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Here are 20 stocks that always pay dividends

    All I do is take money from my previous company. I thought that was the only way to make money, but I discovered there was a capital market. The problem is that not all of them pay dividends. In the capital market he can profit in two ways. One is capital gains (difference between buying and selling shares) and the other is dividends (a portion of a company's net profit that is distributed to shareholders).

Here are 20 stocks that always pay dividends

    This video focuses on the second type of profit. Dividend profits are an extreme example. About four months ago, Mr Sandia Gauno said on May 13, 2022, he received a dividend of Rp 175 billion for his shareholding in the company. Seratoga Investama, whose stock code is dividends, said 175 billion was transferred directly to stock accounts that day. That's what it means. A big payout follows.

    Which companies like to pay dividends and how much capital they have so dividends are big so what are we trying to discuss in this video.The problem with making those two things happen is currently Of the 800+ publicly traded companies, not all pay dividends. Not regularly, but there are some regularly. However, regarding the dividend, the value in the video is small, so before that, let's talk about how much A is. How much dividends you can get from companies, first you need to know which companies pay dividends each year and where to start. You must check in one by one from the current 800+ companies. No answer needed A stock market expert made a list of 20 stocks of companies that pay regular dividends and found the dividends to be high, so instead of 800 companies, 20 selected companies to start with It is recommended to check if It doesn't get much more efficient in your time and energy than considering all the companies currently listed on the stock exchange.

    Well, in short, this company's 20 stocks may be familiar with some of the companies on this list. I'm trying to guess: Yes, you must know Antang Astra Bank BCA BNI BRI Mandiri Sampoerna Indofood K albe Farma Telkom company and the rest of Unilever.Some of you know, some of you don't. There may be,These companies are big companies in Indonesia and its products so why are they well known.Maybe you have used them, remember, these have been for the last 3 years at least There are 20 companies that pay dividends regularly or always, and the dividends from these 20 companies are quite large. Let's prove we're big.

    For example, if you use a story such as you have 10 million rupiah and 10 million money on January 1, 2015 and at that time you will buy shares of BRI bank at the price of BRI bank. It is good analysis to discuss things. The shares were 2330 per share for him, so 10 million rupiah can get his 4,200 shares in bank BRI. Also known as the 42 Lot, aligned with the stock split, from January 1, 2015 he will run through December 31. After that, the bank's management said that BRI finally held its annual shareholders' meeting in March 2016 next year. Basically in 2015, yesterday we announced that we made a net profit of 25.4 trillion from the business and decided to distribute his 40% of that 25.4 trillion. This means that about 7.6 trillion can be distributed to shareholders because the shares are in sheet form.

    By the way, today it is electronic, so I had to split Rp 7.6 trillion into all the shares that existed at that time, there were 123 billion shares. That means a shareholder of about 1 share of Bank BRI's corporate stock would receive his 62.33 dividend. Dividends will be paid on April 22, 2016. In conclusion, all his Bank BRI shareholders will receive his 62.33 dividend for each of his Bank BRI shares he owns. This cannot be done and dividends are paid directly to your stock account. Apr 22, 2016 Okay.

    BRI shares are entitled to a dividend of 4200 x 62.33, which is approximately 261,000. it's not. In fact, come to think of it, the amount spent to buy his 4,200 shares in the bank in 2015 was only Rp 10 million, or Rp 9,786,000 to be exact. After 16 months of BRI, citations alone have generated $261,000, or just 2.67% of the investment. If in 16 months he spent 10 million in business selling spring rolls, you might consider Haller. My capital of 10 million became 20 million. This is also known as his 10 million profit invested in shares by the Belt and Road Bank. You only get 200,000. Oh, if the loss, loss, loss, profit is 100%, it's only 2.67%, you're right to think that way, but if you look at it from a slightly different point of view, you made it for 261,000 and you didn't do anything, no.

    It's okay to buy shares. What's the difference if you're in the spring roll business? I have to go to the market to look for oil eggs, and it's raining when I sell them. You don't have to do anything to 4200 shares of BRI Bank, but if BRI Bank shares in the profits of a year's work, even if you only have 1 lot or 100 shares of BRI Bank, can also benefit. Since the status is the same, you will receive a dividend. Both owners of BRI Bank, this is a brief description of passive income, also called change in English. I figured if I wanted to make money, the only solution would be a job.

    If I really wanted to be rich, I have to work hard to run a business from zero to ups and downs, and in the end I can succeed.A friend who started his own business and is really successful How many of you? As an entrepreneur, you who want to start a spring roll business are ultimately just afraid of market hitters who don't want to be in business anymore, but you know there is such a thing as a capital market. Ok.In this market, we can buy any company we like and we can be the owners of the company.

    All that remains is to avoid sharing profits with companies you like. If shareholders pay dividends, they will not continue. For example, if your baby is routine, you wouldn't give them dividends every year, right? Then if you find a company like that, do your best and try to save more. That way he can buy 100 shares in installments. 200 sheets, 500 sheets, what should I do? Increase your stake in the company to increase the dividends you end up receiving. please do not worry.

