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Investment Options During the 2023 Recession Study Stock Indices

    In my opinion, the possibility of a recession in 2023 is honestly less terrifying for the investment sector than terrifying. What I'm pretty afraid of is probably more than the actual sector if you say it's an investment because it could be a great opportunity for an investor.

    Hello and welcome to Prasetya. I am the author of Simple Trading, Simple Investing, Saving All Stocks and finally The Formula for Finding the Best Stock Investments published by Gramedia. I would like to take this opportunity to discuss investment opportunities in a possible crisis.

Investment Options During the 2023 Recession Study Stock Indices

    What exactly is our position as an investor in 2023? Base price is period. Nevertheless, the term is increased, for example, by monthly interest. For example, interest rates, BPR deposits, traditional banks, or money market funds, whose prices are increasing day by day, are called investments. The second is a premium racing investment.

    For example, virtual currency can be FX, and the price fluctuates daily, so we will discuss each one. Here, madam, there is something I want to tell you first. From the first investment review from landing until the crisis hits the world, I think this is the first affected avant-garde.

    A disappointing recession in 2000, or an economic downturn in 2023. Now, as fuel prices rise, all basic commodities go up, and purchasing power usually goes down as commodity prices go up, right? For example, if the bank also has a kingdom, the interest rate will automatically rise.

    I think the front lines are usually the first to be affected when Shariah is not applied. Personally, my disclaimer is: Perhaps this is the percentage of the investment that can be saved. Personally, when a crisis or recession approaches, it will hit me hardest, so I cut back on my investments.

    The first hit usually has the effect of not paying, but hopefully it's still safe. The second is about financial markets. For example, deposit BPR deposit build plans. There are also money market mutual funds. Well, using these instruments, it's interesting, ma'am, that interest rates are going up, even though they're good, because they're driving inflation, not because they're strengthening the economy. to prevent it. However, interest rates from National Plus Money Market Mutual Funds, which are typically BPR and conventional deposits, have actually increased their minimum dates as interest rates have risen and LPS guarantees have risen.

    LPS increased and BPR guaranteed from 6% to 6.25. For example, if LPS is certified against conventional materials, that's also true, if I'm not mistaken. It's already up 0.25%, or 25 BPS. This is interesting. In fact, this is his second one, talking about the money market. Third, speaking of regular bonds, yes, community bonds are FR in my opinion and the trend is up. The temperature of interest rates at this time, stick to the term, because for example, if interest rates rise, if interest rates rise, bond prices in the secondary market usually fall, so the term for me as an investor, buy bonds For people, in the FR secondary market, for example, wants are wide at first, interest rates rise, and the period can be lengthened until they stop rising further. You can then purchase. The lower the price, the higher the health automatically.

    So what if the benchmark is current? For example, when I read a resume from our interest rate, the interest rate changed in 7 reporting days and had a high of 6%. Well, I'm guessing -- I think it's already approaching 76% as we approach the bi rate. Maturity is a new moment, the right time to start redeeming bonds, much like the FR model where price follows the market.

    Bonus and investment in me. In crypto, it doesn't matter. I think he already has his own market that doesn't really affect other markets. Stocks are starting to get interesting now because the recession may have a small impact. A stock is a company. Well that's for me. If it's a strategy, right? Facing a possible recession, it could even be a great opportunity for those considering investing in stocks. It's also a sharp sword, although it's rated poorly.

    Second, for me, no one can know when the stock price will hit its lowest point, so when and at what lowest price point, the most realistic thing for me as an investor would be to Gamble puts in all the terms at once, and it is better if the strategy of buying stocks is paid in installments of what he should have bought, so that he can pay the highest price. We started with minus 30% of . For more information, for example, 10% is minus 50%. You can probably buy another 20% of the value you should have invested in that stock. So the deeper you go, the more aggressive you should be with me, and the money should be prepared from the beginning. Do not go all-in and then return to the field.

    Mom, I want to invest directly in stocks, but if it's normal gold, the price of gold will go up when the earth shakes, but now there's little gold, so it seems like it's been fixed from the beginning, right? Almost a million, now a normal fix. He usually tends to go up but maybe no one can be convinced to invest it may be my case but before I close I want to understand the concept of my view You might think Let's face it, the investment sector could be in recession in 2023. Unfortunately, I'm not afraid to say yes to investing. Because it could even be a great opportunity for investors. But what is very scary to me could be more than just the Entities Sector. No God forbid A lot of people get fired for that relationship God forbid maybe I'm more scared to go there Let's pray that it will be kept in.

    So peaceful, so don't fuss, this could all be from me. Ladies and gentlemen, see you in the next article.

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