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Mirror Electricity Concentrated Solar Electric Technology CSP

     Hi friends, the Solar Power or jxp concentrate power plant generates electrical power by using a mirror to concentrate or focus solar energy and convert it into high-temperature heat.

    Electric generator powerplant usually consists of two parts one that collects solar energy and then converts it into heat and another that converts heat energy into electricity in America and Europe csv power plants have been operating reliably for more than 15 years CSB technology requires a large area to collect  So that solar radiation can be used to generate electricity on a commercial scale, currently CSB technology uses 3 alternative technological approaches, namely the Trough system, power tower system and parabolic dish system.

Mirror Power Produces Millions of Watts 3 Types of Concentrated Solar Power Technology

    This technology and will review a commercial scale project that has been successful. First, we will discuss the CSB technology, the necklace system. The trough system uses a large u-shaped reflector or focusing mirror that has a pipe filled with oil that flows along its center. The mirror reflector is tilted towards the sun and then focuses the sun's rays.

    On the pipe to heat the oil up to a temperature of 750 degrees Celsius the pipe is coated with anti-reflector to absorb heat optimally. The pipe that contains oil also has a vacuum layer that will keep the heat maintained like a thermos of hot water.

    already submerged and providing a much longer working time span the hot oil is then used to boil water which produces steam and runs a turbine or conventional steam generator on the system. acking that tracks the movement of the sun so that its rays are always focused.

    Many countries have applied this system, one of which is in America, precisely in Nevada, which installs an area of ​​120 hectares and can be used to power dozens of factories and thousands of homes. The second is the power tower system, the power tower system.  also known as csv central receiver uses hundreds to thousands of heliostats or large flat mirrors to reflect sunlight and focus its rays onto the heliostat mirror receiver given the King system controlled by software to track the sun's light points and follow their movement the receiver is positioned on top of a tall tower where concentrated sunlight heats the liquid usually using molten salt liquid which is heated to a temperature of 1050° Celsius there is also a new method that uses rock powder as a heat store which is able to retain heat up to 800 ° after being exposed to heat.

    Even after hours of sunset the heat stored in molten salt can be immediately used to make steam for power generation or stored for later use molten salt has proven to be able to retain heat efficiently so it can be stored for days before being converted into electricity this means electricity  can be generated during periods of peak demand on cloudy days or will be on the last or third night is a dish system dish system using a mirror dish usually about 5-10 times the size of the TV parabola to focus and focus the sun's rays onto the receiver integrated into the receiver.

    In high-efficiency external combustion engines the engine is usually equipped with a thin tube filled with hydrogen or helium gas that flows along the cylinder. 4 Pistons there are also those that use an evaporation turbine when concentrated sunlight falls on the receiver to heat the gas d  in the tube to a very high temperature causing the hot gas to expand into the expanding gas cylinder this moves the piston the piston rotates the crankshaft which drives the electric generator.

    The power system of the tool is designed to be quite compact and uses a special gas that can maintain long-term thermal temperatures with an efficient microturbine system, besides that it is also equipped with a microcontroller to produce more optimal power today, apart from Europe and America, Africa, the Middle East and China as well.

    Starting to implement a lot of concentrated solar power in Africa, there are local and European consortiums that are building 400 megawatt power projects while China is pursuing a renewable energy mix making a giant project on the ears in the Tibetan region of the Gobi Desert. is an eroproject project for the construction of many solar concentration power plants by applying a power tower type location in the ear has a sunlight duration of up to 3500 hours this project is designed to produce 50 megawatts of electricity and was built by its solar cousin at sunrise the heliostat starts rotating to track sunlight in real-time  time ago accurately reflected the sun's rays to the central receiver noisy molten salt implied circulation of molten salt heated to 500 60° Celsius and then flowed and stored into a tank of hot molten salt is used as a heat exchanger to heat water to produce high pressure steam that drives The generator's electrical energy-generating turbines are configured to store molten salt heat for up to seven hours, enabling a stable and sustainable supply of electricity.

    The project started in March 2017 and construction was carried out in the Gobi desert at an altitude of 30  17 meters above sea level so that during winter the temperature can drop to minus 37 degrees Celsius so that the construction process was hampered due to bad weather in november2018 all installation work was completed and on 26-12-2018 the steam turbine began to rotate and on 30-12-2017 electricity The resulting generator can be synchronized and entered into the country's electricity grid.

    The generator reached full load operation on 17 APR 2009. At this time the plant is running very optimistically by exceeding design parameters by generating 17 gigawatts of electricity per month and getting certified as the most modern and reliable csv generator in the world. a fully automatic management system and scheduled routine maintenance automatically also make the efficiency of the electricity produced has a very stable performance.

    The project in the Gobi desert has finally been widely adopted in various regions of Africa and the Middle East, which have vast deserts with bright sunlight. There is enough technology and efficiency is increasing, especially some world energy companies such as Total are also developing this technology. It is hoped that electricity with JXP technology will become one of the reliable renewable energy alternatives in the future


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