    I can't seem to be an entrepreneur. It turns out that you can. That is, only the shareholders of the company. Because the concept is that buying shares is the same as buying ownership in a company. Now let's analyze the BRI Bank company. Are dividends paid regularly and are the dividends high? When I checked the BRI Bank website, I found that they had been visiting www.ir-bri.com/dividen.html since 2003. To date, BRI Bank has never rested on its dividends. It's a no-brainer because we've always paid dividends to our shareholders. As a result, he concludes that he may still pay a 19-year dividend next year.

    When it comes to dividends, even if it used to be for interest, the company doesn't always allow dividends, but data like this makes me even more confident that this company is a Belt and Road bank. increase. From 2003 to most recent 2021, one thing to note here is that his dividend per share from his BRI shares in the bank has trended up from just 8.42 previously. Rupiah per share. The 2003 stock has increased further to 174.25 per share in 2021. While the dividend was only Rp 62.33 when he bought in 2015, in 2021 he will have a dividend per share of Rp 174.25, an almost triple increase in seven years. Of course, BRI Bank's performance continues to grow each year, and so does its dividend payout almost every year.

    How much dividend would you get if you held 4200 shares from 2015 to date? Take a look at the table below. Remember when you bought Bank BRI shares on January 1, 2015? Is this a dividend from his 2014 Bank BRI operation in the previous year?Buying 4 months from January to April. you can still get it, right? There is this BRI bank. As of January 1, 2015, I am dealing with a significant date when paying dividends. First, check out this video. Yes, I will explain the terms of the dividend.

    Looking at the dividend per share column each year, it rises almost steadily from Rp 58 to Rp 62 82 106 132 168 and then drops to Rp 98. This is due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Since January 1, 2015, the shares of bank BRI have been raised again to Rp 174 per share due to his 4200 shares. This means that the total dividend received for owning shares of Bank BRI is Rp 3.7 million. Recall that dividends do not include gains from capital gains on BRI Bank shares. If you really want to sell shares first, buy today at a price of 2330 per share. 4500 yen per piece It's almost 100% up and it's pretty good, so I'd like to tell you about it in this video. There are two types of stocks that we can buy: the first are stocks that can be held forever and the second are undervalued stocks. H. You can buy when the price is low and sell when the stock price is high, returning to a fair price if the second kind will be discussed later. If possible, the dividend per share will also increase from year to year.

    The rest of the criteria can be adapted to our individual personalities. For example, if you want a product that you like, for example, if you want to find a company subject to Sharia law, you can also talk about BRI Bank. This is not Sharia law, but don't worry. , you can analyze 19 other strains from the list. Right, look for dividend common stocks. Dividends continue to increase each year. By the way, you can google the 20 stock listings with the keywords idx high Deep 2 0 2022. This is more or less a list of 20 companies with high or high dividends, meaning 2022. is the year if tomorrow is he 2023, 2024, 2030, etc.

    Detailed information about mentioning BRI Bank shares here is certainly not a recommendation, as each year the list of these 20 stocks is continually updated as follows: I've talked a lot about BRI Bank in my previous videos, but this is just a study material to give you an idea of ​​what your friend might be like. What are the characteristics of a good company and bank BRI? For example, most people are familiar with this company, which constantly reminds us that our investment decisions should be made by ourselves, not by others. Now, the last part is a question that is often asked about the first dividend. When does the company usually pay its dividends between March and July, but in practice it could be anytime, depending on the outcome of the company's second annual shareholders' meeting where the dividends go: RDI, aka Dealing with investor funds. account or his RDN. It can be called a customer fund account or a stock account, so those who do not have a stock account can download the Stock Magic application on their mobile phone, register with a stock cave code of 0, and win 1 lot of prizes. . After Securities Magic's stock registration, he usually only has to wait 1-2 business days and his stock account is ready.

    This means that you are ready to become an investor and start receiving dividends for the first time. I wonder if securities are safe if your company pays dividends. It is safe as it is registered and regulated by the Bro Financial Services Authority. Then you can get your dividend. How many shares do I need to get a dividend? The answer is 100 shares. There have already been discussions from the Indonesian stock exchange to change the shares, so why the possibility of acquiring shares in the future? A ton of stocks from 100 shares to 1 sheet okay, then where can I get historical data on the company's dividend levels? It's as easy as searching on Google using the keywords bank BCA dividend history. If you are looking for it you will almost certainly find it.

    There is a saying that investing is a long round game. If you want to make a profit in stocks in a week, a month or a year, then of course this channel is not for you, but if you have a dream that you can safely invest in the long term, I completely agree. You don't have to worry about your children or relatives because you can receive dividends every year at the time of your term and retirement.

    Maybe there is no stock video to help shape that mindset. That's what this video is all about. The message is that I'm always afraid to learn stocks from scratch

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