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Human hibernation secret project, how to make people sleep for hundreds of years without organ damage

    Hello, when we talk about hibernation, our shadow may be in high-tech sci-fi stories. Stories Ashbul Kaf quoted many stories from the Book of Quranic Stories of Sheef Hamid Ahmad Atahira Basni. It tells the story of his seven youths in a cave where he fell asleep for 309 years.

Human hibernation secret project, how to make people sleep for hundreds of years without organ damage

    Hibernation usually occurs in animals to survive extreme weather and avoid dying from starvation or natural disasters. In modern humans, the process of hibernation is nearly impossible naturally, but biomolecular scientists and space programs in several countries have been working to transform humans into floating animations for a variety of purposes, including space travel and chronic living. I'm trying to figure out the exercise code so I can put it in place. The disease wants to pause for hundreds of years until one day an effective drug is found.

    Professor Kelly Drew of the University of Alaska believes that understanding the process that keeps the body stable will allow humans to hibernate. The concept of going to sleep with a slight drop in body temperature can save a lot of energy for food.

    But this is a squirrel that humans stubbornly keep their body temperature at 38 degrees Celsius. In fact, our body temperature drops about 1-2 degrees when we are lying down. But more than that, an increase in body temperature leads to hypothermia, which quickly gives off a fever. A change in body temperature is an indicator of whether our bodies are doing the right thing. In more serious situations, hypothermia can lead to organ failure. A temperature of 30°C makes the heart beat faster, and a temperature of 25°C is very likely to cause the heart to stop. If hypothermia is endured, there is a risk of kidney damage. Drumm claims to have a drug that he believes can safely cool the body. The body has natural sensors that implement shivering mechanisms to maintain body temperature when cold. This medicine definitely works.

    With mice, non-hibernating animals that were an experimental model, Drew has since funded his research with an $11.8 million grant in 2019 from the National Institutes of Health, and has been using the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for human testing. We're talking to the Drug Administration.7% of this condition reduces the body's ability to process essential nutrients such as oxygen, and better protects organs that need oxygen.

    There is nothing wrong with watches that have physically dead components inside. The watch remained intact, motionless, stationary, and needed a new battery or power for people to turn it on again. A little warmth is needed to get the organs working again.

    This is a big problem for researchers. Because cold preserves organs, but does not allow life to fly away when cooled and reheated. This issue will be taken seriously by NASA from 2014. For example, if astronauts can slow their metabolic processes down to near zero, the institution could find a way to facilitate space travel after they are limited by their need to eat, exercise, etc., for long-term research. Funding hibernation. The obvious advantage is that they need less food. The crew remains conscious.

    Bradford is optimistic about his statement that he sees no reason to stop this promising project, but our bodies aren't storing food reserves, so the risk of medical complications is not zero. Astronauts must be fed from tubes that are surgically inserted through holes drilled into their drop stomachs, and the biggest challenge is to keep their body temperature down without shivering or burning energy in the hospital. The chills are treated with sedatives, but the Dashboard team is wary that crashing the astronaut team over weeks or months can lead to true acute hallucinations. I'm here.

    Like Bradford, has cemented this type of drug as a potential medical breakthrough hibernation pot design. This was performed by his NASA engineer using a lunar case with gentle hibernation, quiet low-light environment, and low temperature settings. At 10 degrees Celsius and high humidity, astronauts can continue to move freely, avoid overheating, and wear clothing with sensors that can measure temperature maintenance.

    And their Heartbeat Tasty Capsules, surrounded by water containers that act as protective shields against radiation hibernation, actually prevent radiation sickness and cancer if the crew rests for too long, or if artificial intelligence or anomalies occur. A long-term human travel test developed by NASA that helps protect people from harmful effects has not yet been approved by the US FDA. Public tests and parliamentary votes will most likely have to be done like friends, so thank you

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