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Modern learning development strategies

    Hello, this is data describing the characteristics of modern learners published by Niesen in 2014. This is often used as a reason why many friends of the developing wedding are feeling stressed and frustrated due to the difficulty in finding existing employees.

    This allowed me to grow in my learning and actually participate in training to develop my skills. I think the problem isn't the modern learner, it's us who design the learning experience. Once we know what the modern learner's true strengths are, we design learning experiences in a personal way rather than delivering them to learners in a personal way. Customize how you design your learning experience.

Modern learning development strategies

    I've been doing this for 5 years and believe me the evidence is real. What should we do to help you? Watch the following video. Back in 2014, we spewed data that modern learners get distracted very easily. His attention span is flickering, he's focused on the moment and it's also an impatient person, even watching a video like that, that's when he's 5-10 seconds.

    He's not interested in moving on to the next video, so how can we teach or impart knowledge of experiential skills that will help them grow while they have these traits? can you Suffice it to say that in a clean research learning process that allocates time, an employee can focus on his own development only 1% of his working week.

    So how can we help this model maker learn, grow and improve its capabilities since we first saw it almost five years ago? This has been an interesting study in my company's problem and I've been doing various experiments to make this really modern. We have studied and worked with large consultants like Dealing to help us develop the best programs for these modelers. Luckily, I feel I have found some tricks to this day. They eventually grow up, have little time to study, are easily distracted and impatient, so they can understand what my friends and I want and even eat it.

    The world's greatest consultants do this to help them grow. Find out now. What are the features of this model maker? Oh yeah, subscribe to my YouTube channel I for friends who haven't supported me yet. Click the register now button. Also, with notifications turned on, he can receive 3 inspiring videos from me every week.

    Well, what are the features, the first is advertising. In other words, not tied to a person's place, Tinytoes modelers are highly mobile and do a lot of work at times. This is Ager NB. Sometimes he is there. When is the best time to study? Yes, work is very dynamic and fluid.

    The second sign is that they are all used to having access to information. That's the only thing. When I learn something, I want something, so I can get out of his phone just by looking for him.Informed done. Then, when they get used to Uniment, tell them to sit down, for example, and suffocate knowing that you're not sure if he feels he needs it. If there is no dimension, they agree that they don't want to, they are used to not being given food, so they decorate it, but they assume that it is he who is looking for information. I remember the material itself, so it's definitely not suitable.

    Fourth, they possess the qualities of empowerment. They feel empowered, they can learn for themselves, they can make their own decisions, so if you teach someone who thinks they are an empty cup, they will fill it. It's actually the opposite of their character. So when the trend says empty your glass first, it can't be. B Cikopo's head is empty. A friend who is a model maker and makes the learning process so ineffective also limits their growth.

    I think the collaboration and import aspect is really cool when you look at these he four ante phones. To be honest, I know this place was designed to help you learn you need celebrities. Growth is not always a learning process. Send training to your class, give them a book like this, tell them to read it, make a resume like this.

    Maybe it worked before. The difference is not the traditional one, but the modern loiner. We provide information about different ways of working, different ways of thinking, and things that are different than before, but we are designing a traditional learning program for modern people, not a problem now. How can we choose the brushes that are better suited to each of these traits in turn, and design them in a way that the learning process is better suited to that character?

    When it comes to NTT, enthusiasm for learning is no problem. Because they know that they go to work very dynamically 14 If you can meet a lot of people he yes, don't force it. It should be released in classic for 3 days. . It's also their fault It's their boss closing down so rudely Hello Why is it so easy for us to introduce them to mobile phones? They have to study in the classroom. You can learn while waiting for public transportation between meetings. Yes, that's enough to use your cell phone.

    Of course, accessing this requires designing the learning so that the pieces are short, or in a way often called microlearning. Ten minutes is enough for a bike to learn a particular concept, and you can improve it anytime, anywhere. With condimen on demand, it is no longer enough to create a specific material curriculum and impose it. They are very curious and know how to seek out this information. They don't have to rely on trainers or chicken salons.Hi Dad, if there is a selection of knowledge related to the subject of study, they can always do it. No need to create new knowledge. I just need accuracy. In fact, among butterflies in the face, information he is only a hint.

    You may get accurate information from YouTube. Yes there is a video. Just provide the link. Here's a link if you want to know more. This article is a YouTube video. wife. It's true that many people say it's okay, but it's not. When it comes to really imparting knowledge, you just write the basics and you can't stop learning there. Because only a small part of the learning process is knowing what's important in the first place, and you know it's important. but he was okay, hello, okay, third, was supportive.

    We encourage people from different Crushstation capabilities to join our team and learn together to share different experiences and perspectives. they are modelers. You learn more from the people who are on the team compared to me the trainer may be and our experience kit he said also means their makers social learning also It means that we not only learn from the team members who have already signed up for them, but we can learn from Hi Akak searches on the Internet that were previously empty. You can also ask your friends on social media. He can solicit feedback from friends who are not in class. That's all.

    So it's better than before and our role is to facilitate the learning process together.Finally, Empower is what interests me the most. Because it actually has everything you need to learn and grow. Why would you want to find sources of knowledge? Many of them are on the web, and there are tools to access them. Me.

    They all have a smart phone with a pulse and have access to it, so even the third one has one saved and ready to feel what his boss says. Back in their seats like kids, he has no idea what's going on with ranking it. What you do is suggest I give him a mission. You can do one of these two things, mainly, long before the other tropes, but second, if you can do either of those two things, that's really cool.

    The first is that Egen gives them a mission to solve a real-world problem. Not a cyst with people, not a simulation, not a role, but Nuril's workplace problem, this is Ergen. they should be soft. For example, if you can mitigate it, the effects can actually help a lot of people. For example, if Brazil helps, the effect is also real and it will work. I thought that was correct, or secondly, they just did a project with an empty team so that by the end of the program they could actually pull something out of the completed project. Ask them to do problem-based learning because they need it. Use the one you used first, or the one from project P. It also depends on the crochet theme. Invite me to develop my own. This is for use only. Hopefully all friends, especially friends, will give you a spark of ideas.

    Friends are protected by the development of ways to use these modern lander traits to help them grow. The first thing to do again is to be sexy first. This way the mistakes of the past don't affect the learner, but that's only natural.Let's not buy the bridges that are their strength to those of us who don't fit them. World , Hope you find informative videos and subscribe and don't forget to turn on notifications.

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