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The president's bulletproof suit, the mysterious black bag, and the development history of the bulletproof vest technology

    Hello, please hurry. President Yokobi's arrival in Ukraine certainly puts security preparations in an extraordinary state. A visit to a hotly contested zone involving the world's superpowers doesn't prevent the Pazampre commander from sleeping soundly for days in full combat uniform. I'm asking about the bulletproof vests used in the presidential class.

The president's bulletproof suit, the mysterious black bag, and the development history of the bulletproof vest technology

    Then there are also enough things to grab your attention. That's the black bag that Pazpample always carries pretty close to the president.We're not a nuclear power, so this is of course not a clear button. It is a bag-type bulletproof blanket and blanket that is convenient to carry. The materials used are the same as bulletproof vests, with various security class modifications.

    Transform your K-kids into bulletproof vests in case of shootings in schools or public places. Occasionally, various developments ranging from simple forms such as animal skins to machined husky armor, or body armor made of edged weapons such as swords, arrows, and spears, known in English as armor. experienced and reduced the risk of physical harm since before the Middle Ages. Middle Ages and Middle Ages.

    Armor of the 12th and 13th centuries consisted of interwoven metal rings to protect the head, neck, torso and legs. Iron plates for armor were discovered in his 13th century, and by the 15th century these plates were in widespread use. Overall, the end of the Middle Ages was marked by the replacement of traditional weapons by modern weapons - firearms.

    13 Silk Road trade in Central Asia and bus prices during World War I in England in 1915, through refinement of the chemical composition of the first firearms made in France in the mid-15th century, but protective clothing was made. The specific military that was used, about 2% of the German army created his 1916 protective clothing called Lobster Armor. In 1918, the United States created a body armor called the Browser Body Style. It is made of Nick Steel Elcrom, weighs his 18 kg and protects almost half of the user's body. In 1943, a vest similar to the fleece jacket or flag jacket was made.

    A jacket is a protective garment designed as a vest that helps protect the user from projectile debris. The developer of Flag Jacket has created his company Wilkinson Sword. This was used for his vests in the 2000s and in 1943 he consisted of manganese plates sewn into the Wescott, a material first introduced by the Ical company. It was done. make. The use of boron made the Pi lighter yet more powerful for handling bullet shots, even at close range. of the Korean War and the Vietnam War from 1955 to 1975.

    Aramid itself comes from a combination of the words aromatic and polymeric. In 1965, DuPont introduced an aramid under the name Teflar. Test results show that Kevlar retains mother energy more effectively and is lighter. Another popular material is his Dinema fiber, first discovered in 1968 by a chemist called Dr. Budd Panning, who was working for a Dutch company at the time. It was said to be a strong fiber. Today there is a widespread dilemma regarding different uses for vests and such.

    Ensuring the safety of gloves and ropes and used in the medical world 1972 The Dutch company Axioo develops a para-aramid fiber called Twaron through material refinement and extensive testing. Mass production started in 1982 and 2000, and was acquired by Taijin Co., Ltd. Since then, we have been selling Peraron all over the world.

    Ballistic Protection Safety Standards by the US National Institute of Justice or Nidji Nidji are the trusted standard holders for body armor. Other countries also have their own standards, such as China, Japan, Great Britain, and Nazi Germany, to classify body armor based on the Nidji Level. First his Nidji Level 2A areal density of 3.5 kg per meter, thickness of 4 mm, the gun fires in 9 mm caliber. The ammunition can withstand, the second Nidji level 2 density area is 4.2 kg per meter, 5 mm thick and can withstand rifle shots with 9 mm caliber ammunition, the third level 3A range is an area density of 5.9 kg per meter 6 liters thick.

    At a thickness of 65 m, the fireability of the weapon with the 9 mm caliber 44 magnum 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm NATO of the 5th energy level 4 is an areal density of 5.9 kg per meter at a thickness of 6 l, which is It's gun firing. Ammunition will withstand 9mm 44 caliber Magnum 5.56mm and 30 caliber Armor Niesen, a type of ammunition weapon redundant from World War II militars. Most bulletproof vests were made of layered aramid or ethylenepipoly, and while this type of bulletproof vest was relatively easy to wear, limitations in materials and engineering meant that by American standards, Nidji was primarily a big 3A. Only used in.

    This type of bulletproof vest is ineffective against large-caliber rifle fire. Bulletproof insert panels should be used to withstand higher levels of threat. At present, ceramic bulletproof insert plates are widely used, adopting three commonly used different materials, a common ceramic bulletproof insert plate. Alumina ceramic ballistic inserts are also much heavier, but the price of this alumina ceramic is very low. Second, Silicon Carbide ceramics are much lighter than Alumina ceramics and have less weight impact when compared to PC. Polyethylene is relatively expensive, about 4-5 times more expensive than alumina ceramics. Very expensive, can reach 8-10 times more than silicon carbide and is usually used for standard level 4.

    The next question is, does the president wear a bulletproof vest? Is it possible that the president is well protected by an intelligence agency of various backgrounds and an extensive network of covert operatives backed by sophisticated equipment? it is clear. The chances of the president being attacked are extremely low, but it has happened in past American cases such as Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and John F. Kennedy, so if the entire security network were compromised, What options does the president have? What if the enemy infiltrates intelligence? In such cases, bulletproof vests are very useful. A bulletproof vest can be the last line of defense for a president.

    If in any respect failed however did the president in reality put on a bulletproof vest there may be no professional data however it's far in all likelihood there with the advances made six technological know-how It is viable that researchers have evolved a totally new bulletproof cloth such tires it is probably higher than this bulletproof vest can also additionally were evolved specially for different Puncak chief presidents and their households it's far not possible to expose such things as that formally however in case you appearance bodily at President Jokowi from his garments it's far nearly invisible that he's sporting a popular bulletproof vest furthermore it'll be pretty heavy to make you sweat and fast revel in fatigue thinking about that the cloth superior bullet evidence as mild as material may be flexible and sensible It is viable that presidents and different global leaders can also additionally already be the usage of it Outside of sniper assaults no person with a excessive quality rifle can truly get near the president.

    What's left might be handiest small palms which include pistols and revolvers which can be smooth to cover and the bullets shot via way of means of this form of weapon may be covered via mild bulletproof apparel with buddies so thank you

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