is sick. Very sick, so you can maximize the insurance amount. As you can imagine, I have 100,000,50,000 against his 50,000 investment. Only 50,000 currently your investment is 50,000 but if you risk 100,000 100% you are much better so if you have any questions ask them below. Go to an insurance company who can give you more specifics about your investment. You need to look for an investment vehicle that matches your personality. I'm Tom MC Ifle.

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