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Characteristics of Intelligent People by Steve Jobs

    Hello, level of intelligence is often related to level of success of a person, so we all go to school to guarantee our future, but in reality many intelligent people will not succeed in Though considered to be of low intelligence, you can actually be very successful in life. A popular explanation is that rock includes not only ICU, but also Ikkyu and various other QiuQiu, but Steve Jobs seems to have his own definition of the word smart.

Characteristics of Intelligent People by Steve Jobs

    This definition also makes Steve Jobs the modern-day genius who built the most valuable company in history. Steve Jobs' definition of smart and how to apply it. Take a look at the following article. In an interview, Steve expressed his view on the characteristics of intelligent people.

    Madam thinks out of the box and out of the ordinary commitment, but smart people have the ability to zoom out, she said. When you're in the middle of a box trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B by reading a small map someone else is holding, you see everything. so you can see the road clearly and perfectly in front of you. So, according to Steve Smart, people can make connections that seem natural to them.

    But this afternoon he picked up his Zoom.out skills, so some people seem confused. Hi, It sounds like a good thing of course to have a better picture. I'm sure we all agree that in order to change the world, we need to clearly and completely change the world we need to see.

    There's a way How did Steve become the smart guy he thought he was? The answer has a lot to do with the unique experience of living in an elevator. If you're having the same experience as someone else, chances are you're in the wrong relationship with someone like that.

    If you don't want to innovate, you might have to go to Paris and be a poet for a few years there, or go to a third world country. I highly recommend Steve who said it makes sense anyway. In his 2015 study with Christian NIP, Hanes Seher said that the best indicator of his ability to perform in work situations that require creativity is openness to experience. concluded.

    The study also found that broader social interaction was very helpful. People who are open to new experiences and social interactions seek out life's most interesting and unusual situations, and in doing so also explain why so many successful entrepreneurs are bookworms like Ellen. Note that you naturally acquire a very valuable perspective.

    Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are all true readers, and books are the easiest way for introverts to gain their own insights, form their own worldview, and expand their intellectual horizons through books. spread out. Keep track of classic trends and seize opportunities before others.

    Of course, books have to be given different experiences. A lot of it came from his father's experience making friends with people from different backgrounds than his own, and from the unfamiliar environment of his university days when Steve Jobs traveled to India to study East Danville. You can learn about All his Apple products so far, Steve once said that creativity is simply connecting the dots. What makes Steve Jobs different is that there are so many different shapes.

    The result is a masterpiece of world-changing innovation. In short, if you want to be smart in the Steve Jobs sense, break out of the social groups you come across and reach out to people who are different from you. Listen and understand their point of view. Extend your experience to new, non-trivial things. Look at the world around you as a whole, without being stuck in one angle. Narrowing the horizons and connecting the dots, ik is creative. Hello, create innovative masterpieces that change your life and the people around you for the better. Hi. I wish you good luck. Hello, if you found this article useful, please leave a comment, thanks

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