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Tips for Choosing the Best Health Insurance

    Now let's talk more about health insurance. How to choose the best insurance according to the mechanism, content, budget and needs. You can understand it in a short time. Medical insurance is insurance that compensates for medical expenses when visiting a hospital or doctor.

Tips for Choosing the Best Health Insurance

    Well, the main service is actually inpatient and outpatient care. What is the difference? Hospitalization means hospitalization by using a hospital room.

    Today, it is typically used to treat serious illness, such as when surgery is required, hospitalization is required, or when you have an accident and end up in the intensive care unit or emergency room.

    Second, when you go for outpatient treatment, go to your regular doctor. For example, if you have a fever or a mild illness, go to your doctor and get a prescription for medicine.

    In addition to the two main services, there is also the term additional services or riders, eg dental care, opticians, maternity or pregnancy. This additional benefit is often misinterpreted as actually separate insurance.

    Also, if you have dental, eyeglass or maternity insurance, ie health insurance with additional benefits for teeth, pregnancy or eyeglasses. Well, insurance products rarely sell these benefits separately. It does exist, but is commonly found in the same products as health products. Currently, when purchasing health insurance, not all health insurance plans offered cover all of these services.

    That said, the better the cover, the more expensive it is, sure, but is it reasonable? But not all are perfect and all expensive things suit our needs.

    So when you get health insurance, do you first want to know which benefits are more important? Well, let's start the discussion during hospitalization, for example. Inpatient care is certainly a top priority when choosing health insurance.

    Inpatient care is usually the largest cost factor. For example, when an accident occurs, or when you have to go to the intensive care unit in an emergency, when you need surgery, specialists, and various treatments lasting several days in the hospital. Therefore, inpatient protection should be maximized, second only to outpatient treatment.

    A visit to a specialist or family doctor should generally not be expensive. But if you really need to add outpatient services, the second consideration may be post-hospitalization. Other services such as dental care, glasses and pregnancy are certainly at the bottom. why? Remember, the more coverage you have, the higher your premiums will be.

    Choose according to your budget and needs! All insurance policies must include an exception clause. This means things or conditions that are not covered by insurance. Well, there are some points to be aware of when it comes to health insurance, so let's take a look at them one by one. The first is Pre Existing Condition. This means your current status at the time you enroll in health insurance.

    Name insurance covers risks that have not yet occurred. So when we take out health insurance, we are already at risk in our policy and not covered by our insurance. As such, they are often asked to include proof of a medical examination or a statement that they are currently in good health.

    For example, if you purchase health insurance for maternity or maternity benefits, do not purchase during or after pregnancy, and if you purchase during or after pregnancy, maternity coverage will be covered for your next child. Not for the child we have now.

    The same applies to serious illness. Also, if you have health insurance and you already have a serious illness such as cancer or diabetes, your insurance does not directly cover the cases you already have. There are some, but with special conditions. That means an additional waiting period of about a year. This means that you cannot claim these terms until you have paid the premium for one year.

    In addition to previous illnesses, there are some other exceptions not covered by health insurance. For example, traditional or experimental medical procedures such as acupuncture, visits to shamans, and holistic treatments. Then there is something very special about treating serious illnesses. For example, some insurance companies offer special products with such conditions, such as cancer treatment, dialysis, etc. In addition, exceptions such as mental illness, neurosis, stress, depression and mental illness are not included in health insurance.

    In that case, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS will not be covered by insurance. Self-harm, attempted suicide, and injuries resulting from a variety of unlawful acts are also not covered. Cosmetic treatments such as plastic surgery are not covered by health insurance.

    Finally, health insurance also excludes medical care for injuries caused by extreme activities such as scuba diving, mountaineering, rock climbing, white water rafting, and other extreme sports. Please note that the above exclusions apply to all health insurance plans, but this does not mean they are all on the same terms. Therefore, you should learn before buying.

    What are your options for insurance companies that offer health care products? You've heard of many insurance companies. For example, Allianz, Prudential, Manulife, AXA Mandiri, Cigna, Sinarmas, Lippo, Megalife, Generali. All of these can be found in the listings on our website lifepal.com.

    This means we get a lot out of it as a customer because we have many options and can find one that suits our benefits and needs.How to choose a reliable health insurance company? Always safe! All insurance companies operating in Indonesia should be trustworthy as they are closely guarded by the Financial Services Authority.

    Insurance is basically the same as choosing a bank. Of course, we trust well-known brands and they already have a proven track record. There are two types of health insurance claims, the first is non-cash.

    This means you will receive a card that proves you have health insurance. Just show this card when you go to the hospital or doctor. All post-treatment bills are tied to your insurance company and no security deposit is required.

    The second option is a refund. This means that you will cover all medical expenses incurred at the hospital and send them to your insurance company along with your bill or proof of payment. The insurance will then reimburse these costs. Of course, the two methods differ in price. If you want to be practical, cashless health insurance products certainly make it easier, but more expensive.

    Why are some health insurance claims denied? Remember that policies are always in effect. don't be late Only if the document contains an invoice or proof that it is incomplete. Also remember to ensure that any treatment or medical expenses we provide are covered according to the provisions contained in the policy.

    Just like credit cards, insurance companies have limits or so-called limits. Usually the first choice we need to pay attention to is the cost of the hospital room. For example, if your room limit is 1 million, that means your ownership is over 1 million. If you want a first-class hospital, i.e. one with only one room or a maximum of two people, you need to know the upper limit your health insurance will have to cover or pay for.

    In addition to the room rate for the number of nights treated, an emergency room, medication, and maximum surgical costs are also usually specified. Now, if possible, you should choose health insurance that covers medical expenses according to your hospital bill. Insurance companies use several factors to calculate health insurance premiums. Generally, age, second gender, third the insurance or benefit offered, and fourth the medical history of the insured.

    This means that the higher the risk the insured takes, the higher the premium. After all, getting older certainly increases your health risks. As a result, health insurance is more expensive for the elderly than for the young. For example, do you have health insurance, is your money burning? Well, health insurance is not an investment. In other words, costs, expenses. Minimize major risks with little effort.

    However, there are also many health insurance companies that offer no-claim bonuses. This means that if you don't file a health insurance claim within a certain period of time (usually he's a year), your insurance will be reimbursed. Either 20%, 50% or 100% of the premium we pay. Now the option is there. So why not just buy a policy that refunds your premiums? In general, policies that offer no-claim bonuses or premium refunds will refund premiums, but they are usually higher than policies that do not refund premiums.

    So we conclude how to choose health insurance according to our needs. First, make sure your benefits and insurance meet our needs. The second exception is the one that doesn't exclude what you want. A third-party insurer must be reliable and have a good track record.

    The fourth method is cashless if possible, and you can make a claim if necessary. The fifth limit or cap depends on the premium you pay and your needs. Sixth, you can choose a policy that offers a premium return service. To get health insurance, be sure to purchase it from an authorized insurance company partner. Lifepal, for example, works with dozens of insurance partners to offer hundreds of the best insurance options.

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