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Samsung produces 3NM chips with advanced MBCFET technology, beating out rival Taiwan's TSMC

    Hi Samsung said on Thursday that its competitor namely H. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (tsmc) is used in many groundbreaking technologies and especially when it comes to using field effect or fade transistors in future chips It will have a big impact on production.

Samsung produces 3NM chips with advanced MBCFET technology, beating out rival Taiwan's TSMC

    5-nanometer chip breakthrough field effect transistor This new process is called multi-bridge channel vitae or mbc vitae dumb presentation. This process is about power limiting Fineptc used in cec5 nanometers, increasing energy efficiency by reducing supply. To improve voltage levels while increasing performance by increasing power, connecting lines inside the chip should be powered through anusits ​​with wider channels. This improves performance and energy efficiency compared to Cie technology.

    The use of nanowires in narrower channels and the narrower use of 360M technology by CIE allows Samsung to adjust the width of the anal canal to optimize power consumption and performance to meet different customer needs for decades of devices. I can. Advanced chip devices on the market with 20-nanometer chips are later equipped with planar he transistors.

    Intel switched to Vina Vitae in 2011 at 22nm fab, followed by Ecer Anji at 16nm and 14nm on Vina Vitae. Each of the 3 fins will have to be gated for control but we expect Vinafade to lose momentum once the fin width hits 50m and when it rolls out to the 30nm chip it's finished with the 30M foundry company It will be a problem In 2022, apparently anusit wants to move to the next generation transistor called Vitae nasyid, which belongs to the category called vejgaard all. Expanded to over 20m compared to 5nm process.

    The 1st generation 3-nanometer chip process can consume up to 45% less power, 23% better performance and 16+n area reduction compared to 5-nanometer chips, while the 2nd generation 300m Chips reduce power. Reduce consumption by up to 50%, improve performance by up to 30%, and reduce area by 35%.

    This breakthrough will greatly benefit all vendors that use it, including smartphones, cars, aircraft, military tech, drones and even the medical sector. This technology also provides flexibility for various application development companies, including Android iOS vehicles. Autonomy and robotics pushing the boundaries of created software.

    However, the performance and efficiency comparison will be on the 5-nanometer chip instead of the popular C4-nanometer chip in 2022. For example, Qualcomm's 5-nanometer CV Snapdragon or Samsung Current j4's Exynos 2 100-nanometer are dimensions. MediaTek's t9000 and Qualcomm's first Snapdragon 800 for now Android or Ride report that this 300m Samsung chip will be optimized for non-smartphone systems, but Samsung will soon launch the chip in smartphones. It has guaranteed that it will be done, and the company plans to do so soon. According to tsmc, mass production of the 360m is expected to start in the second half of this year, much later than Samsung implies.

    Samsung won a multi-year race for large orders from Apple, and Qualcomm Test MC still dominates the chip-to-order market and is Apple's chip maker for iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and Max products. but must beat Samsung in new areas. Ordering New 3-nanometer Chips to Boost Zip Performance and Cost Efficiency Samsung worked with German multinational Siemens to ensure Cibaru works across multiple platforms. He also plans to build a factory in Texas that will produce 30-meter chips. Samsung's 3-nanometer chip is likely to be heavily used by the group itself even in 2024, but the 3-nanometer chip has added a new crypto model that is extremely fast and power-saving. There is news that it will be used for testing.

    The Crypto Company is a fun half-company in China that is an ASIC manufacturer. But many car companies want Samsung to be able to prioritize cars. Automakers are currently suffering from a severe shortage of gadget supplies. Some automakers also have high hopes that Samsung's 3-nanometer chips could provide safe driving solutions for cars and vehicles capable of more optimal and safe self-driving. Perhaps we'll soon see an important technological breakthrough as various Jeep makers start moving to 3-nanometer chips. Thank you very much.

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