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Israel's 8200 Troop, the world's most feared hacker and cyber army, what's the training system like?

    Regardless of your hatred or love for Israel, you have to admit that Israel is a cyber superpower. Some highly legendary top software like Flame Dukus is the work of the Israeli Secret Service. Its nuclear projects and security are in jeopardy, and even Israel is squared off Gas trap secrets Russian government uses its own antivirus software as a search engine for secret data Satellite traffic is caught on underwater fiber optic cables and prevents mobile traffic from being intercepted. The hacker is as competent as his NPC in America and they could even have been spying on Israel he said America has done his 3rd most hacks for my security US funded he Israel is also the second largest country in the world after US population. Israeli State Cyber ​​Security also has private companies or start-ups that sell many of their products to various governments in other countries.

Israel's 8200 Troop, the world's most feared hacker and cyber army, what's the training system like?

    A few years ago we were surprised by Pegasus Spyware from nsu company Pegasus. This is a spyware product designed to monitor all activities of mobile phone users including SMS, emails and location data. browsing history, calls, etc. Pegasus is commonly used by governments and secret services to monitor targets via smartphone devices. It attacks all kinds of gadget devices running iOS or Android operating systems and targets and infects Pegasus Android devices running the Routing method. Many countries allegedly use these bought spyware to control their populations, as Pegasus can infiltrate HP with zero clicks without clicking any links.

    Saudi Arabia, which has spied on active political opponents and used them to win elections, is said to be using Pegasus to track down Jamal Khasogi and eliminate him. Other small businesses, such as Westbr, sell mobile wiretapping vehicles that can access data between mobile phones. It's a small region like Israel, with a small population, but with good cybersecurity capabilities. Armed with information from a wide range of intelligence agencies from various countries, we look back at the darkest history Israel has ever known: the Yomkibur War, the biggest blunder in history.

    Israel's Intelligence War Against Egypt and Syria This has resulted in unexpected losses. The thing is, one of his 848th unit spies was captured by the Syrians and leaked highly classified information. Officer Amos Levine of the 848th Intelligence Unit, stationed at Harman Outpost, fell in front of the Syrian Army along with his 31 other soldiers on his second day of fighting. Levine has very high security his clearance and access to countless secrets. He has an amazing memory. However, he also suffers from claustrophobia, which the Syrians have used to construct a compelling narrative that Israel has lost so badly that the country has disappeared off the map.

    Israeli Military Secrets This event has caused enormous casualties and destroyed Israel's reputation. Many security officials subsequently resigned due to embarrassment. Israel then completely overhauled her 848 units and replaced them with 8200 units. That failure taught Israel the importance of protecting information received from her 8200 unit. They carry out their missions in secret and even other departments don't know what they are doing. Israel is reluctant to rely on the US Technology Forbes report because of the emphasis on developing Unit 8 200 until this unit rivals Mussad.As of 2016 / 90% of Israeli intelligence technology is Unit 800 It's coming from. It runs early.

    What youth brands are really looking for in 800 units is potential, measured by their ability to learn quickly, adapt to change as a team, and overcome what others think is impossible. The brightest kids might be drafted into the intelligence corps or go to top universities like Hafat or Mitt, while the less smart ones will be deployed as border guards or field guards. Ages 16 to 18. The postgraduate program in The program aims to discover the potential of Israeli youth, equipping them with maximum programming or computer hatching skills. It also aims to help young people from poor families in the south and north of Israel. The Maximin program is fully funded by the Government of Israel and the Rasyid Foundation.

    At the end of the tutorial, young Maximin will receive an invitation for an interview prior to joining the IDF. Job interviews are not conducted by senior officials, but by members of his 8200 unit in their early twenties, and later taking over the job he finds a capable young man who can join 8400. Necessary computer math and Arabic tutoring are skills these teens must possess.

    In order to solve various problems in a short time, you are required to guess information and form a team, and sometimes you are given various technical support. The last her Ogi to be mined was asked to search for vulnerabilities and fix existing errors. The 800 units have a sizeable staff, with up to 10,000 employees.

    This is because Israel has a conscription system, and soldiers usually leave their units. These 8,200 units are scattered all over the world, and are preparing a variety of information, from military policies to the nuclear forces of other countries. One legendary success was his Stacksnet computer worm that damaged Iran's entire nuclear program in 2007.

    When the virus was created by the United States, the question was how to spread it, how to launch this weapon to affect Iranian computers. The computer was connected to a switch box made by Simons and sold to Iran. The box controlled the centrifuges at the Nathan uranium enrichment plant. The task of infiltrating them was assigned to Mozart and coordinated with the CIA. It was very difficult because we had to steal a license from a Taiwanese company working with Iran. Genuine license to break into Iranian computers. The next legendary operation was his 2007 Operation Orchard, which was bombed by Israel.

    Syrian reactors built by North Korean engineers are being built to process weapons-grade plutonium and produce nuclear bombs. The operation set up a unit with Mussad to infiltrate the rooms of Syrian officials staying in hotels in London. A room that has long been guarded against recklessness, forgotten. Moza's operatives were too infiltrated. They installed virus-like mailware programs to intercept all information on computers. After Israel had enough information to ensure it took soil samples around the reactors in Syria to determine nuclear levels and figure out the radiation. Israel then contacted NATO officials because the reactor is so close to the headquarters of the Turkish military, which is also a member of her NATO. The operation was carried out by launching an F-16 aircraft, which spewed dozens of Town explosives at the scene.

    Destruction was not abandoned. The secret of the operation was that even locals saw a succession of explosions and flashes only on quiet nights when no information was available. Israel and Syria tried to cover up the incident. Israeli Prime Minister Olmed later called Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. He built the Al-Khibar reactor and urged Erdogan to tell Syrian President Bashar that he would not allow Israel to build a nuclear power plant.

    Intelligence sources say the 800 used special gaming radars to disable Syrian air defenses once the operation took place, and since the 800 had many more unannounced operations, some of these It has become an intelligence myth.Unit 8200 graduates are in high demand at various technology companies around the world. In fact, many soldiers nearing the completion of their mandatory military service have posted on LinkedIn announcing that they will be retiring soon.

    Due to the need for unit and account work, the 8,200 unit employees who are still active in the country have been bombarded with hundreds of e-mails from various companies and have received contract offers from many companies. increase. Why are there so many credible cyber start-ups in Israel? At Uni 8200, the completed aluminum technology unit earns a very impressive starting salary of around $10,000 to $20,000 per month in the private sector, but according to Afif, the average Household income is approximately $6,000. Therefore, the IDF or the Israeli security services, if in the private sector, often recruits in these companies.

    Tech Unit 8200 also has a non-profit organization that builds networks through friendships and helps unemployed alumni find jobs. So it's no surprise that Israeli private cybersecurity companies are highly qualified. Because they are full of people who have trained hard in intellectual skills that don't play games.Unit 800 graduates are also quite unique and usually come across as decent professionals.Quality of rituals, above average B. Checkpoint Imperfa Nice Giliate Waziraster and Weeks, who have problem-solving skills and can operate a wide variety of firearms, all have roots and years of experience in the IDF or Israeli security forces, and alumni Unit 8 200. is not just focused on making memories during your service at EDF. .

    But it also strengthens our ability to develop businesses and skills to build a stronger Israel. Why don't we do the same, building a merit-based recruiting system, hiring skilled cyber experts and creating highly credible entrepreneurs?

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