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Technology Nuscale Small Modular Reactor

     Hi friends, the small module Rector is a sophisticated reactor with a capacity of under 100 megawatts of electricity, the module can stand alone or be combined with other modules so that the capacity increases. One Simple design and easy to send anywhere.

Nuscale Small Modular Reactor, Is a Portable Mini Nuclear Generator the Future Energy Solution

    Large-scale nuclear plants have costs that are too high so that small reactors can be used.  to be a solution for remote remote areas or those that have not been reached by the nuscale network is the first small modular or smr rector to receive design approval from the United States nuclear commission the nosql smr technology can generate 77 megawatts of electricity or MW can be expanded when there is an increase in electricity demand by simply adding a technology module  the nuskhe smr is smaller and simpler resulting in significantly lower costs and a relatively short construction period of less than 36 months as modules can be added incrementally as load demand increases nuscale offers a level  unique flexibility and reduced financial risk for current customers around the world there are hundreds of nuclear power plants most of them are over 30 years old and are about to retire building new plants the old way is very expensive two new nuclear plants to be built in  America is stalled because costs have swelled many times over while the trend of climate change is forcing many countries to abandon dirty coal energy.

    Clean energy generation such as solar, wind and hydro power is indeed being accelerated but it is feared that it will not be able to meet the growing demand for electricity, the electricity crisis has become a threat in several countries.

    A level of safety applied, the small size and simple design of the new skill eliminates a lot of large and complicated systems such as motor pumps  the very long valves or piping found in typical nuclear power plants with a small design smr minimizes more space use budget but is large enough to meet ever- increasing demands muscle power plant durability is unmatched by any nuclear power plant operating in the world currently with the ability to provide reliable long-term power grid recovery support smr NU scale is a mature technology and ready to provide modules to clients in 2027 no skill is not in the conceptual development stage but has already completed and prepared the construction of the first smr power plant  In the United States the Nugel power plant will become part of the Bon Freetour Project or CVP guitar, an initiative spearheaded by the Utah power plant consortium Asus Z modif Isal power system or UMTS other than America Ultra Ina is  h countries outside the region that will soon use skills to supply electricity with clean energy This no-skill method of working uses the LED water reactor system, a light water reactor using plain water as a cooling method as well as a neutron moderator which reduces the speed of neutrons that move too fast , light water reactors produce heat.

    With a very controlled nuclear vision, the fuel fission reaction has a full road that produces high heat, the water that is passed through the file road will boil and flow upwards in the racer then directed to a heat generator and then transferred through the steam generator tube in the steam tube to convert the steam into very high pressure and push it to the turbine turbine generator which converts the turbine rotation into electrical energy steam which turns the turbine leaving the turbine and then entering the condenser to be cooled by the cold steam and being water sent back to the reactor  This process is repeated so that it produces continuous and continuous electrical energy without depending on the weather.

    In addition to the Nuscale hardware package, it is also equipped with a very sophisticated operating and monitoring software system, the application can monitor the performance of each module or even a combination of modules, detects when a system failure occurs and performs monitoring on a regular basis. Realtime or auto shutdown when a system leak is detected, the advantage of mushkil offered to clients is the first ready-to-use prefabricated module, so this module is tested and made at the factory so that the location where it only requires civil concrete construction to put the second module is very fast, only  it takes less than three years to build a nuclear reactor until it is ready online most of the time is spent on the civil construction process this provides an investment certainty because we know when and how the modules will defend  The third work of nuclear does not result in carbon emissions, so it is one of the clean energies with a full production capacity without depending on nature, the fourth is the technology using an LED water reactor with strict waste management and the use of much less fuel.

    The fifth reactor can turn off the system. independently without outside intervention when a leak or damage occurs, but the pros and cons are still part of nuclear projects, including in some developed countries such as America and Europe, most of them are still doubtful about the radioactive effects caused by Fukushima and Chernobyl Sri, leaving quite deep trauma, especially  If radioactive waste management is not carried out properly, NU skill tries to ensure that small-scale nuclear reactors are very easy to mitigate when a reactor system failure occurs on their own without requiring the intervention of the reactor operator to lock and  n turns itself off without the need for external electricity supply, it is impossible to operate its first system in 2029 in Idaho, America and if nosql can provide evidence of the safety and comfort of residents around the project site, this mini nuclear reactor will become a trend of emission-free power generation in the future  What do you think, friends, is nuclear a solution to climate change?


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