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The Wolbachia Mosquito Squad could save millions of lives

    Mosquitoes are considered dangerous animals that kill many people with dengue fever, Chikungunya malaria, and other infectious diseases. Tropical double YP successfully introduced Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti and has been shown to suppress the outbreak of Wolbachia dengue virus, a bacterium found in about 60% of insects worldwide, which is also found in Aedes aegypti. does not exist in the body of , causing DHF.

The Wolbachia Mosquito Squad could save millions of lives

    This bacterium can be transmitted by mosquito eggs or bacteria. It is safe for humans and the environment. He has three scenarios for the transmission of Bhagya by mosquito gifting. That is, first, a male mosquito containing Wolbachia is left uncontrolled, then this male mosquito mates with a wild female mosquito, and the female mosquito lays eggs but fails to hatch them.

    Female mosquitoes containing full bagyas are released and mate with wild male mosquitoes. The resulting eggs are mosquito larvae that do not carry the dengue virus. From the three scenarios, the research team considers human, environmental and animal impacts, and YP selects the female mosquito release scenario. Releasing happy male mosquitoes can drastically reduce mosquito populations and actually unbalance the environment.

    It is expected that the period of shedding by double YP will expand Wolbachia mosquito populations considerably and that wild mosquitoes will later harbor Wolbachia. The Double Yi program has spread to his three regions. So Latin American hops reached Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, Oceanian hops reached Australia, Kiribati, Tofu, Fiji and New Caledonia, and finally Asian hops reached Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Vietnam. Over 10 years in ongoing Wolbachia mosquito breeding.

    UGM research is funded by the Tahiyyah Hi Foundation. The long-term success of solutions research in Yogyakarta was highlighted by the emergence of conspiracy theories on several social media, as it became one of the success stories delivered in the Bilged speech, but in reality This Wolbachia study has been by UGM for a very long time. As for Bill Gates' commitment, this foundation is funded globally by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, so the Bill and Melinda Gates Focuses on research and funding for health, including WLAN Global, which is funded by the Foundation. In other words, it is multi-functional. cross country.

    Bill Gates, with his global health conspiracy, offers support in three major research areas: renewable energy climate and health. The success of dengue control in Indonesia is certainly not solely due to external funding factors. We conducted an architect or randomized controlled study. Released. Monitoring is being carried out by nurses and researchers to confirm the efficacy of Wolbachia against the spread of dengue virus.

    This intervention rate is far more effective than dengue vaccination as it reduces dengue hospitalization rates to 86.com 1%. This technology is also very innovative and paralyzes enemies using soldiers who oppose the Wolbachia technology implemented in Bantul by placing buckets of Wolbachia mosquito eggs with foster parents in public and social facilities. It continues like a war with an infiltration strategy.

    The storage process takes about six months, with medical staff changing packs of sharks every two weeks. Apart from that, Wolbachia mosquito monitoring is also performed 4 times for him during bucket dumping and 2 times for him after bucket dumping. Remove the bucket when the Wolbachia mosquito percentage reaches 60%. Eggs, because this Wolbachia mosquito can reproduce naturally. The Deni outbreak is being continuously monitored in cooperation with the Bantul District Health Department.

    Successful control of DB could save the economic sector of the community as hospitalization costs are very high. For some, governments can do this. Make people more productive while reducing the burden of health subsidies. Dengue epidemics have always been a regular occurrence, so they are caught in almost every high deck.

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