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The safest stock sector for beginners

    Hello, Indonesia Stock Exchange now has more than 700 companies available for purchase, from food and beverage sales to toll road construction companies to banks providing banking services to coal mines and other mines. One by one, what are these 700 companies selling, what is the point, where are the buyers coming from, and so on.

The safest stock sector for beginners

    Of course, learning all this takes a very long time. Grouping 700 people into several parts makes the learning process much shorter. For example, sell food and drink, group into groups that provide banking services, and be classified as Fortuna.

    Then group things like Blue Bird, Garuda, and other companies that provide transportation services that go bankrupt. In fact, there is already such a group on the Indonesian stock exchange, these 700 companies are divided into 11 sections only, we can say that they have different sectors.

    These sectors are distinguished from the transportation sector based on the type of products or services provided by the company. In other words, this sector includes companies. Besides the large transport services that provide transport services such as Blue Bird and Garuda, there is also a consumer sector that he divides into two areas, the primary consumer sector and the non-primary consumer sector.

    I'll explain the differences later. For example, there is also the financial sector and the resource sector, or we can call it the energy sector, healthcare, infrastructure industry, real estate, and finally the technology sector. We describe each of these 700 analyzed companies one by one. It would be better to analyze the large range first, i.e. the sector first. Because the transport sector, which sells transport services, is of course very different from the consumer sector. Well, not for long. This time he describes one sector. This is the first sector I understood. Because the business operation is very simple and the products are close to my daily life. It's not easy to imagine. I think I have a good understanding of this area.

    The focus here is on the primary consumption sector. You should be familiar with this company's logo. They belong to the same sector, the primary consumer sector. There are other companies in this sector, and I'll take a few if you've seen them, so that I can briefly explain them later, but the consumer sector is the primary consumer and the non-consumer. I mentioned that it is divided into areas. - Main consumer.

    What is the difference? Why should it be split into two different sectors? Now let's talk about what the primary consumer was a secondary consumer. This primary consumer sector, where companies sell products and services to consumers that are counter-cyclical in nature, is also known as the Cyprus cycle without cycles. Is it a business cycle, do you want the Indonesian economy to do well or not? Do these companies typically belong to this sector? Years later, B. companies such as automakers, transportation and tourism services are affected, but companies in the primary consumer sector typically do nothing. why? why? The company's products are basic human necessities such as milk, deodorant, plain bread, and instant noodles, so they understand a little bit about primary consumers.

    Keywords are found in companies whose products or services have disinfectant properties. au non primary means he is kris aka cyclality we are both consumer goods but when the economy is bad people don't buy cars first but still like instant noodles for example , if the magic application is here, it's here This search tab is at the bottom, you can see that there are 11 stock sectors. Judging from what we already know, there is primary text in the upper right corner, and below that it says 89 stocks. That is, there are currently 89 companies in the stock market, which are classified as companies in the primary consumer sector of the primary consumer sector.

    Unilever is the first in this field. I often use the example of Unilever because their business is very easy to understand and they happen to be in the primary consumer sector. Unilever launches many of its products from Pepsodent, the Swiss ounce list. Soy sauce, bango, guavita, magnum ice cream and more from Wipol. But in fact, the product type he divides into two segments, namely the first home segment and personal care (also called household products and personal care in Indonesian). Also called food and drink, meal and refreshment.

    How do you know from a company's annual financial statements that you can never see.First, you need to know how to download a company's financial reports. If you're not sure, you might want to check this article first. I will put the link in the description field. Okay, okay, again there are two segments, Home and Personal Care, Grocery and Freshmen are contributing more to the company. Unilever's answer is home and personal care. This time, I'll use the 2020 annual financial report to illustrate how to read this data. , keywords just search by segment.

    Then click next next next until you find this part. Our business segment information is organized into two main product areas as follows: Household Essentials & Personal Care related to cleaning products and cosmetics used in the home, then Food & Beverage related to food & beverage products including ice cream, keep scrolling down and we'll do the math. Read PT Unilever Indonesia, blablablabla, in million rupiahs. Unilever's revenue in 2020 is 42.5, say 72 trillion. Remember this 42000000 he multiplied by a million because this data is millions of rupiah why trillions. Ok the result is 42 points 9 trillion What do you mean?For a year this Unilever successfully recorded his 42.9 trillion turnover. How many trillions of dollars will come from the refreshment forest? If you look at the trillions next to it, or 29.6 trillion in terms of household needs, you know you're never going to get that. Hello, the data is 70% home and personal care 30 feet and refreshments, while the food and beverage segment contributed to the 30 ° Iman first. I think some people forget how to calculate percentages, so let's remember a little first. For example, when we were in elementary school, I had her 1 million rupiah.

    Now charge 200,000 for snacks. So 200,000 is 20% for him, right? Unilever's total sales were 4209 trillion, so why did home and personal care hit his 70 servings? Oh this segment managed to get him 29.com. That's 70%. OK, you are welcome to do the math yourself. Secondly, if you are still interested in Unilever's products, what should you do? You have two options. You can open your website or open your annual financial report. Now open the website. The level of unilever.co.id. Next, select a brand, then a family, then a product logo. company Mayora Indah.tbk alias Mayora, stock code is his Emi or yours. Confirm the main business as before. The Group's operating segments have been identified as comprising three segments.

