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Do not buy gold before reading this article

    Have you ever heard our parents say: If you have money left over, buy gold, the price of gold will always go up. The gold can then be stored at home. If you need the money later, you can sell the gold again. On the other hand, some believe that gold is an outdated investment with modest and modest returns. So which one is correct? Is it true that the price of gold will always go up or is it time to buy gold? In this video I will try to explain the pros and cons of investing in gold.

Do not buy gold before reading this article

    Before I go any further, I would like to emphasize that this is not about gold in gemstone form, but generally bullion used for investment. Basically, he has two forms of investing in gold. The first is in the form of bullion and the second is in the form of digital gold. Let's discuss them separately. The first is gold nuggets. If you want to invest in gold bullion, you can buy gold directly from pawn shops, Antam outlets, gold shops and online stores. Before you buy, make sure the gold shop is trustworthy so you can be assured that the gold you buy is genuine. Gold bars for sale come in a variety of sizes. Usually 1/2 gram to 1 kg.

    So my advice is that if you're interested in investing in gold bullion, it's better to save your money up front than to buy 1/2 gram in installments. Therefore, you can buy gold in larger grams. For example, let's say 10 grams. The problem is that if you buy 1/2 gram or 1 gram, the price will be higher than 10 grams of gold. Oh yeah, the price of this gold bar refers to the Antam reference price, which changes daily. The second is Digital Gold. I would say it is more up to date. So when you invest in digital gold, you don't own physical gold, but the gold you hold is still recorded and can be traded digitally.

    There are now many platforms offering digital gold investments. For example, Buka Emas and Tokopedia Emas by Bukalapak. Let's take the example of Bucaemas. In Buka Emas itself, the minimum purchase amount of gold is 0.0001 grams, and if you count under 100 rupiah, imagine you can buy gold already with 100 rupiah capital. In a way, this is really suitable for those who want to invest in gold but have limited money.

    That is, you can do it in installments, such as 10,000 per day. Although this gold is in digital form, the actual gold bars are still out there. For example, he worked with PT on the Bukaema case. Another mine or Antam. So when you buy digital gold from Bukaemas, his physical gold holdings are kept in Antam's vault. Now, some of you may be wondering. If I buy digital gold in this way, can I actually get that gold in the form of bullion? can do.

    Yes, Bukaemas charges a certificate fee and shipping fee to redeem gold bars. Gold will be sent directly to your address later. Now let's talk about what influences the rise and fall of the gold price. In other words, the price of gold is influenced by supply and demand. Demand is the amount of gold demanded, and supply is the availability of gold itself.

    Well, you should know too. What influences the demand for gold? There are several factors that affect the demand for gold. For example, the domestic and international economic and political situation. It could also be due to a rising or falling US dollar. Until the central bank monopoly on gold purchases. Now let's discuss an example. How do global economic and political conditions affect the buying and selling price of gold? So the commander of Iran's elite forces, his name is Qassem Soleimani, was killed in a US missile attack.

    Investors were horrified when that happened. Qassem's death ends the conflict and begins World War III. In this state, many investors ended up buying gold. Because gold is seen as a relatively safe haven amidst economic and political turmoil. The price of gold is rising because of the high demand. This is evidenced by the rise in gold prices during this period. Here we discuss the benefits and risks of investing in gold.

    Start with the benefits. The first advantage is that it protects the value of your assets. So we can say that our money continues to lose value, undermined by inflation. A value of 100,000 in 2010 does not correspond to a value of 100,000 in 2020. Purchased for 100,000 in 2010. This is different from what you can buy for the same amount in 2020. Now we are back to gold. In general, annual gold price gains have outpaced inflation this year.

    For example, the price of gold on January 20, 2019 was 658,000 per gram, while on the same day the next year it was 769,000 per gram, an increase of almost 17%. Meanwhile, inflation in 2019 itself was just 2.72%. You can even get the value and profit of your protected assets. The second advantage is the ease of liquidation. This means you can easily trade at any time. For example, say you have gold bars and need money.

    Therefore, you can go directly to the gold buy and sell counter and sell the gold you have. At this point, you can have cash in your hands instantly. The same is true if there is an investment in digital gold. You can sell immediately and the proceeds can be deposited directly into your account. Additionally, gold produced by Antam has the London Billion Market Association or his LBMA standards. As such, gold with these standards can be traded domestically as well as internationally as it is globally recognized.

    This is also one of the advantages of investing in gold. All people around the world agree that gold is a precious metal and that its value is recognized and standardized in different parts of the world. Here we explain what risks you may take when investing in gold. The first risk is the large difference between the buying and selling price of gold.

    So when buying gold there are two prices. Purchase Price vs. Sale Price To play with this perception, the purchase price we mean here is the price you have to pay if you want to buy gold. On the other hand, the selling price is the selling price. What You Get When You Sell Your Gold Holdings Yes, this sale price is often called the repurchase price or repurchase price.

    Today, January 24, 2020, gold has a buy price of 768,000 per gram and a current sell price of 683,000. Doing the math, there is a difference of about 12.5% ​​between buying and selling gold. For example, if this afternoon he bought 1 gram of gold for 768,000 and suddenly in the evening he wants to sell it again, the sale price has dropped to 683,000. 12.5% ​​loss. In my opinion gold is not a good short term investment. In my opinion, investing in gold will only show results after being stored for at least 5 years.

    However, it is not always profitable. why? This will be explained in the next point. The second risk is that investing in gold is not always profitable. From where? Isn't the price of gold constantly rising? Like any commodity, the price of gold fluctuates. So it's always up and down. The trend is likely to drive gold prices higher, but remember what your purchase price is. We also influence whether it affects the profit. We are in gold.For example, as explained in the first point, the price of gold rose to 550,000 per gram by the end of 2012. This is a loss. Not to mention the tax burden and certification fees we have to pay. No luck, even luck. My advice is to stick to gold purchases if the price of gold tends to rise significantly. The last risk is gone. Of course, like any other item, these small, expensive items can get lost. If you have a lot of gold, say a few pounds. Of course, there are times when you need a safe deposit box or need to keep your gold in a safe deposit box, usually provided by your bank.

    Of course, this locker is not free. Yes, you have to pay. These costs typically start at $200,000 to tens of millions of dollars per year. This depends on the size of the box you use. Well, that's all the video I want to deliver. I hope this video is useful and provides new insights for those who just want to invest in gold.

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