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Marine O2 Orbital Tidal Power Generation Machine

     Hi friends the gravitational pull of the moon and sun together with the rotation of the earth creates tides in the oceans in some places the tides cause the water level near the coast to rise and fall by up to 40 feet people in Europe take advantage of this movement of water to operate grain mills for over 1000  years ago at this time the tidal energy system began to be developed to produce electrical energy the first large-scale tidal energy power plant was put into operation In 1966 the so-called brake marker powerstation in France the other largest facility was a tidal power plant on the lake hmm Wa  in South Korea at this time there are several types of power plants or ocean currents that are commonly used, among others, the first is the tidal dam mod or west energy power, the principle is almost similar to hydropower or hydroelectric power plants where there must be a dam Barrett's powerplant consists of three main parts, the first is the dam or the west which functions to hold water or prevent water, the second part is the sluice gate which functions to let water in and out of the third part, namely the turbine or generator, the sluice is left  open during high tide and closed when the tide is low this creates a potential energy difference that generates a force to the turbine when the water is released the second is the type of tidal lagoon method The tidal lagoon is actually similar to a tidal dam except that  This method is not very expensive.

Orbital O2 Marine, Revolutionary & Environmentally Friendly Tidal Power Generation Machine

    Shark because there is no need to build a large-scale dam. Tidal lagoons also require basins to drain seawater to turn turbines and produce a strip. The ebb and flow of sea water is in principle similar to the working mechanism of a wind turbine, if in a wind turbine it is rotated by wind energy, if the tidal turbine is rotated by tidal energy or ocean currents, basically the water has to rotate the turbine which will then rotate  The generator then generates electricity.

    This system works very well if it is in a very strong tidal zone. Tidal energy technology promises tremendous electric power potential, but there are some negative impacts that this system can have, especially if it uses the barrage and lagoon construction methods.

    In addition, the movement of the propeller covered with concrete endangers marine biota, especially fish when going in and out if one of the innovative companies and developing marine biota marine power generation with the largest capacity and environmentally friendly today is O2 orbital Marine orbital U2 is called the most powerful tidal turbine in the world designed and built by an engineering company In Scotland called orbital has a length of 74 M with arms that reach 18 m  two weigh about 680 Tons and each rotor is 20 m apart with a total working area of about 600 M2 orbital just delivered O2 in the o'neill islands located in northeast Scotland the same location as Microsoft's undersea server odua will generate electricity capable of powering about 2000 houses how it works by combining a giant tube that looks like a submarine at the bottom added an anchor to keep it stable on the inside of the tube located various electronic modules as well as a generator substation toe tip is a rotor driven by force  tides to generate electrical power the arms and blades can be reversed so that they can follow the movement of various maneuvers of ocean currents the generated power is sent to the coast via a very large cable under the sea O2 can be scaled because it consists of separate independent modules so  if you want to increase power, just build or line it up in several places beside it or elsewhere, the maintenance method is also quite easy because the arms are built with a hydraulic hinge system that can be raised and lowered so that maintenance can be done on-site without having to land on the beach or send divers. Going to the bottom sending O2 to various places is also quite simple because it can be dragged with a board which is usually used to drag ships.

    The barge potential for electric power from ocean currents is very promising because it stores high potential energy, some ocean currents at a depth of 40-50 M this is 800-1000 times the density of air so if it moves at a speed of four meters per second it has a very large thrust this is why if the propeller designed by O2 is much smaller than a wind turbine another advantage is that ocean currents are very predictable  different from the wind or the sun How can these orbital companies prove their assumptions they have successfully tested a prototype model on acne Island a few years ago and operate to produce electricity very stable orbital underscore CEO hopes that this O2 can be combined with other environmentally friendly generators such as  wind or solar power to be able to become a focus to reduce the impact of climate change due to the use of electrical energy that uses fuel oil or coal-based Okay friends So at a glance about the O2 orbital engine which is the engine of the strongest ocean current power plant t at this time Thank you ma'am...


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