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Advanced Military Pontoon Bridge Technology Builds a 200 Meter Bridge in Just 10 Minutes

    Pontoon bridges are critical military infrastructure, and permanent bridges are often destroyed during wartime to impede enemy movement and destroy frontline logistical supplies. Speed ​​is key to infantry movement when building pontoon bridges. If you go too late, the enemy will quickly find you and it can be catastrophic.

Advanced Military Pontoon Bridge Technology Builds a 200 Meter Bridge in Just 10 Minutes

    May 2022 Ukrainian forces repulse an attempt by Russian forces to cross the Donut River, resulting in at least one tactical group, a Russian battalion, typically consisting of 300 men and 30 heavy equipment. Reported destroyed as a group. The oldest pontoon bridge, said to have been built in 480 BC. Constructed by Persian engineers to transport pollinators across the foothills of Susses Alexander the Great built warrior tents filled with straw and dedicated It is said that they crossed the Oxus on a raft consisting of pontoons during the Yomguripur War.

    Arabs in Israel in 1973 is a success story. The Egyptian army attacked Israel across the Suez Canal and conducted better operations in modern times with portable bridges. Pontoon bridge technology continues to be developed in a combination of strong and light luxury amphibious vehicles.

    There are currently several types of pontoon bridge types most commonly used by both Russia and his NATO allies in China. The first of these is the Enhancement or IRB Band Bridge System, also known as Voldable Float. The bridge is a large aluminum alloy structure consisting of an inner B and a transportable ram that can be launched and lifted from a transport or launch vehicle by supporting the bridge in its folded position and automatically opening upon entering the water. Floating bridge system. As part of a bridge or ferry, standard ribbon bridge carriers were developed. Improved.

    Ferry Since its first appearance, the IRB has demonstrated its unrivaled qualities as a pioneer of the modern military bridging equipment currently used by US forces in operations around the world. Alternatively, the IRB has been driven by the Je Dynamic European Land System or the GD Ils Business Unit General Dynamic. Developed, his IRB entered service with the US Army in 2002, as well as with the Swedish and German armies.

    The bridge system has been in use since 2003 in a variety of concentrated combat operations. The dimensions of the IRB are 6.92 meters in total length, 6,350 kg in total weight, 8.63 m in width and 1.3 m in height, and when the ramp is open it can reach a maximum height of 2 meters. It features an opening and closing mechanism and a non-slip surface equipped with an improved splash plate to prevent flooding of highway bridge installation vessels. Ships launched from trucks can be used to build and deploy bridge modules before vehicles cross shallow waters.A second of the pfm pontoons was developed by cnim Systems Industrial and received orders to equip the Polish Armed Forces. rice field.

    The latest generation pfm modules in use since the mid-1980s and in service with the French Army in the 2000s were capable of interconnection, so the French Army required a complete overhaul, and cnim sent the overhaul to the decided to let The latest requirements, derived from the lessons of the latest missions, are to extend the service life of the system and ensure maximum reliability in case of disaster operations or warfare on the homeland, two mode configurations, i.e. bridge mode as well. I needed it pfm's Fairy Mode offers a tactical advantage, is easy to use, quick, and requires minimal effort. Each pfm module is powered by two more powerful Yamaha 90sb motors to reduce effort.In addition, pfm requires no additional boats and is known for its reliability in the field.Currently BFM implementation performance is second to none. The third is Rich 3, developed in 2002 by esenwag in Germany. This company was acquired by General Dynamics. It is an amphibious bridge transport system for transporting tanks and other military vehicles over seawalls. Development of IM3 began in 1982, an evolution of the M2 system. His last prototype was completed and presented in 1992, with a total of 385 commissioned in Germany and the United Kingdom in 1996.

    The amphibious Rik M3 has been built to date, the latest variant being the M3G, equipped with an armored cabin, air conditioning and nuclear biological and chemical protection from Andy. Multiple Rick M3s can be connected to form a larger raft or floating bridge in Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, UK, Germany and Indonesia. Two or more rigs can be combined into a ferry in less than 3 minutes, and a main battle tank such as the German Leopard or the British his C-Hallenger can be transported in 15 minutes.A total of 8 amphi he combined tricks , can form a bridge with a length of 100 meters.

    The M3 has a payload capacity of 85 to 132 tons. The M3 combines a diesel engine of up to 400 hp with his amphibious 6-speed automatic gearbox. It has an oil drive and towed steering. The Excel full-time vehicle is equipped with a 4th central tire pressure system i.e. pp2005m russia from specification pp2005m and designed with a heavy duty launcher i.e. Kamas 63501 8*8 truck. A place where you can build 40-42 of these Toronto trucks. 268m long and 14m wide bridge track bb2005m, simple design blue designed in 2005, produced by Osuka Yashidiaplan. The aim of the pp2005m project is to renew a fleet of old pontoon trucks of the ppxnumx type and improve all main characteristics. Each pontoon unit weighed 8.35 tons for Vertigo, depending on the design, and the payload increased from 22.5 to 25 tons.

    This pontoon bridge is equipped with propulsion motors for underwater maneuvering. That is, the motor connection MZ330 in the form of a platform with independent sharing of the power plant and motor connection. It can be connected to other pumps to carry up to 10 tons of cargo and create traction. At low speed lines of up to 1800 kg, navigation at speeds of up to 12 notes is possible with sufficiently high maneuverability. The pontoon bridge can be combined with electric ferries mz330 or bmkmt or mo8. The 90 tonnes capacity ferry can be assembled with pontoon bridges of any configuration and design. This depends on your desired traversal requirements. The last one is his IRB bridge in China.

    Large capacity and flow rate The new type of pontoon bridge equipment adopts modular configuration and large capacity changeable structure, so it can carry heavy weapons and large military equipment. In addition, the new funabashi is equipped with an advanced electronic control device, and by greatly improving the degree of mechanization and automation, it is possible to effectively solve the problems of accurate positioning and docking using satellite navigation and positioning. I can do it. China has not released detailed specifications for the pontoon bridge, but the technology is estimated to be on par with exercises recently used by NATO-ally the People's Liberation Army Central Command to build a pontoon bridge across the Yangtze River. During the exercise, we lined up in a row and boarded the Yangse River.

    When properly docked, in just 20 minutes a steel pontoon bridge over 1,000 meters long was formed on the river bank. The combination of speed, discipline, precision, machine control, and precision with AI technology allows China to roll such a long bridge in a short amount of time.

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