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Lightning power generation, a method of converting lightning into electrical energy

    Hello, wind and solar power have become champions of clean energy sources, but can humans harness lightning in the same way? Of course, the average lightning strike contains about 5 billion joules. Therefore, many experts want to harness the electrical energy released by lightning strikes, but there are many challenges in obtaining and harnessing this energy. The first puzzle is figuring out where lightning is going to strike, but even though lightning strikes around the world about 100 times a second, these lightning bolts are irregular, unpredictable, and have very little Only a percentage can land.The next task is energy conversion.

Lightning power generation, a method of converting lightning into electrical energy

    An object struck by lightning is molded into a usable shape, experiences heat in excess of 20,000 degrees Celsius, and the resulting potential difference is now approximately 100 million volts.To produce devices that can safely withstand these extreme conditions That is very difficult for electronic devices at this time, and they were not designed to withstand 5 billion lightning strikes in July with a single strike of about 1400 kWh. It powers the average home for four months, but most of that energy is actually absorbed into the atmosphere as heat.

    What is the process by which this lightning bolt forms and acquires incredible electrical power? It all starts with millions of water droplets and ice-laden clouds that collide during the collision process. Electrons are ejected and collect at the bottom of the cloud, creating a negative charge at the bottom and a positive charge at the top of the cloud. When the electric field is strong enough, the negative and positive charges separate to form an electric field. The surrounding air is ionized to produce positive and negative ions. When this difference accumulates and becomes large enough to cause lightning, most lightning occurs in clouds.

    However, some lightning bolts find their way and make way to the earth where they can crash into the land. How close are we to battery technology? This is the result of nearly 1.4 billion surveys and evaluations by multiple companies and experts.

    Only 25% of these actually reach land. This means that if you have 100 available, you only have 350000000 lightning strikes that can potentially be used, as most or 75% are intraco strikes or in-cloud and blood/between-cloud mace. % of all these lightning strikes are lossless in capture, transmission and storage. It receives 490 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually. By 2021, an estimated 30 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity is expected to be consumed worldwide each year. So if we can catch lightning, we can condemn the world for about 10 days to catch all the lightning, with a gradation spanning the whole world of cover equipment to catch electrical energy, a mile away You will most likely have to build a very tall tower. by lightning.

    Hi should handle a massive charge in just over 30ms. It's roughly the duration of the lightning strike that handles that instantaneous force. In the 2000s, a researcher named Stefly Roy allegedly used an artificial bolt of lightning to turn on a light bulb for several minutes. Harness the energy of lightning. The company built an underground cable tower in Houston, a city where lightning strikes are frequent, in 2007, but the Seo Donatelli SBY is too expensive and inefficient to operate in the long term. I honestly said no.

    The project was eventually shelved and declared a failure in the 2000s. A group of French scientists have tried to control lightning with lasers. They used lasers to induce electrical activity in an attempt to attract lightning bolts in the New Mexico desert. Sweden fired lasers. The clouds had high electrical activity. Unfortunately, lightning doesn't strike where you aim. Lightning is an extraordinary force of nature with promising potential, but when it comes to harnessing existing technology, nothing compares to Dean's success.

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