    It reportedly includes packaged processed food, packaged processed pasta, and a financial services business. Processed Foods, Processed Beverages, OK, the strange thing is that there are financial services. Now let's scroll down a bit. Mayora has 2020 total revenues of $24.4 trillion, with packaged food sales of $13.9 trillion and packaged beverage segments of $11.4 trillion. The alias for the third segment is null.

    Financial services do not yet exist. I still have zero blogs. So if he contributes 50% of Mayora's total sales as a percentage of the food segment in 2020 for one year aka the beverage segment contributes 43% of which the third segment is still 06 Food & Beverage There is no trust between That's pretty much the same food and drink list that May made.Can you check Mayora's website or annual financial report? This time we're starting with our 2020 Annual Report. Please see page 90. There are Roma Better Choki Choki, Copico Banks and the drink Travica Energen Girls Mix BamBam. Beverage etc. .6.2 trillion, beverage sales is 6.3 trillion or 90da total revenue, and food is 10-1 billion or 2% Hello, if the beverage is clear, yes, ultra milk, ultra tea, green bean extract, etc. there is.

    If my food is pretty messed up, I'm not sure what product it is, so let's check out the annual report here.Well, on page 29, the food is Morinaga Milk Powder, and the cow stamp Explain that you have a milk jug with . This food segment contributes only 2% of the total, so it doesn't matter. Ultrajaya's 2020 earnings, next to Alphamart, whether included in the primary consumer sector because of the crisis or not, we're still in crisis, so he's counter-cyclical We will review the business segments immediately as they meet our requirements.

    If my food is pretty messed up, I'm not sure what product it is, so let's check out the annual report here. It's pretty much the same except in Java where data can be written by itself. Each segment contributes about 30 product resets. The numbers you need to check yourself go to Alfamart, the closest Alfamart to your home. Second to last is Java. They say there are 7 departments. Wow, it's a lot, yes, from poultry feed to poultry farming, trading and more. On page 29, the food is Morinaga's powdered milk, and there is a milk jug for cow stamps. Ultrajaya's 2020 earnings, next to Alphamart, whether included in the primary consumer sector because of the crisis or not, we're still in crisis, so he's counter-cyclical We will review the business segments immediately as they meet our requirements.

    Let's check the contribution of each segment. For example, summarizing the data in percentages shows that most income is 39% from animal feed and about 29% from commercial activities. 25 See the other segments for yourself In conclusion, the primary consumer space has many varieties, not only selling food and beverages such as Mayora, but also companies whose main sales are in the personal care segment. It turns out that there is a business of Some, like Unilever, focus on dairy products, like Ultrajaya, and there are retail outlets. Consumer goods, such as Alpha Mart, and last but not least, there are poultry farming companies and Javanese companies. or a person who sells services. Yes, indeed, we have already mentioned some of the various sub-Indian currents, but there are seven other types of industrial tribes in the primary consumption sector.

    Okay yesterday, but what's the point of studying these sectors? It's really important, in my opinion it's very important. Around March 2020, all companies plummeted. Yesterday's pandemic certainly wrecked the economy, but if you know stocks fell in March 2020, here we are again. The reason I'm so confident buying Alfamart stock at this point is that the pandemic is fine, but people go to Alfamart to survive, so why can I be so PD. Alphamart is close to my house so I go there more often. Because you don't have to go to a big supermarket.

    Well, phallus prices were down a lot at the time, but for example if I was definitely buying them at the time, they were when they went down. That's why Alfamart's stock has risen 80% since it fell early in the pandemic. With just a few spins, he could already have an 80% win rate within a year. That's 3.5% per year compared to his average one-year increase of 12% per year on the IHSG. Now 80% is 6-7 times his IHSG increase. In other words, all stocks that have been on the stock market in a year. Perhaps you'll buy PD to buy shares in Java, Ultrajaya, Mayora, or other major consumer sectors. Are you confident to buy Unilever? When the pandemic started Unilever was actually down 20% and Kathalu has been doing well since the pandemic started but where did that come from? I never tell you to buy what you have. Sentiment is there from the beginning in this channel. For example, if you want to invest in stocks, you can start screening stocks in the primary consumer sector during this crisis.

    Ok, if you can buy stocks at this price, bye bye about this level. For example, the Chemistry Department should not be directly compared, even though the departments are the same. For example, don't forget to compare Java and Mayora. Because the designer is the same as indo but the strings are obviously different. One food and drink is one poultry and if you want to compare japfa he can compare it to similar companies and check other pdfs and put them in the description box to compare.

    Working with Japfa by Playing or Malindo Feedmill or other companies whose industries are both Fishmart MP3 I, as usual, have spreadsheet data summarizing the company segments described in this article. I will share it in the description and other links I will also write it in the description and share it, so please be sure to check it out

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